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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. it will have the potential to become loose over time depending on how much you mess with it, but I suspect there were inconsistencies in the assembly of the wing hinge. When I got mine fresh out of the box one side was stiff, and the other moved on its own when rolling the Valkyrie left and right.
  2. The stand adapters appear to have a hexagon peg hole. Do the newly released Arcadia stands have a hexagon peg? The stands that came with the Arcadia VF-1's and SV-51 did not.
  3. Using pliers on the rivet is probably the best option. If you are worried about marring the metal put something inebetween the hinge and the pliers. Thick card stock, or something similar.
  4. Nice. As a reminder, the caps on the wing ports for the tampo-ed boosters can be pushed up from the underside of the wing. I had forgotten about that when I was handling it awhile ago.
  5. Yep. SV-51 is a petrol guzzling beast.
  6. Could they? Yes. Will they? Hard to tell. It would be nice for consistency.
  7. Not a problem. I am excited for you to get them and try them out! Post some pics of what you come up with.
  8. Nice.
  9. That is quite the dip!
  10. What did you decide on, on where did you order from?
  11. Too early to tell. It is a safe bet that they would do repaints, though. Far be it from Bandai to not pay off a mold.
  12. Thanks for your order! I sent you a PM.
  13. I made a soar specific one to test. Looks like it works.
  14. Nice! Do you have an area for a display of that magnitude?
  15. I hear you. It has been mentioned before, but I am a little worried about the diversity of add-ons for the new series. I would rather have several unique Valkyries over a bunch of different add-ons. Don't get me wrong, I do like the different parts and missile spam options. I just think Frontier met my limit.
  16. The SV-51 is a great catch as long as you are aware of its shortcomings. It looks great, but you need to handle it with care. As xrentonx said it is very sharp, and fairly finicky. It does not usually hold its shape very well in each mode as things tend to un-tab themselves or wobble. Luckily, it does come with a workable display stand. Keep in mind the SV-51 is HUGE. Check out anymoon.com
  17. I was the same way with the RVF until I came across a deal I couldn't pass up. I am glad it isn't my only 25, but I really do like it grouped with the others. It is very unique. Now you get to track down a ghost set!
  18. Just the stands themselves. Happy CNY!
  19. I took it more as showing the pieces that are not pinned or otherwise permanently attached.
  20. Ditto on pics of the customs! What are your plans?
  21. I have seen people post pics of the Galia 4 speaker pods clipped onto the wings of the v2's. I think it is a similar connector.
  22. I haven't touched the stickers, but that looks pretty cool!
  23. That looks pretty slick. Is that Isamu's bayonet, or is that game accurate?
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