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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Grab 'em while you can.
  2. Still no updated tracking on elbows. Stuck in Oakland CA.
  3. The hard point attachments, or the missiles themselves? Mine fit fine on the wings, but the tabs connecting the actual missiles are loose.
  4. Great pics! I see you pilfered your YF-19 for missiles as well.
  5. I agree. Over the canopy gunpod is awesome.
  6. Thanks! It was a fun one to make. I appreciate the loaner. Update: looks like no elbows today, and tracking hasn't updated.
  7. I agree. It is my favorite mode so far, but just slightly nudging out fighter mode. I love the typhoonish/tomcat cross breed design
  8. Hahaha! One of us! One of us! One of us!
  9. It has never happened before with any other Valkyrie, but I did actually cut my finger on the 0D. It drew blood.
  10. It is quite a bit of pointy bits:
  11. I had been detaching them. I think the issue is with how tight the shoulders are. Just make sure to rotate and angle them clear out of the way.
  12. I checked mine earlier today. I have the same scratches. It is the diecast shoulder plate that is rubbing against the intake when you swing out the arms. Just make sure you are mindful of it and rotate the shoulder out of the way. Pretty surprising how cleanly it scrapped off, though. No wear, just straight down to the white plastic.
  13. Prints are coming out well.
  14. The fighter mode adapter is extremely tight. It alarmingly squeezes the legs together with a lot of force. If you do manage to get it on, it is difficult to remove. I have made a replacement available. It has the same hex hole in it and should be just as compatible with stands as the included one. You can find it here.
  15. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    I am down for some space roaches.
  16. That was one of the reasons I went with the cap head bolt.
  17. I do not know how strong your hands are, but I can get away with hand tightening the stands down for the most part. Always good to go back with tools, but you seem to be without them
  18. Arcadia VF-0D Fighter adapter available here It should be compatible with any other stand that the included adapters would be compatible with. Edit: Elbows should be back in stock tomorrow.
  19. Ok....Spent 15 minutes checking tolerences with the SV-51 adapter. I am going to kill 3 birds with one stone. The SV-51, 0D banking, and 0D standing adapters are now this one adapter: New store link here
  20. The tabs, or what areas?
  21. That is a killer pic. Edit: That was why I am leaning towards the hex hole vs yamato tab.
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