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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Working on VB-6 adapters. This one should work with the gerwalk and destroid adapters the VB-6 comes with: Custom adapter for fighter mode: I went with a banking orientation for the attachment point as that was the best for integrity of the printed adapter. I am printing these out now. I will revise if needed.
  2. This is my first konig. Not sure if this is the same for earlier versions, but keep an eye out for all of the tiny tabs on the leg shroud pieces when getting back into fighter mode. I would imagine it would be easy to snap some off if they are forced together unaligned. The only other issue I was having was getting the destroid head out of the shroud. Felt like I had to force it past the piece behind the head.
  3. Have some pics! Stress mark on hip flap thing-a-ma-bobber: Fighter BEASTLY: Gerwalks: Destroid: Stand pieces, or really bad straws. You decide:
  4. I can hopefully start working on one tonight.
  5. Mine is waiting at home. Made it through customs pretty fast. Edit: Had a moment to snap a pic and transform to gerwalk. No oily feeling. Hips were very tight, and there was a stress mark before I transformed. This is my first VB-6. Transformation seems easy enough. I have to run, but I will post more pics tonight.
  6. Happens mostly on my gamlin. Make sure the hips are tucked up all the way and ditto what no3ljm said.
  7. Edit: Thanks for the link, EXO.
  8. Alrighty, you tease, let's see the Lego's.
  9. I would purchase a revamped 51. Proportions and such are great. It just needs a second pass and tightening up design-wise.
  10. It will be interesting to see the 19 advance next to my Arcadia. The bandai one is gonna have about 3 valks worth of tampo on it.
  11. Yeah, nothing personal. Just seems like all of your posts are in Spanish. We want to read what you are posting
  12. Puede haber gente en este foro que no saben lo que está diciendo . Por favor, intente y publicamos en Inglés , por lo que podemos escuchar sus adiciones a las discusiones . Also, nice resurrection of a dead post. 12 years is work for a true necromancer.
  13. Puede haber gente en este foro que no saben lo que está diciendo . Por favor, intente y publicamos en Inglés , por lo que podemos escuchar sus adiciones a las discusiones .
  14. These are good points. I would add that they should either revise or remove delimiter mode. My Gamlin's legs come off when rotating out of fighter mode. I never display it in delimiter (does anyone?). It is neat they have it, but like the 19's highspeed mode I think the compromise isn't worth it. I think the look of 21/22 fighter mode is as near perfect as it can get and still be transformable. I would be ok with a fatter belly if it meant better legs, and possibly gunpod storage. More tampo would be welcome. It'd be great to see arcadia push more tampo on their $300ish figures.
  15. I'd never get mine than!
  16. Personally not a fan of multiples, especially macross. I'm in it for the unique transformations and solid alt modes. I get enough mold fatigue from what ends up being the same figure with a different paint scheme and unique head. I did grab 2x on the Arcadia 19, and Ozma 25 reissue. More for that safe keeping after waiting so long. Gonna keep them MISB. I also find that sticking to 1 copy of each means if I want to display them in a different mode I have to actually transform them (which is the fun part, right?). To each his own. I think having display's with 3x of a valk is awesome. Looks great, just not my speed.
  17. Maybe they are shipping based on customer height?
  18. Nice! Where did you get it from? I have the 3 VF-22s'. Holding out for a renewal 21 from arcadia.
  19. Received shipping notice from NY this morning.
  20. Cherno is sweet, but my Gypsy suffers from terribly weak leg joints. How is eureka in the joint department? I don't want another $100 NECA noodle.
  21. Holy cow. I remember seeing these ads and getting really excited. If only I knew than what I know now.
  22. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    What is this devilry? Are we getting more than just SDF in this line?
  23. It really is well done. Looks great loaded up.
  24. Does the GBP use the same backpack clip as the fast pack? Good to know.
  25. Can anyone see a reason why this wouldn't work with a 1/60 GBP?
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