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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Send me an note when you order next. I don't mind adding holes to arms. Just let me know how many. If you order some like that, I would appreciate feed back on how they work out for your intent.
  2. You could do that. I am not sure I would want to offer pegged arms, though. They wouldn't look very clean if the pegs weren't used.
  3. I am a-ok on that front, buddy. I would be sending you a 3d printed part.
  4. Cool. I'll send something I come up with in your next order. Let me know if it works out. If there is interest, I'll add it to the webstore.
  5. Thanks!
  6. Hmmm. What if I made a block adapter with a bunch of 5mm ports in it? You could attach it to the end of one of the arms, and than plug in the ghost stand arms into the block. Would that get the effect you are looking for?
  7. XL arm is about 6" pivot to pivot, and the standard length is about 3" pivot to pivot. Here are some pics. I typically use both an XL arm, and a standard arm on the bottom pivot.
  8. Other than the chest, head, and wing tips, are there any other mold changes?
  9. Give us a pink one, and other Macross 30 schemes.
  10. Awesome setup, man! Glad you are having fun with them.
  11. Big floppy birds. They look great after you fiddle with them. Just don't touch them.
  12. Nothing new. Just thought this was funny:
  13. I haven't transformed since getting the parts set. That is an intimidating look for gerwalk. Gorgeous pics as always. Thanks for inspiration!
  14. Send me a PM if you have any questions. YetiStand is all about customization.
  15. Killer!
  16. Either would work. Alpha would be better.
  17. Put a note in your order, or PM me here with your order number that you want then printed using clear filament, and I'll gladly do it.
  18. I 3d print all YetiStand adapters with my FDM 3d printer. Even when printing with clear filament, the part will not come out clear due to the FDM process.
  19. This should be it 1x YetiStand Beta 2x Dual Arms 2x Standard Arms 2x Elbows3 3x YA Standing Adapters
  20. Three works, depending on the setup. Two is a breeze.
  21. Revised VF-0 Fighter adapter. Still contemplating a way to strengthen the peg for the zero adapter.
  22. You could easily tree off with dual arms, and knuckles to allow more than one figure per pivot on the detolf adapter. I don't want anyone's glass shelves to break, so I still recommend only one figure per pivot.
  23. I will be looking into this.
  24. Did you have to twist the printed adapter to fit it into the Yamato claw adapter?
  25. That's no good! Might I ask how the Valkyrie was displayed? Was it at a steep angle? Taking down the adapter from the webstore for now. pm'd
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