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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Still a chance for this movie? http://edit.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/james-wan-closes-deals-direct-799686
  2. Yeah, just wait until the 1/6 scale comes out. Gonna have to buy them all over again.
  3. It would be interesting, to say the least. Max in his 22s vs Isamu in this 19adv.
  4. Debatable. They are both fictional characters. It would depend of the writers
  5. He only needs one.
  6. When I was looking into casting for my stands, Kurosawa reached out to me. The samples he sent of his casts were of high quality. Get in touch with him.
  7. Are you planning to file/sand/paint? This looks awesome. I hope you take pics along the way.
  8. Working on a v2 Elint Seeker adapter. The split in the adapter should allow you to ring the adapter around the antenna arm. Saburo has an earlier sample in hand. Here is the revised adapter:
  9. Pretty standard tamashii stand arms. I do hope they come with a pair, but I doubt it. They would work great in a pegged YetiStand.
  10. Nice! Love the use of hanging wire.
  11. Pin-point barrier punch.
  12. Any way to get a higher angle on fighter mode? Hard to tell, but it looks like the wings may be flush and properly tabbed in.
  13. Small pieces like that would emphasize the surface imperfections of the 3d print. I could probably model it and put it up on shapeways. Won't be able to get to it for a few weeks, though.
  14. That cell shade style makes me smile whenever I see it done well. It'd be a trip to see that VF in person.
  15. I didn't misquote you. I did not say you said it was the best at standing. I made a statement about how both extremes of the argument were inaccurate regardless of your post. This is the internet. Lighten up.
  16. Hmmm... I don't think the YF-21 stand came with that piece. I just went through my boxes to check my 21. The round divot is just a snap for the clamshell. I do have the stand that came with the Arcadia VF-1s. I could make a cap based on that stand if you want. Or am I missing it too? Pic from any moon
  17. I can print you one. Grey ok?
  18. That is a great custom. The 21/22's have limited standing capability. Can you get them to stand? Yes. Can they stand how ever you may want? No. Just look at how spread apart the legs are on yours. I am sure you could retort with a different pose. It is not the best at standing. I still love mine. I have all of the molds/redecos of the 21/22's. I wouldn't go about lambasting people for mentioning its issues when getting it to stand. Can't stand is an over statement, but so is saying it is the best at standing.QC variance plays a part as well. My Max and Miria 22's are crisp and tight. My 21 is decent. My Gamlin is the loosest of the bunch.
  19. mmmmmm. brown armor parts.
  20. Me too! 99.9% sure I won't be getting rid of my Arcadia, but god damn do I like me some 19!
  21. All of my valks are boxed up for a move. It should be pretty easy. Gently extend the wing outward to expose the metal arm. Pad the pliers with a rag or paper towel to save the metal from getting marred. Place the pliers over the rivot making sure that when applying pressure the pliers will only make contact with the rivot on the top and bottom. Squeeze.start off lightly and go from there. Be careful, and mindful of how much pressure you are exerting, and make sure the figure is supported. I could take pics in a few weeks if needed, but common sense should go a long way in trying this on your own.
  22. He is pretty neat. Which shoulders are you using?
  23. Sweet. Is that a random Subaru commercial on the TV?
  24. This just in, Anubis has purchased everything. Invest in shipping companies. Joking aside, nice hauls. Good finds.
  25. Those pictures make it look fairly matte compared to the other 27's.
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