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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. I love them both, but if I were going to recommend one to someone as their first valk purchase, I would have to suggest the bandai. All meta aside, it is the better figure overall based on cost/quality/features.
  2. Pretty close. They both knew the same girl, and were friends as a trio. Girl died.
  3. The DX standing and banking adapters will work with those valks.http://yetistand.bigcartel.com/product/dx-standing-adapter http://yetistand.bigcartel.com/product/dx-banking-adapter
  4. The v1 27? I do have one that works with that valk, but there was little interest in it at the time. I can put it up on the site.
  5. This looks awesome! I personally don't have much interest in the actual drone, but I have been watching this project's progress. If your ghost ends up going down this route, count me in!
  6. Bandai has the benefit of making the valk and their adapters. What I come up with has to work around what is available on the figure to attach to. I could make fighter adapters for the 25 renewals and 30, but nothing I have come up with is as secure as I would like. Every now and than I try to tackle it at a different angle.
  7. I haven't touched them since. I recently got my office up and running again since the move. I am working on a few other things for YetiStand as well. As much as I like the idea of the weapon racks, they may be better off printing from shapeways. I haven't forgotten, just put it off.
  8. The 19 advance uses the DX adapters found here and here. You could just get this to dip your foot in the pool, too. It will work with the stand base the valk comes with. Some of your wants can still be found for a decent price at hkcollectibles. I have ordered from them several times, and have had nothing but good experiences.
  9. Oh, and you'll need a YF-21, 'cause reasons. Since you are going that far, you'll also need a VF-11 at some point. And so on, and so on. Welcome to the fold
  10. I recently shipped some adapters to Chile, and it got me thinking. The customs envelope doesn't fit on the small flat rate box, but it does fit on the flat rate envelope. The envelope costs the same to ship as the small flat rate box does. I had to put the small flat rate box into the envelope in order to fit thew customs envelope. The envelope is big enough to fit 1, possibly 2 yetistands. Before I start shipping this way, I'd like to test it out to make sure the stands will still arrive unscathed. Are there any international fans that want to be guinea pigs for cheaper shipping? I can PM you a discount code for the cheaper shipping. Shipping for 1 stand would go from $62, to $26ish usd.
  11. Yeah, that is Mei's. It would be interesting to have a deco closer to the SMS 25's with the white and colored striping.
  12. I might have some spares, but they won't have the protective tape. I'll take a look and pm you.
  13. Waste material extraction. Poop. It's a poop joke.
  14. That shading is awesome! Really brings out the details.
  15. It was selling for 12k before shipping at HLJ before being discontinued. The only reason I got it was for the price I found on mandarake.
  16. 2 is putting it lightly. Some members have put upwards of 6 on a single stand. I believe I paid 3k yen for shipping, so 10k yen total.
  17. The ball joints on mine are very firm. Have you used future polish before? Might be able to tighten up your joints.
  18. I was in the same boat as you. Her chest is large on the show, but these chesticles are pretty ridiculous. Less so whith the chest armor on. At 7k yen it was hard to pass up.
  19. Adapter is holding like a champ. I am sure this adapter would work with other figures, but I don't have any others with her... ahem... proportions. http://www.yetistand.com/product/megahouse-klan-klang-armored-version-adapter
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