The knuckle is pretty useful, it is slightly cheaper than the dual arm, and works just as well. I may just order a batch of the knuckles in acrylic for now.
The VF-0D adapter works just as well with the A, and I am assuming the S as well.
Am I mistaken in remembering a post where Mr. K was quoted as saying there would be no ghost booster re-release? With the thinner chest, it really seems like they should.
The clone wars series washes a lot of prequel dirt out of your wounds. It is on Netflix, and worth getting into if you like star wars.
The SV-51's look great, but God forbid you actually have to touch them. So loose. Hold out for a possible version 2 from arcadia. They seem to be knee deep in Zero, so not too far fetched to think they'll go for it.
Nice ship, bolt! It looks like the rubber washer is on the outside of the arm and base pivot. The rubber washer should always be inside the joint. Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Picked up a few of the new Lego Force Awakens sets. I would have gotten Kylo Ren's shuttle as well, but the fact that the wings don't pivot to the V configuration is a bit annoying. I am sure someone will figure out a nice integrated way to do it.