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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. The biggest expense would be the plexi. I have also though about doing a wall mounted flight deck on its side. I could mount YetiStand arms on it to hold valks in landing, and take off poses.
  2. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    ok.... He's kinda fun.
  3. Nice! Has anyone taken apart their 51's for joint tightening? I know we are pretty much SOL on the loose wings, fins, and control surfaces, but what about the arms and legs?
  4. 1 & 3. Not a fan of QC lottery for the price paid, but I have only gotten one dud so far.
  5. Something like that. I have been grabbing reference for flight decks from time to time. Still working it all out in my head.
  6. I'd keep it open. It would be in my office, and it wouldn't be a place I would display my valks for a long time. Just something cool to have a few on every now and than. Mix it up. Work has been picking up, which is a good thing, so I haven't had to much time for side projects.
  7. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    Probably 20+. That was the reason I picked this one up. Not really feeling it. Once I have my measurements I will probably put it up on fs.
  8. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

  9. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    Going for the world record Valkyrie toss!
  10. Here is a very rough sketch I just threw together to illustrate the concept. Proportions and everything is wrong.
  11. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    Just arrived. I knew it was going to be small, but it is smaller than I expected. Not sure why it is called Hi-Metal. It is over 90% plastic. The feet, shoulders, and leg swing bar are metal.
  12. I keep going back and forth about building a flight deck coffee table.
  13. Uh-oh. Lego invasion! Now with sweet pics! Have you seen any of the custom gundam Lego models people have made?
  14. How dare you mispronounce my make-believe! Anyways, you guys get any of that new mock-rose stuff with the vertical fighters?
  15. Liking the lego? I do like to build and display them. There is something about the Lego star wars aesthetic that just works, Especially the newer stuff. Very solidly built.
  16. From what I have read the issue is with the quality of the plastic. Just because it is intact right now, doesn't mean it won't crumble.
  17. I have added a page for reviews to the webstore. If you have a video or blog review of my stands, please let me know and I will add them to the page. If you want to submit a text review I will also curate and add those as quoted paragraphs. http://www.yetistand.com/reviews Thanks!
  18. I have thought about something similar. I would consider that a clamp. I am more than willing to offer it if people want it. How fragile is the typical exhaust on a model kit?Edit: Or do you mean the rods go straight in? Are there typically long holes in the exhaust?
  19. That would be great, but there is no standard to follow. Any type of universal model airplane adapter would not be very stable. I could make a few sizes of craddles or clamps, but that wouldn't be ideal.
  20. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got an HLJ payment request for the vf-1j armored.
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