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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. I've got the hip ratchet upgrades for Motormaster, but he doesn't really need them anymore now that I have the PC-04 set. I got the reprolabel sets for the voyagers yesterday, and applied them last night. Between all of the 3rd party upgrades, ball joint thickening, and ratchet replacement, they end up being fun combiners. That is a lot of effort, though.
  2. Totally talking out of my exhaust port, but ever since Mr. K talked about cost in that open letter and how a lot of it has to do with the factory I've been wondering if they are the ones restricting the amount of tampo. It really doesn't make sense that at this price point we can't get a relatively simple text decal tampo'ed on a relatively straight surface. I don't believe Arcadia is leaving it off for any other concern other than the factory isn't willing to put it on. "We'll do this much tampo, no more". Again, just talking out-loud, and I am not saying this is a die hard belief of mine. Just a musing. I mean, we are getting tampographed gunpods, so what gives?
  3. "Glad you guys like it". I get it. That sentiment. My brothers and I played tabletop growing up. Battletech, Warhammer, 40k, and a few others. My favorite part was always the painting. I got good at it. Good enough to be noticed when we'd play somewhere. For me it wasn't about winning the game. I won when my mini's looked better than the other persons. So much time, and care goes into painting. Time I don't make so much any more for that hobby. I appreciate seeing your customs. You can tell how much time, care, and effort is spent on each one. eggy99's, and all of you guys that customize/weather/paint. Keep sharing. Never enough pictures.
  4. Finally gave up on finding the protectbots locally. Amazon was my best bet.
  5. That looks amazing.
  6. I went for the middle of the road. 40w with the air filter. Should be better than the ebay ones I was looking at.
  7. Well, I'll let you guys know first. In the mean time, you should start preparing some custom artwork for etching the bases.
  8. No, but for good reason. I can elaborate if needed, but the short of it is I am giving up on using an outside source for the laser cutting. I am on pre-order for a lasercutter through glowforge. Hopefully I'll be up and running q1 of '16. I have plenty of adapters, elbows, xl arms, and DX starter kits in the mean time. Lots of interesting things afoot with having my own laser cutter. Custom engraving anyone?
  9. That looks amazing. I have the Metal Composite. Pales in comparison, though.
  10. But they don't always know when! Makes them very antsy.
  11. I am happy for those getting a version of the VF2SS they have wanted for a long time, but I canceled my preorder as well. It looks like a $45 model kit.
  12. Nice! Must post pics! Mine hasn't shipped yet.
  13. Plenty of shops will have it available. cdjapan HLJ amiami Nippon-Yasan To name a few that will most likely offer it. Arcadia's aren't hard to get a pre-order for. Just check back here periodically.
  14. Here is a great place to post that. Good to know.
  15. Nah, there is no re-tooling. They'll probably sell it at cost. $65-$80 amiright? But, seriously, $300+ is a pretty good guess.
  16. Me too! Well, soon anyways. No shipment notification yet. Pre-ordered through entertainment earth.
  17. Arcadia had sold those stands separately. I see them on eBay for 50ish every now and than.
  18. Or, you know.....any update at all.
  19. I would get a vf-19 repaint from bandai. Pink, or otherwise.
  20. $160 + shipping for the 25G, and I'll take first dibs. Thanks
  21. +1 for blue tack.
  22. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    Booster stand that came with the VF-19 Advance.
  23. Secondhand. Sometimes on jungle, or mandarake.
  24. Surely it can be posed better than that.......right?
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