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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. That is a sweet combo. Not sure how my NY order with fare. Still waiting.
  2. Everyone is so helpful.
  3. That looks awesome!
  4. Thanks, wmkjr! I do agree that it isn't as secure as I would like in an extreme climbing angle. I would suggest using the fighter mode adapter that the figure comes with if you are going that far vertical and it causes an issue. As wmkjr mentioned, if you make sure the adapter is snugged down on the belly of the figure, it will be more secure.
  5. Looks like the mospeada is just a peg. Can someone measure their mospeada stand peg?
  6. That would be great, since I don't have one, but if I could work with someone that does I could use just the stand it came with without the need to have the plane itself on hand.
  7. I am not sure what emails I may have missed, because I only see what comes through. Can you PM me in case you can't email? I looked at some reviews for them and they appear to use a claw style that attaches to the rear of the jet. That doesn't seem to be something that would be too hard to replicate.
  8. Just one for me. N-Y #491664
  9. I do not. Are you able to take precise measurements and clear pictures? Send me a PM and let's discuss.
  10. Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti Refunded: Vortech Anime Export Received: Vortech x3 Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional
  11. Thanks, wmkjr! ZorClone, feel free to pm with any questions.
  12. I have an R&D/Visualization position at work, and we've been playing with VR for a few years. We have them all. I was in the developer preview program with microsoft and they sent us 3 WMR's last year. The WMR headsets (Odyssey IS the best one ) are no joke. Better than the VIVE and Rift in the sense that you are not required to set up tracking devices. This may seem like just a convenience thing, but it comes into play when setting up your space if you don't have the ability to mount trackers on walls, or have room for tripods. I find this to be a better solution for myself because if I want to put it away, I can just unplug it and put it in my drawer. One HMDI, and USB is all it needs. Setting up the Rift with 3 trackers, oh boy, you better have USB ports to spare. WMR's are comparable in other areas. If you are in a well lit room, tracking of the headset is easily on par. Resolution, and overall screen quality of the Odyssey is noticeably the best out of all available HMD's. The controllers can get a little funky when they are out of view of the headsets tracking cameras, but that has been getting better with every update from M$, and with developers adding official support. Make sure you have a bluetooth adapter for your controllers, because they don't come with one. I could go on and on with vr stuff. We mostly create B2B training tools, product prototyping, or tradeshow "experience" VR apps at work, but I get a lot of time in headsets. PM me if you have any questions, or if something isn't working right for you and I will try and help.
  13. I'd be happy with an improved YF-21 from Arcadia, but I would be more excited by bandai releasing one.
  14. A studio model would be amazing. https://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=264335
  15. Hobby Masters are pre-built, painted, and diecast.
  16. Not closed. PM responded to. I am looking into an email issue with the site. Apparently emails are not being forwarded to me. Thanks for your patience!
  17. Finally got all of the pieces together to make this over the weekend. https://buildbetterbricks.com/products/custom-lego-ucs-guardians-of-the-galaxy-milano-instructions Not sure if it was a parts list import issue, or if I was shorted a few pieces from the bricklink sellers, but I was missing a few pieces throughout that I had to steal from my kids.
  18. Looks likes folk have answered your questions, but please feel free to PM me if you have more. Thanks everyone!
  19. Has anyone relieved shipping notice from NY for their 31a?
  20. I have the 1701-D, and a few Undiscovered Country BoP's. I have adapters for both, but never saw enough interest to put them on the webstore. If you place an order, I can include the adapters for free and you can let me know how they work out. Send me a PM if you want to know more.
  21. I had the hardest time reconciling the cube wall from the background and ceiling, hahaha. I thought you had scaled hvac on display for a second.
  22. 4mm
  23. I have personally only ever used it on the Detolf glass shelf. Similar glass of the same thickness would work just as well. I can customize it to what ever glass shelf thickness you are dealing with if you would like to try it out.
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