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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. That looks awesome.
  2. I don't see any clips. Battroid mode won't have the cockpit droop from the 30 since it only bends down 90 vs the 30's 180.
  3. Here's a config with 2 valks. And of course the 2 I picked have the WORST adapters as they do not positively click onto anything. I'll leave them to see if it holds, but it is very solid.
  4. Yeah, I found 1.
  5. Holding the valk from the top? You know.... I actually have been working on a launch arm that would work in concert with the YetiStand. It goes on a knuckle or dual arm along with your valk of choice and can be posed to look like it is holding or releasing the valk. I haven't touched it in few weeks, but it is pretty sweet.
  6. Positive.
  7. I have high confidence in what I have come up with so far, and if it fails while testing I am the only one to blame. Iterate and try again
  8. Hahaha. Hmmm. I'll put a few on this evening and see how it goes. Seeing as to how well the wall pivot works now, even with the PG gundam and Lego sets, I would think it would work as long as you have the weight of multiples closer to the pivot. I'll try some things out later.
  9. It's holding up really well. I used the xl arm to stress out the cantilever forces in the pivot point. I'll wait a bit before I start offering it. See how it holds things over a few days.
  10. Been a fun morning.
  11. Added a new item to the webstore. http://www.yetistand.com/product/75060-ucs-slave-i-wall-mount There was talk about people wanting to use the pegged base of the YetiStand as a wall mount for their valks. Has anyone down this? Do people want a specific base for wall mounting similar to the slave one mount, but with a YetiStand pivot on it? Edit: Like this
  12. Geez.... so bandai has everything now, huh? I don't see a 21/22.
  13. I don't have any worry about this falling off the wall. It's in a spot it won't get bumped into.
  14. Thanks! I just designed/printed a wall mount for it. http://imgur.com/a/XtsYL
  15. Thanks! It was a fun set to build. Lots of interesting techniques make this thing really solid, and the silhouette of it is perfect.
  16. This past Tuesday was my birthday. Wife, and siblings got me this thing. The build: http://imgur.com/a/pp4O0 Complete: http://imgur.com/a/DXgaW
  17. Because it's just a giant speaker bar and holo projector that projects a giant frily dress over the valk. Major plot spoilers.
  18. Thanks for uploading pics, guys!
  19. I have been looking at laser cutters for awhile. Glowforge looks like the smartest laser cutter out there. The price is more than competitive too, when compared to what a traditional laser cutter offers. It is worth a shot.
  20. Yes, I did. Not sure where I fall in queue. I ordered about half way through their campaign.
  21. Hang tight. Gonna be a few months while I await the arrival of my laser cutter.
  22. Just got this Arcadia in. After handling transformers for a few weeks, it is definitely appreciated to handle this quality of plastic.
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