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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Definitely. I can do that too. Honestly, having an in house laser cutter is gonna be a whole new venture for this stuff. Far easier to test new designs, and make requests.
  2. Definitely. The wall mount would be clear acrylic.
  3. You are asking for a yetistand style pivot that would somehow attach to the Arcadia base? I'll look into it. I have one from my Arcadia VF-1S.
  4. It makes more sense to have extra pivots on the mount instead of branching off.
  5. That is fairly Ozma-ish. I doubt it is a coincidence. This is only a few years after Frontier, correct?
  6. It is interesting to see them side by side. It seems for everything that is similar, there is a design element that is different.
  7. For a piece this small, the shapeways print might be better. I am not sure if it is worth it if you already have the printed ones I sent you, but I am not going to open the leg up again just to swap out the shapeways piece back to mine. Like I said in the video I wouldn't recommend opening up the leg unless you already have an issue with it. Too many unhappy accidents could befall the process. Stress on plastic, possible gaps, and such. Keep in mind that the initial hip issue could be due to a factory variance in the plastic half of the balls they were using. Your's might be as good as it gets.
  8. A few bits arrived today. Both have awesome boxes in their own right.
  9. It's pretty fun.
  10. Video walking through fixing the hip on Arcaida VF-0's: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42180&p=1233735 Shapeways: https://www.shapeways.com/product/83TU2TAE2/arcadia-zero-hip-nub?key=400a1877269a109d5d345b039e04866b
  11. Thanks. The shapeways piece works like a charm. Very happy with how it turned out.
  12. Yeah, and those legs are gonna be thick.
  13. Quick battroid comparison pics:
  14. I've been playing with my 30 trying to see what is similar and what is different. Here are some fresh gerwalk pics. I do like the waist joint for gerwalk in the 30, but it does cause some stability issues.
  15. Happy to report that the 2 valks are exactly where I left them yesterday.
  16. wmkjr, probably...
  17. Laser cutting a material wouldn't make an adapter. Laser is 2d.
  18. That adapters themselves will remain 3d printed, but all of the arms and such will be acrylic once I get my laser cutter in.
  19. A few of my valk specific adapters hold tight enough to do that. I wouldn't trust the bandai cradles upside down. Go big, or go home. You are already putting a hole in the wall. Might as well be a useful one.
  20. Thanks! Appreciated. This is definitely man-cave material. People can still bump into them, and kids could still grab them. I am positive that this could be done in acrylic. Here is a test I just did in PLA plastic. Much better profile, and would be even better as clear acrylic.
  21. 75 lbs rated E-Z Anchors. My favorite.
  22. Hmmm... It could be a made out of acrylic. I'll print one like this out and see how well it bends.
  23. Just got back from running errands and dinner. The arms haven't moved at all. I am going to confidently leave the valks on overnight.
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