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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. 12 on a tree. You are right. Good to know for the future. https://www.shapeways.com/product/83TU2TAE2/arcadia-zero-hip-nub
  2. I'll model up a tree and see if it gets kicked back.
  3. Nubs are one per purchase. Is there cost savings by having a few in a batch? I can change that if that is the case.
  4. Transformers, including 3rd party Star Wars Lego Some Neca stuff Gundam Metal Build/Composite (Only a few) Some random stuff to test out stand ideas Spools of plastic filament
  5. Not sure if this will work for international buyers, but I just saw shapeways is offering free shipping till November 8th. Might be helpful considering the most expensive part of buying the VF-0 Hip Nub is the shipping on such a small part. "Get Free Shipping on all orders through November 8 Terms & Conditions Use code FREESHIPNOV at checkout. Free shipping applies to our lowest-price carrier. No cash value. Expires November 8, 2015 at 11:59PM PDT."
  6. You are welcome. The valks go by so fast in the trailer.
  7. The bottom is so sleek. I wouldn't be surprised if the arms form the dorsal and pelvic sections of the plane. Slightly asymmetrical with one holding the gunpod that appears to be stored on the belly in fighter mode, and the other with the rear stab as a shield.
  8. I believe a trait of this particular white plastic is that it is more resistant to yellowing due to its slight pink tint.
  9. Took some time to make some gifs of the Valkyries.
  10. Requested Arcadia stand adapter. Works great. Gonna make a few cosmetic changes. I will put it up on the webstore when it is ready.
  11. Hahaha. True. It would be an impressive one, at that.
  12. Hahaha. Standard dry wall mounting precautions apply. After all, this isn't...
  13. Re-arranged the Plus valks. Before: After: If a few people want to buy XL arms and adapters from the webstore, I will throw in a free wall mount with mounting hardware to try out.
  14. I am ok with the price as long as it is without major flaws....like legs that come off. That gets annoying. The problem with the Yamato SV-51 is that it is amazing, as long as you don't touch it hahaha. Get it just right, and than just look at it.
  15. Printing a test now.
  16. I thought we weren't speculating about licenses? If they could do to the SV-51 what they have been doing to the VF-0, I'd be down for a couple. As long as the appendages stay on.
  17. Sara's necklace? Shin's courting stick?
  18. This is true. I am excited to see how it all plays out.
  19. It would be kind of neat if these new Bandai releases came with those painted acrylic standee pilots.
  20. The Arcadia VF-1's have so far been a brilliant white, with a tint of pink that is more/ less visible depending on lighting.
  21. Speculation is par for the course in this type of fandom. Arcadia at one point mentioned 1 new mold a year with possible yamato re-issues sprinkled in, correct? Aside from arcadia coming out and announcing that they have lost licenses we won't know until we see what they have to offer next year. Bandai's veritable hurricane of recent Macross announcements makes one thing clear. It is a good time to be a fan of the property. I hope Arcadia stays in the game, but where are the easy money releases people have been vocal about asking for? We are seeing a reissue of the VF-4, but no super/strike parts? Those parts could come from SDFM, or DYRL. Somethings fishy. Curious to see what will come after the VF-0 reactive armor. The CF VF-0 isn't a new mold.
  22. A big shield like that could be neat. We've seen shields on other valks, so not an entirely off point suspicion.
  23. I am all for Isamu showing up, but a beard? Here is the latest drawing of Isamu used in an official Macross venture. To be fair, he was time traveled in from Macross Plus era in Macross 30. The guy from Delta looks pretty heavy an worn out. I always imagine Isamu would age pretty well, and maintain his cavelier attitude. Isamu sounded pretty happy to be flying around and blowing stuff up in his Frontier cameo.
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