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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. I wouldn't read into that too much. They had a large push when Gundam Wing was on TV in the US. Toy aisles even had model kits and actions figures from 0083. Didn't last very long. Transformers have more or less been in toy aisles since they first arrived in the 80's. Ask your mom what Transformers are. Now ask her what Gundam is. Pretty good indicator of brand recognition outside of your own circles.
  2. Transformers, by a long shot. I would venture a guess that most people who are fans of Transformers in the US at least know about Gundam, but no one in the US would be a fan of Gundam and know nothing of Transformers.
  3. The mounting hardware I am supplying requires no drilling for dry wall installation. They wouldn't have to be clear either. Hell, none of the YetiStand stuff has to be clear anymore. It will all be made to order, and offering colors will most likely be an option asking with the custom laser engraving.
  4. This a funny forum. If that counts as rough, I am with kin. It was a jab at your modesty.
  5. Rough, he says.
  6. You have adequately put words to my concerns.
  7. I have been curious about the KO masterpiece transformers, so I picked up a couple. Aside from the paint application, the molds are 99% identical. What is going on here? Have they gotten their hands on the CAD files and milled their own molds? It is too exact for someone to have recreated the files from scratch. Are are these molds stolen/sold form Takara's factory? I have at least one of each of these figures molds from Takara/Hasbro. It is impressive how close they are.
  8. Even if that is proven to work safely, I would not vouch for it. Just seems....unnatural. I would have to recommend that the mounts be mounted into the studs, or with the provided anchors.
  9. I will for sure update when they get here.
  10. Oh, man. I hadn't thought of that. A shoulder mounted cannon like a Q-Rau? That could be sweet.
  11. Yes, and white of the same material.
  12. Says the guys who wants battery powered heatshield action...
  13. Still holding. I have three 3x setups mounted. I did a 'lineage' type display. Three different valks, three different modes. I giggled when I saw the VF-19 was stable with two elbows.
  14. ...or just make the whole thing automatically transform via Bluetooth.
  15. That's close to what I paid on jungle.
  16. Good point. It'll be interesting to see if they go for more 7 stuff. 21/22 would be more likely than.
  17. It's got me thinking I should make a slew of peg and hole sizes. Any suggestions?
  18. This thing reminds me of Daca Toys Kronos. The plastic looks cheap, and it doesn't look like things are aligning up properly. I canceled my pre-order awhile ago. I really hope this lives up to expectations for those sticking with it. Maybe there are still tweaks to come, and the recent photos are not indicative of the final product? Maybe?
  19. mickyg requested some adapters be made for models that have been modified to hold brass rod. http://www.scalespot.com/reference/stands/stand.htm
  20. Thanks for the warning. Maybe they have it assembled incorrectly. With the technic support structure inside, I don't see it drooping any time soon.
  21. Nice buy! And I am sure you got it for what....$100 brand new? The arcadia 19 would 'belong' better with the 21 aesthetically, but that is subjective. If Bandai does a 21, I'll be all over their YF-19. I have their VF-19 Advance, and it is amazing, but it fits better with the frontier stuff.
  22. I ordered some as well. I want to make sure the sprue cleans off nicely. It should, considering where it attaches.
  23. It is an good looking mold, just don't handle it too much or you will get frustrated.
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