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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Oh, wow. Is your picture sideways? Either way, that's pretty cool. There are special drill bits for glass, tempered it otherwise. Be very careful. Looks great, though! Thanks for sharing.
  2. Certainly: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43218 All spoken for. That was quick.
  3. Arcadia VF-0's.
  4. Nubs have arrived. Upon initial inspection they look just as good as the solo ones.
  5. Isn't this the 3rd time it has been re-issued? Seriously, where is the G?
  6. The color on that pic is great. Minty fresh,
  7. Shapeways nubs are tracking for a Monday delivery. I will have 12 in white and 12 in black. I don't need them. I just wanted to check their quality.
  8. It already is a softer plastic.
  9. Extending the hip may exacerbate the issue, but it is not the cause of it.
  10. This was after I cleaned out the hardened glue.
  11. That's pretty close to the amount of gap mine had with the stock ball cap.
  12. Faulty hips. Leg falls off. Not affecting all. Fixes available.
  13. I am sure that there are some people on here who think they are a-o-k, but have yet to handle theirs much. It is the Schrodingers Valkyrie paradox. It just sucks there are major qc issues on an otherwise awesome valkyrie.
  14. I agree. I did not use glue when repairing mine.
  15. Good point. I changed the diameter of the ball joint by less than a mm. This could be within the factories +/- for tolerances on the ball cap. I doubt the people assembling the hip joint take care to check. Glue seepage definitely doesn't help, as glues can expand/contract when curing depending on the type of glue. I cleaned out a layer of glue from the inside of my faulty hip. The other hip has not come off on mine. This is a random qc issue, and obviously isn't affecting everyone. It could come down to just one particular assembly worker who was over-zealous with glue application and didn't care as much about checking the joint.
  16. Correct. Shapeways doesn't like the sprue I have on it. I am ordering a batch I pushed through with "print it anyways". I will update when they arrive.
  17. Pretty neat some of you are getting responses. We'll see how the 0S does. Gonna be a "wait and see" situation. If there is even one person on MW that has an 0S with a leg pop off, there will undoubtedly be more out there in circulation.
  18. Is that from Google translate? Is he saying that it is fixed moving forward? VF-0S?
  19. Ah. Good point. I can add that option.
  20. That sucks. Update the poll.
  21. I messaged amiami when it happened. They told me they weren't going to help, and that I should file an insurance claim through Japan Post. They told me there is no way that it was faulty from Arcadia, and that it was somehow damaged during shipping causing the leg to come off. I suppose your best bet is to be Japanese, and live in Japan.
  22. Extending the hips isn't what is causing the leg to come off. The ball is too big for the metal socket. The metal socket isn't closing around the ball. The ball can slip out of the socket from rotation without pulling. I can't speak for everyone, but based on my experience and reading about others, this is the issue. Edit: Glue seeping throughout the socket doesn't help, either.
  23. Can anyone translate the imgur guide I wrote up? The issue isn't a mystery. I figured it out and fixed it in 30 min. From other peoples descriptions of their sockets, they seem to be telling the same story as me.
  24. User error, as in during factory assembly, or is he saying we are ripping the legs off?
  25. Mine was the right leg.
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