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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. That is a nice off-white.
  2. Yes on the wall mount, and I am doubtful on downsizing for the 1/72's. I can send you some for the cost of shipping and you can let me know.
  3. The drilled holes didn't work with your tamashii arms? I tested them out with the arms that came with the renewal RVF ghosts. I assumed they were the same size.
  4. Same thing happened to my VF-0A HUD panel. To be far, I would much rather have the factory put too little glue on a piece over too much glue. It was any easy fix. Thanks for the battroid pics! Excited for mine to arrive!
  5. I listened to th podcast. There is singing. There are girls, and boys. Stuff is happening. A lot of characters and ideas are shown within a short amount of time making it hard to follow. It was more Macross 7 than Macross Plus. They said that they were told that the tone of the series will sharply shift from episode to episode. I take that to mean the creators want it judged as a whole, and not relegated and classified based on this first episode. Let it breath.
  6. Not sure anyone can say with certainty one way, or the other. 2017 is a long ways off.
  7. The hi-metal's are teeny tiny.
  8. Hey, Gundam! At this point, what are you missing? VF-1 variants? You seem to have fleshed out quite a nice collection since you started earlier this year. Congrats!
  9. Awesome!
  10. Awesome. Pictures are always appreciated. Thanks! It's always nice when your work and hobbies overlap. If I didn't do computer graphics for a living, I'd probably be rolling a much smaller setup.
  11. I take it you got your order?
  12. Awesome! Any battroid pics?
  13. Received tracking info from NY this morning. Really excited for this one. Please be good, please be good, please be good.
  14. OD, and 0A have issues with the hip joint failing. Unsure if fixed for 0S.
  15. Intakes not locking in, or jostled for photo?
  16. Just got a "Processing your order" notice from NY for my VF-0S order.
  17. ChaoticYeti

    Hi-Metal R

    Tons of stuff to play with once I have my own laser cutter, but one idea is to have a base that only has 5mm holes in it. Not pivot for yeti arms. Just a heavy base for tamashii arms.
  18. It looks like the initial rush to order stands has subsided. I still have 16 regular stands left. I do have a jig setup to drill them into pegged stands if you request it. I also have plenty of dual arms, and knuckles left over.
  19. I am in no way a video reviewer, but I plan to do a VF-0S unboxing and transformation video just in case mine has hip issues. As far as I know no one has caught it on video. I really hope the issue is resolved, though, first and foremost.
  20. I had already broke the pins by the time I did the video. The video is the 4th, or 5th time opening that thigh open. I think the pins would fail before damaging anything else, but if you want to go the extra step, just get a thin hobby knife in there and cut the pins. Edit: Just to re-iterate, I am suggesting the nubs as a repair to fix the leg if it has the issue of not staying on. If your leg is fine, do the "upgrade" at your own risk.
  21. Not sure if this is old news. Just checked on my NY pre-order, and they currently have it set for release on Dec 25th.
  22. I was surprised. I didn't get as many of those as the regular ones. I will figure out a way to drill a base stand to be pegged if anyone still wants some pegged stands.
  23. I spoiled myself after the first year of a successful contract I had. Herman Miller.
  24. Crossbow? Oh, hahaha. Bottom left? X-Mas present for my brother. 3D printed a pistol from Destiny. http://imgur.com/a/3fPh6 And yes, I love my office. http://imgur.com/a/ovYXR
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