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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. What are your aspirations? What do you want to be able to do? I mainly do architectural animations, medical animations, product design, motion graphics, video editing, blu ray authoring, and rapid prototyping among other things. For 3d I have been using Autodesk 3ds Max w/ vRay for about 15 years. Pertinent specs on main workstation are as follows: Cpu: 980x @ 4.2ghz Gpu: 3x 780 gtx 48 gb ram various ssd'd, hd'd, and disc drives. I haven't upgraded much in a few years, but I haven't needed to. If anything, looking at your list, I would say you may want more ram. Are you on Win 10? Also, how many monitors do you have? Aside from my main workstation I also have a closet full of rendering nodes. Before I went contract, I was running all of our renders on 30+ dells in a render farm I built at my old office. Now, I render 5 times as fast on just 5 pc's. If you are just modeling for engineering/production purposes, a render farm is most likely irrelevant to you. It is of my opinion that it does not matter which software you use. For the most part the basics are going to be the same or similar between the most notable packages. I have used maya, sketchup, blender, and cinema 4d. The biggest hang up I run into is that the UI is different. They do the same things, but tools may be called by a different name, and in a different location. You are building the same core skill set regardless of what you decide on. All of the popular 3d software's have active communities that are typically more than willing to help new users. Tutorials are everywhere. That being said, Blender is free, open source, and although it may be clunky in places, it more or less has the exact same capabilities as the big dogs.
  2. Not to mention pulling back to in-between the tail fins, which is view you couldn't gain from a physical camera because the shot is above the YF-21. I had always assumed that the cameras and sensors were used to generate a virtual representation of the environment, not necessarily a direct video feed. The more camera and sensors you have to scan the environment the better. The sensors in the head could be more detailed/sensitive, and be used as the focal point/persepective for battroid.
  3. I'll be figuring that all out. I would estimate a 3-4 week delay from ordering a custom etch, to shipped. I am not opposed to doing this now, but it will be cheaper once I have a laser cutter on hand. Would you like a template?
  4. All of the YetiStand bases, arms, and elbows are solid acrylic. The weight is one of the reasons why I am sticking with acrylic instead of injection molding. I got pretty close to pulling the trigger with one manufacturer, but the design got very skeletal and light. I don't want to sell a product I am not happy with. Hopefully the laser cutter route pays off.
  5. Without etching they will be less than the Alpha. With etching they will be priced similarly to the Alpha. I have 7 more un-etched samples that I will sell if people want them. It would be through pm's or the fs thread on mw. I need to figure out how to set up the custom etching request on the webstore before I flip the switch on it. I'll make a post once pricing is nailed down for the samples. Thanks. I'll most likely still be offering the Alpha. Always good to have options. I will probably have a few designs made available. I won't be offering any trademarked/copyrighted, or logos/graphics on the webstore. I will figure something out for customers to submit graphics that they have created/collaged/assembled from whatever sources they want. No laser cutter yet, and it has become even more unclear as to when it will arrive. I am using the same vendor as before to do the laser cutting. I would much rather be in complete control of production, though.
  6. Well, let's look at "stability" for a second. These are all in grams: I don't think there is anything practical to worry about. Beta will be lighter, but it is still almost 3 times as heavy as the stock bandai stand. Some more pictures:
  7. It will be less stable, but I am not sure how relevant that will be on a case to case scenario. It would probably make getting 5-6 valks on one stand more difficult, but 2-3 should still be ok.
  8. YetiStand Beta. Redesigned base. One piece. No longer slotted for pivot. Only downside is that it is 2/3 the thickness to accommodate the bend, which means it is lighter than Alpha. The Yeti graphics were just to test out laser etching. That's another slick bonus of having a clean unslotted base. You can put some pretty neat custom graphics there.
  9. Haven't shown anything new in a while...
  10. Did someone run off with the shield?
  11. Absolutely stunning. Great work!
  12. Super Glue: PLASTIC===|SUPERGLUE|===PLASTIC Plastic Weld: PLASTIC=================PLASTIC
  13. Great pics of the G. Still waiting for the reissue.
  14. Hopefully it helps. If it is loose with the shapeways part apply some future to the joint.
  15. Stands, and XL arms are back in stock.
  16. I just watched your video. 2 things I found interesting. I am surprised by the lack of consistency with the glue they used. The only pegs on mine that were glued in were the ones on the intake sections. I can only imagine how frustrating it was to separate your thighs. Secondly, I am surprised how loose the shapeways ball looks in the video. I wouldn't have thought there would be that much variance. The people that have let me know they used the part had similar experiences with me in that it was tighter than the stock ball half. Really a shame all around. Production, and QC really let them down on the D and A releases. Too expensive for this type of oversight. I haven't seen anyone with this issue on an Arcadia VF-0S.
  17. I would be surprised if they ommited the adapters.
  18. Sometime next week. Hopefully Thursday.
  19. I saw that! Pretty sweet. VF-19/25 style mounted boosters. Hopefully the hinge is toleranced well on the figure. The radome pod makes sense with the weapons pod methodology. No reason to have RVF specific frame modifications -in universe- when you can just swap the head and the pod. So much more to be seen.
  20. This argument gets old. Everyone is right, and everyone is wrong. Everyone is gonna have their own opinion. I can stomach a lot of things I would not be able to normally enjoy as long as the robots are cool and go pew pew with. Some pretty girls wanna fly around and have morphing hologram clothes, that's fine. Maybe it will get grounded as the show progresses. This was the first glimpse we've seen. Very excited to see more of the new mecha. 7 grew on me, after awhile, warts and all. Will I ever watch it again? Probably not. Am I glad I did? Yes. Give the show some air to breath. It is an anime. There are tropes. It's ok if you don't like it. It doesn't mean you have betrayed any loyalty to the franchise, if that even matters. 10 internet points to everyone! On topic-ish, the 31 may seem derivative, but I am interested to see where they go with packs and such. The super/armor/tornado parts seemed to be popular offerings from bandai for the Messiah's. Maybe we'll see some more bolt on awesomeness. Hopefully some options for the weapons pod.
  21. As far as I have heard, the piece has worked well for all of those who have used it. Let us know if it works for your VF-0A as well.
  22. www.yetistand.com Send me a pm with what you think you want to put up on stands, and I can help walk you through it. I should be re-stocked with everything sometime next week.
  23. Mine pop off most of the time on the D, A, and S.
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