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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Hey! I apologize if I missed your email. Can you pm me on this site with your question?
  2. Post pics.
  3. Nice! How much heavier is it than an Arcadia VF-0?
  4. So, just a 3d printed arm with a tab at the end?
  5. Can you explain? What do you mean, no screws?
  6. You could put a banking adapter on top, instead of the standing one. What would you guys want bundled together with the base pivot adapter?
  7. The SV-262 adapters should work based on another users measurements. I still haven't had a DX-1J in hand to measure the adapters it comes with myself.
  8. That sounds about right, but I can double check and get back to you. Thanks for measuring.
  9. Can you post a pic? Sounds like what they did with the SV-262. https://www.yetistand.com/product/dx-standing-adapter-sv-262-revision
  10. Whoa, that's a cool setup! Can you post a wider shot? Did you mount those into a shelf?
  11. Another trick is to layer clear packing tape on the peg until it fits firmly in the slot to shore up any slack. There is a variance in the thickness of the acrylic. Adding a bit of thickness with the tape is a less permanent solution to adhesives/solvents. Shouldn't need much.
  12. Unless Bandai have changed the shape of their slots again, the DX adapters should be sufficient. These work for me on the DX VF-19 advance release. https://www.yetistand.com/product/dx-standing-adapter https://www.yetistand.com/product/dx-banking-adapter
  13. So weird. Has anyone received their 31a from NY in the brown tamashii box? Seems like an odd point to make, but this is the first time I have received an exclusive without it.
  14. Hello! That's just a guide to call out where to put the rubber feet. Earlier versions of the stands did come with a 3d printed plastic piece to help line it up, but I got more questions about what that piece was for than what it was worth to include.
  15. Haven't had time to transform mine yet, but I do have the residue/paint finish issue on the wings where the "protective" plastic strips were placed. It is subtle, but noticeble if you look for it.
  16. I politely asked for a refund, and it quickly went to preparation in progress, than shipped after that. It has made its way to New York. I'll be interested to see if it comes in the tamashii brown, or naked.
  17. As a follow up, I just received a shipment notification and tracking.
  18. I had only pre-ordered one.
  19. Similar story. I reached out to them yesterday asking for an update. I mentioned if they were not going to be able to fullfil the pre-order I want the value transfered to store credit. I received an uncharacteristically quick reply stating that they would be sending out the item as soon as possible. Read into that what you will, and your mileage may vary. I had been inquiring about once a month on status.
  20. Hello! You can use either side, and the rubber washer will help with friction on the smooth sides. The etched/roughed sides will offer a far stronger grip. Just be mindful of how much weight your figure is adding to the stand arms. For that fact, best practice is to use the etched/roughed sides against each other with a rubber washer in-between. I hope that helps!
  21. If you have access to a machinst, I would encourage you to move forward with that direction. It sounds like you have a pretty good idea of what you want. The 3d printer I use can only print with several different types of plastic. I'd love to see pictures of progress and what you end up with. Let me know if I can help.
  22. I can modify the detolf adapter to fit that dimension if you would like. Do you only want the pivot on one side?
  23. What's the thickness of the wall?
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