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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Nice. Always love seeing customers pics.
  2. I'll keep it up long enough to get some good data on how it affects sales.
  3. Well, lets give this a whirl. Free shipping on orders over $200. This includes international... This is just a test. I may remove it without warning, but I will honor orders made. Use this code at check out: YETIFREESHIPPING
  4. I have 23 beta's left in stock, as well as a stack of alpha's. I will hopefully have the wall mounts available on the webstore this week.
  5. Who is on your desk!? Saburo's recent photo spread convinced me to give YF-29 a turn.
  6. Order just came in from the vendor. Stands are back in stock. I checked over the laser etched Beta's, and a few of them do look like the laser etching has some faults. I will be contacting the vendor to see if they can be replaced.
  7. Flat Rate has gone up. I have tried a few things lately, and can ship a few stands for $20-$30 internationally through first class. I will be adjusting the webstore this week. I have regularly shipped as requested by buyers and refunded partial shipping fees. Just let me know with a note when you order and I can compare the cost of flat rate vs first class.
  8. I am not worried, either. Just saying I am fine with delays when you end up with a better product.I wouldn't even call the newer 27's renewals. They had slight mold changes, but were not an entire design overhaul. I think bandai is on track.
  9. Get it right the first time. I am ok with delays. I'd rather not see renewals on these valks pop up a year or two down the line.
  10. Cmal, thanks for the info, and for trying the extra stuff on the 1/6 arms. Your beta's should have come with the silicone feet in a baggie. Please check your packaging again, and if it is missing I can send you a sheet. Great pics, too! From what I have seen demonstrated, the laser cutter I am expecting should be able to create a sharper etch. I apologize for the missed areas on your etched base. I have another batch set to arrive tomorrow from the vendor, and if that continues to be an issue, I will mention it.
  11. Mommar, Hopefully we are talking about the same thing.
  12. They do. You can see them in the pictures.
  13. Wow. Thank you. Wow. Thank you.
  14. That panel lining looks nice, too. What is your method of choice?
  15. I really hope the production tolerances are good enough for it to hold up the gunpod.
  16. Matte is a good look for these. Hopefully that is the way they are going. The schemes look great.
  17. I won't be able to comment on price reductions until I have the laser in hand and have some time to test it out. Any increase in margins may go towards better packaging, or free shipping depending on order total. Both have been critiqued since starting the webstore. In the end all I want is to be able to offer the best product possible. I don't want to start compromising that in order to sell the stands at a cheaper price.
  18. Resistant to what? Breaking? These prints aren't going to break without intention to do so.
  19. Very helpful. I did a spot check on a few, but not all. I have another batch due in early next week. I will look them all over when they arrive. I apologize for the blemish. Another reason why I am eagerly awaiting my own laser cutter. No one is gonna care about the product that goes out as much as me. This is a QC issue and if it exists in the next batch I will contact them and see what the issue is. It should be the same process used on the circle etchings I drew for the joints for over a year. Those have always looked clean, and thorough.
  20. "My 19 is great and tight in fighter mode but I haven't transformed it yet." To be pedantic, I am simply speaking to the Valk in question, not all arcadia Y-19's.
  21. Schrödinger's Valkyrie. It is both perfectly tight, and a floppy mess. It exists in both states until transformed. Than it is either tight, or loose.
  22. Great pics! Glad you are liking it.
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