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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. That's sucks. I don't think the high speed mode is worth it if the sacrifice is fragile wings. I've been treating my wings like Fabergé eggs.
  2. It seems to be limited to each individual post, not the whole thread. I may re-organize my first. Edit: Pics added. Post rearranged.
  3. I have been tinkering with 3d printing for a few years. I have added it as a service along with my computer animation and such. I have mine dialed in to the highest quality I can get out of it. And you are correct. I do not want to over complicate this. At least not now.
  4. I've seen that. A frontier stand is not a priority right now, but it is not outside the realm of possibility. I am trying to get all of my yamarcadia valks up on stands first. Edit:
  5. We'll see.
  6. Just printing them for myself right now. If there is enough interest and support I would be willing to get these manufactured somehow.
  7. It would not be difficult. Edit:
  8. I didn't have a plan too, but it would be easy enough. Edit:
  9. There is currently no colored or uncolored version. The renderings are just for reference. At this point it is whatever color I print it in. I am currently printing them in metallic silver.
  10. Moderator: It looks like I am limited to the amount of pics I can have in this post. Is it possible to lift that? How do you want me to update?
  11. It is a WIP stand I am modeling. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40910
  12. YF-19 just got in the door!
  13. I am using my Makergear M2 to print these out. I have weighted prints down with steel on some other projects, so that would always be an option. So far the weight, surface area, and fulcrum all seem to be working great on different valks. I do not think it is feasible to print these out for people that want them. Maybe a select few if it gets to that. I doubt you guys want to drop $200 a pop for a stand. It would have to go to a more traditional form of manufacturing.
  14. I hate the internet on April 1st.
  15. Thanks! I have been trying to get a VF-11 for awhile. I finally decided to pull the trigger. They seem to be headed for VF-4 territory these days. Checkout the stand here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40910#entry1111013
  16. My VF-11b just came in from Jungle. A pretty nervous order, considering I had never used them before. It was BNIB when I got it. B grade due to the box having faded from sunlight.
  17. Updated with pics of the Gerwalk Arm (fulcrum closer to center of base).
  18. Mine is out for delivery today. Excited for sure.
  19. I did think about that. I want it to be as sturdy as possible while looking as "light" as possible. I want the longer 90 degree straight peg the way it is for stability. I don't want an intricate keyhole, and I want the 2 curved arms as thin as possible. Erring slightly on the side of rock solid is more important to me, while still incorporating the kite. I am also thinking that the face of the stand could be used for whatever graphics you wanted to print out for each individual stand. The print out could be sandwiched with a clear cover matching the radius of the inner bezel. You could go plain kite, or have your own image (artwork, still, pilot, etc).
  20. Me too! My wife has connections with manufacturers in Taiwan, and locally in the US through her work. I just wanted some stands for my valks, but if there is enough interest, this could be a neat little adventure.
  21. I updated with pics. I am going to print another base (so three total now) with the Gerwalk arm. I will post back later today.
  22. Thanks for the interest, guys. I updated with new pics.
  23. This first design is just a proof of concept. I will likely have different lengths/orientations for the arms, or I will work out a printable jointed arm.
  24. I am currently printing these in PLA.
  25. Thanks! I will continue to add pics and progress. Edit:
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