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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. I like It.
  2. You want a jointed arm that fits on the Bandai SMS base?
  3. Thanks! I am printing more as I type this. The stands are all custom. They work with Yamarcadia and DX stand adapters, but not other bases.
  4. Either way, I will most certainly not be ordering anything from AmiAmi.
  5. There are many different colors of filament I could print it in, too.Edit: I misread that. I thought you said black.
  6. I've been going back and forth on that actually. I don't think I will be able to get these manufactured in any manner save a shady one. I may do limited runs and just sell them through here. We will see. I will have to figure out a fair price.
  7. About 5 hours.
  8. It wasn't even intentional.
  9. Absent on purpose. I may come up with something, but only if I can print it well.Layers would have to print parallel to the axis of motion. This would have the potential to fail over time.
  10. Yes. I suppose my definition of "may take awhile" is a little different.
  11. Thanks. I didn't realize how much I liked gerwalk until I started re-posing all of my valks. Most of them are in gerwalk now.
  12. I am using rubber o-rings in each of the joints: \
  13. I am going to try and figure something out. It may take awhile.
  14. Pics removed.
  15. I am working on it. imgur gallery
  16. That looks cool It it just pinched in there, or is it properly secured?
  17. It sure would. Do you have access to one?
  18. Updated post with a rendering of the adjustable arm, including a Frontier adapter. Edit: Also added a render for the SMS base. I am currently printing one.
  19. I have a Thingiverse profile. 3dyeti. If that is the direction people want to go, that's fine. I would rather see enough I interest to go the manufactured route. Not everyone has a 3d printer.
  20. Added some pics showing the 6 stands I have printed so far.
  21. Just post in English.
  22. Post it to twitter. Arcadia should make it right. I was kind of leaning towards the 1% chance that the wing broke in shipping, but if the whole thing is shoddy you should let Arcadia know. These weren't cheap.
  23. If you can't get it settled through Amiami, I don't see why you shouldn't. We paid a hefty price for these. It is one thing for them to break over time, but to receive it broken? Layyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyymmm.
  24. Wait...the actual wing is snapped into two pieces? Damn...
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