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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Modeled a 2-axis joint, and sourced some "final" hardware:
  2. Already printing a piece. I have to sleep sometimes, it is thing I do. Edit:
  3. ...do I need to model a new piece for that as well?
  4. Currently: http://www.makergear.com/products/m-series-3d-printers
  5. That little printed peg would not last long.
  6. I am a little surprised that this has turned into more of a Frontier thing:
  7. Yep. It is just the end piece that gets swapped.
  8. Thanks. You've got me all welled up
  9. Printing out rotated DX and yamarcadia adapters to allow for more posing options:
  10. Someone else had asked about banking. I could confidently do either or, but not both tilting and banking in one piece. I would have low confidence in a piece like that holding up. I should have something more on that tonight. Edit:
  11. Thanks to everyone for your interest. I am surprised by the amount of feedback.
  12. I printed these at 250 microns. The models are not too intricately detailed, so this resolution comes out looking pretty good. You can see, and feel the layers. If you drew your finger across it parallel to the layer it would feel smooth. If you drew your finger across it perpendicular to the layers you would feel the slight ridges of the cylindrical thread of deposited filament.
  13. Better yet, I can print it black.
  14. I would prefer to have crystal clear stands as well. Pure PLA filament is clear, but due to the printing process it does not end up clear. Think of layers upon layers of ice. All of the light gets refracted and diffused. Ends up looking like glitter more than anything else.
  15. Added pics of DX stand adapter.
  16. Brownchickenbrowncow:
  17. So... What's the trick to getting the shoulder fast packs in place?
  18. I got stands for all of my valks printed:
  19. I really like that idea. I just need to come up with that detail. Best case scenario would be one design that works for all of the different era's of valks.
  20. I just printed up the fixed posed frontier arms. I will work on a DX stand adapter for my jointed arm.
  21. That is the problem. These won't be cheap if I print them on my machine and sell them. I am thinking about doing a limited run sale on the site. We'll see what the reaction is to the price. If enough people bite, maybe I can drop the price on subsequent runs. The issue is I do this stuff professonially. Charging what I invoice a client for a rapid prototype...well you might as well buy up some Yamato VF-4's while you are at it. Stay tuned. I will try and figure something out within a week.
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