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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. High everyone! In anticipation of the Tornado parts release I decided to tighten up my VF-25f's hip joints. I am using future polish for the first time, but have used clear nail polish in the past. I am sure this sort of thing has been mentioned here before, but thought I'd start a thread. Would others like to share their tips and tricks for keeping their macross figures crisp and tight? Or perhaps share some harrowing stories of fixes gone wrong? Thanks to technoblue for formating this: Arcadia YF-19 anime52k8: Disassembling the YF-19 ankle to tighten the ball joint: http://www.macrosswo...39470&p=1114611 ChaoticYeti: A third variation of the Arcadia YF-19 ankle fix: http://www.macrosswo...39470&p=1206447 Arcadia VF-0* ChaoticYeti: VF-0 Hip fix: http://www.macrosswo...39470&p=1206447 Bandai VF-171 Chronocidal: Fixing a shattered knee joint: http://www.macrosswo...37652&p=1135989 Xigfrid: Shapeways VF-171 triangle replacements and review by mickyg: http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=42652 Bandai VF-25* Renewal Saburo: Tornado parts sagging wing fix http://www.macrosswo...ic=41478&page=1 Yamato VF-1* Jenius: The list of "safe" and "unsafe" Yamato 1/60 v2 releases: http://anymoon.com/b...-1J-30th-12.jpg Bluemax: Pre-emptive shoulder fix for the older unsafe Yamato releases: http://www.macrosswo...=32494&p=833740 VF5SS: 1/60 VF-1 replacement shoulder hinges (shapeways): http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=36316 Yamato VF-0* VF5SS: VF-0 replacement parts (shapeways): http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=36537 Chronocidal: VF-0 nose droop fix: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33217&p=860058 Yamato SV-51* Chronocidal: SV-51 disassembly for wing joint access: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=143&p=867221
  2. I am worried about floppiness because it appears that they are adding non-integrated support bars that are suppose to be put in place to secure the valkyrie in gerwalk and battroid. If they are an extra "just in case" bracket that is not necessary, than cool. If they are required to keep things from being floppy, than that is a huge letdown for me.
  3. I am torn on the yf-30. I really want one, but I am worried it will be a floppy mess. They are including some braces that you add to gerwalk and battroid to help keep it in place, which is nice, and dissapointing all at once. I will wait for others to share their experiences. I have probably already doubled my valk collection this year...oh god...what a thought.
  4. My sentiments, exactly. Here is a VF-19s going for $146.00. http://www.angolz.com/store/1-60-macross-vf-19s-emerald-force-custom.html
  5. -----OPINIONS AHEAD----- I have an Arcadia VF-1s Roy, and a couple Arcadia YF-19's. The YF-19 being one of my all time favorite mecha, I was hoping for it to be perfect. You can read in the YF-19 thread about peoples issues. I have 2 big gripes about mine. The ankles are not stiff, and the high speed mode is too big of a durability sacrifice for it to be worth while. I can't really say my ankles are floppy, but they are not stiff. I can stand him up on his feet, but some angles are too much for the ankles to bear. When my Yamato VF-19s from years ago has the same issue I am annoyed that this was not fixed. To that point, the YF-19 is just a renewal version of the Yamato VF-19's. They transform the same, and they almost have the exact same proportions. Am I glad I have an Arcadia YF-19? Yes. Did I expect more from it? Yes. The Arcadia VF-1's, on the other hand, are the same of the Yamato 1/60 VF-1 v2's. I think they (either the Yamato, or Arcadia releases) are the defacto 1/60 VF-1's as of right now. People gripped about their price, and the exclusion of super/strike parts, but as a Valkyrie, they are great. And even if you don't like, or have not seen Macross Frontier, get a VF-25/29 renewal. You won't be dissapointed. Great Mecha.
  6. We must go deeper...
  7. Same goes for the VF-19's. Worst place to put the adapter. Tabs are either too weak, or you can't get it balanced the way you want.
  8. I want to want it, but those braces in the transformation video are pretty disappointing.
  9. But....come on guys. What's the point unless you transform them once in awhile? (Stares at loose ankled $$$ YF-19 while a single tear rolls down his cheek, than smiles at second unopened $$$ YF-19). We are a weird bunch.
  10. That is exactly what happened. I need to get those going...
  11. Well, there you go.....I didn't open the stand. Thanks for the info!
  12. Just picked up mine from the post office. Nice, crisp deco. Tight joints, like my vf-25a. Only issue is the bendy antennas. The one on the left aide of the head is curved inward. It won't sit flush in fighter mode. Not too much of an issue, since I plan to keep it in battroid, but the inclusion of rigid antennas would have been nice.
  13. Meh. She is our second daughter. No surprises yet.
  14. My schedule is starting to lighten up. Baby and Momma are doing well.
  15. I have worked in a few things that I think are pretty cool. I am excited to see what people think. I am working with an injection molder on cost and quantity. That is what will determine cost from the Kickstarter. I want to be able to cover all tooling and production costs with the kickstarter. The cost of supporting the Kickstarter may not be indicative of the cost I will sell them at. The more quantity I can sell, the cheaper each individual stand will be. Do not quote me on any numbers just yet.Colors shouldn't be a big deal. Black, gray, white, clear, not sure yet. May only offer one or two with other options as stretch goals. Macross market is too niche. If you collect other things you may want more stands for them too.....
  16. Correct, and it would be more cost effective to do injection molding if enough people wanted them. To make it overly simple, do you want 10 for $100 a piece, or 100 for $10 a piece?
  17. Kickstarter first. I would consider other options depending on how that goes.
  18. Hey, fellow Yeti! I have been following the form since I first heard about it over a year ago. I am glad to hear you like it. I appreciate that there are multiple different 3d printing technologies available at the hobbiest level. The things that have held me off of this type of printer are the build volume, and build material cost. How much hands on time have you had with it? How many prints?
  19. There will be. Bigger than just Macross.
  20. Yeah, it was suggested that I just sell printed ones. I don't think people realize what that entails... The final version of the stand is pretty sweet. I am excited to get rolling.
  21. Building a kickstarter now. I am not going to launch it until little ChaoticYeti #2 gets settled.
  22. Sorry for the tease. I already had the 29 on one of the newer stands and just slapped on the parts for a quick pic. Still working on it. Wife is due with our second in a couple weeks. Progress will ramp up again after a little hiatus.
  23. My super parts arrived.
  24. Still working on it.
  25. NY just sent me a shipping preparation notice for my VF-25a and super parts order.
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