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Everything posted by maxvf1a

  1. Oops sorry. Please lock this. I'll post in the appropriate thread. Thanks.
  2. Predaking reissue packaging question I received a Predaking reissue from a reputable seller who also sells on MW. I planned on keeping this MISB. However the tape on all ends of the box seems to have been cut and then new factory tape was placed over it. It seems like the box was opened and then taped back up. Did anyone else receive one like this? How did yours come? I'm thinking about trying to get my money back through my credit card if the seller doesn't do anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. I received a Predaking reissue from a reputable seller who also sells on MW. The tape on all ends of the box seems to have been cut and then new factory tape was placed over it. It seems like the box was opened and then taped back up. Did anyone else receive one like this? How did yours come? I'm thinking about trying to get my money back through my credit card if the seller doesn't do anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. A 1/55 Hovertank would be around the size of a 3 3/4" GI Joe figure which would be pretty cool.
  5. Check out this blue Tracks from tformers.com.
  6. Does anything look weird and/or obvious about the seller dvdhntr and the bidder dvdhntrss13? http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws1/eBayISAPI.dll?Mfc...3&all=1&rows=25
  7. yeah and how come darth vader doesn't recognize c3po later on?
  8. ...
  9. Stunticons with the wrong vehicle guns. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3182626629
  10. here is what my custom motormaster would look like
  11. ..
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