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Skull 001

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About Skull 001

  • Birthday 12/06/1972

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    Skull 001

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. There was a really good english fandub done by Dark Heroes Entertainment does anyone know where a copy of that fandub can be downloaded or purchased on DVD or some format?
  2. The 1/48 is my favorite scale. I think it is the perfect scale for these. I wish it would get made again. I would love a 1D or 1J cannon fodder. Makes me sad that they are not made anymore.
  3. Return of the 1/48s
  4. Minmay guards
  5. I would love to see the Minmay Guards in 1/48
  6. 1/48s please tv and movie versions.
  7. So what happened to Yamato and is Arcadia now making the Yamato Valks?
  8. Right after making this I see Yamato is finally coming out with one. Now the decision is do I keep it or sell it to fund the new one. This was just made form the Hikaru 1-A I sripped off the pain with Gas yes I said gasoline. Painted it up and sealed it. I really debat about this one and the new one becasue the new one look s so white and this oine is a bit one the greyer side. What do you think. Also how do you order the 1/48 version of the TV Max.
  9. So where and how do you order these
  10. I am going to get back into customizing. But I wanted to know those of you who have totally painted the entire Valk for a custom. How and what do you use to seal it so the paint doesn't scratch or chip off durring transformation. I have been very scared to totally paint up a valk thinking it will chip or scratch off making it look like crap.
  11. Is the 1/48 angel bird white or off white. I saw some pics of it and it looked off white. I want to get one for a custom but not if it is off white.
  12. I hope beyond hope that this is a good movie. It has great potential. If McGuire is a true fan he will want to see it done right. Kasdan is a good screenwriter and hopefully can make Protculture work. I think They could make the Macross Saga in 2 movies. Sarting the first movie from the beginning and ending when SDF-1 gets back to Earth. the Second can run from there to either the end of the final space battle. I think it will lose a lot durring the rebuilding story at the end of the Saga. This movie could be a good cross of Top Gun and Independence Day. With not focusing on the special effect but keeping with the story and staying true to the animation Valk designs we could all be suprised. Then again I see what is going on with the G.I. Joe movie and I fear for the worst.
  13. The 60's look good and I will buy some. I with they woudl ahve made these improvements to the 48's instead. I prefer the size and I was working on articulated pilots for the 48's. Now I am hoping peopel will start dumping their 1/48 so I can stock up.
  14. I just hope I can get a Max TV 1A from them this time.
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