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Everything posted by mark-1s

  1. Thought you guys might be interested in this tidbit of info: Voltron release date and price: August 1st $180 USD. Also looks to be a rather limited production run. liink: http://www.ign.com/articles/2018/06/28/lego-voltron-set-release-date-announced?abthid=5b34de1c44b91c0236000214
  2. Lego just released another Hulkbuster. Not sure if I like it though. I think I've seen some MOC's that look better https://shop.lego.com/en-CA/The-Hulkbuster-Ultron-Edition-76105?ef_id=WRCMRgAAALY7GVJ7%3A20180306140953%3As&s_kwcid=AL!790!3!254930835725!e!!g!!lego+hulkbuster
  3. That's a very similar product to Copic's airbrush system that also uses markers - I bought the starter set a few years ago . I was skepticle of it at first but was quite impressed the moment I used it. You don't get the level of detail you can get out of a traditional airbrush system, but having nothing to clean up is well worth the trade off. That said, I don't know how it good it would be on plastics though as I've only ever used mine on paper and canvas. http://copic.jp/en/product/abs/
  4. I can't really even explain the feeling other than it just totally sucks to see your idea taken and not just having money made off it, but becoming a whole sub-segment of a market unto itself. A few years ago I made a very simple DJ related device that I thought I'd share on a DJ specific forum. I was quite surprised to see the enthusiasm for it and was even told by one of the members that I should consider taking down the pictures as "who knows what vultures may lie". I gave it a quick thought and promptly heeded his advise. However, it was in vain as within a year suspiciously similar products started popping up on the internet. Can I prove that my idea was stolen? No, but you can't convince me otherwise. I was naive at the time and only have myself to blame so I've since been much more selective with what I post about my inventions / ideas which really is a shame because it would be great to get feedback on them. So why not apply for a patent on them you may ask? 'Cause they're damn expensive to acquire and even more expensive to defend. There's an old quote I read somewhere that went "Your patent is only as good as your pockets are deep", and my pockets are unfortunately rather shallow lol . With all that said though, I'm not sure where I stand on the original matter; there are good arguments made for both sides. All I know is official Arcadia products are well out of my range and if the KO's are reasonably priced, I may have to jump on one. Perhaps if Harmony Gold / Big West were a little less iron-fisted with their IP's, we'd be getting original Macross related / inspired designs ala 3rd party TF's instead of straight up knock offs.
  5. Found this on the 'Tube the other day and considering the thread topic, thought I'd share.
  6. I don't get the speaker gimmick - it's totally badass without it.
  7. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    I love this shot sh9000. The whole scene just screams for a stop motion job!
  8. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    CD Japan has the Glaug on clearance for 9100 Y now too. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-175386 edit: oops, wrong quote
  9. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    The size difference is comical. Almost looks like he's having "one of those talks" with his son.
  10. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    The CF's are available at HLJ! http://hlj.com/product/BANN06245/Act
  11. mark-1s

    3P SD VF-1S

    Alright, who's gonna roll the dice? Preorder: http://hlj.com/product/kzc10002
  12. In stock at HLJ: http://hlj.com/product/ACA82128
  13. Holy hell that looks good! I still hate those big tabs on the forearms, but everything else.....wow!
  14. Thx for posting this up, Fifbeat! Don't know how I missed it when you originally posted it. I still want a Cyclone
  15. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks no3ljm, It wasn't my intention to turn this thread into a b-fest about pre-order madness. It was just a simple observation that I thought contributed to it. Once again, my apologies.
  16. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    Let me reiterate my second post: I do not want one. I am only talking on behalf of those that do but can't obtain one simply because of these purchasing practices whether it be by scalpers or otherwise. You have to admit the numbers add up rather quickly. I wouldn't have guessed being mindful of my fellow members would be a bad thing.
  17. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    I know about the scalper issue and kept that in mind in my original post which is why I stated that members had the "potential" to snag one. You do have a point though, in that it's better that it sold out quick to possibly ensure added stock later and to give Bandai incentive to continue with enemy mech. Sorry to stir the pot, it's been a long time since I've been in "collector mode" so I no longer have the same mindset I suppose. FTR: I don't even want a Regult. They do look nice, however just a little pricey imo.
  18. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    And you guys wonder why there's pe-order madness? Maybe I'm off base for saying this, but maybe have a little consideration for your fellow MW members that want one. That's 32 Regults between just 9 members. If you had just bought only one each, that would have left 23 for other members to potentially snap up. This is how you do it if you want multiples:
  19. Other than the boxy hip area, Shockwave looks pretty nice so far. Not feeling Hotrod though...
  20. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    They now have it as "Discontinued" At Ieast I have one pre-orded. Just waiting for HLJ to request payment now....
  21. I don't know why, but I totally see this and the Hello Kitty SOC skyrocketing in value.....
  22. mark-1s

    3P SD VF-1S

    /\/\/\/\ That's hilarious. The head doesn't have to be removed for transformation. I'm not sure if i like it but it sure is clever.
  23. mark-1s

    3P SD VF-1S

    They are definitely looking a lot better than when I first saw them too. The 1-S head isn't too bad but the 1-J needs a bit of work. At least the visor is painted though! Very interested in these.
  24. My eyes must be decieving me. Necks on a Voltron lion. NECKS!!
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