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Everything posted by mark-1s

  1. HLJ's got a pre-order for a renewal version up: https://www.hlj.com/chogokin-damashii-gx-13r-super-beast-machine-god-dancouga-renewal-version-bans60727
  2. Thx Kuma! I got some catching up to do.
  3. Which version of Goku is this now? I'm losing track,
  4. One, two, tree.
  5. PUCK!! Nice to see some Alpha Flight love!
  6. Ya, the 999 was designed by Pierre Terblanche not Massimo Tamburini like the previous models which made for a bit of a departure in styling. I wasn't much of a fan of it either. Don't get me started on motorcycle tech. I have a VFR 800 with V-Tech and linked brakes; I could do without either of them - adds weight, complexity and almost double the cost to check the valves. It's a great bike though, so sort of worth it lol! The only "tech" I want on a bike is injection. I think what Stoner really meant was: "I'll come back to MotoGP when Rossi retires"
  7. I think I understand then. I don't have as much a hate for Harleys as you do, but I will say they're certainly overrated - they can't even make a proper side stand SMH. I'm curious what you thought of the 999. Of all the recent Ducatis it was probably the least loved. As far as the power plant for a ride armor, I'd have to say either electric or something just as quiet. The last thing you want to do is alert the Inbit of your sneak attack
  8. I've been riding for over 32 years now and the Ride Armor sounds have never bothered me. However, what does vaguely irritate me is when the sound of an inline 4 is used for a single or twin motorcycle in a live action movie.
  9. New pics of Blitzwing: https://news.tfw2005.com/2020/06/23/transformers-studio-series-ss-65-voyager-blitzwing-new-stock-images-413314 Bot mode isn't too bad, but that plane mode.....mother of god.
  10. Seriously, a VF with a beam saber? Madness!
  11. /\/\/\/\ My old Yammie 1/48 VF-1J has TV style arm armor, so I'm gonna say yes.
  12. Test shot of the upcoming Unicron: More new pics: https://news.tfw2005.com/2020/05/08/haslab-war-for-cybertron-unicron-production-update-2-test-shot-packaging-411134
  13. As long as the My Little Pony characters are the main antagonists, I'm in!
  14. It was because of this pic that I watched the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie this weekend. I really enjoyed it. Thx Kuma!
  15. You might have a problem getting the facial expression down lol
  16. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    Your pics are are getting better and better SH! Great shot!
  17. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow! That's dead on!
  19. Beautiful Sinanju. For a straight build it's really nice. I like your TTX too lol!
  20. That shoulder joint on the Zeta looks a little delicate.
  21. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    Beautiful shot sh9000!
  22. /\/\/\ LOL I was just about to post this!
  23. QFT I understand enemy valks don't sell very well, but for such a unique design it would be shame to just "one and done".
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