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Everything posted by mark-1s

  1. One thing that bothers me now that I noticed it, is the shape of the shoulder missle pod doors. They look like simple roof tops where as the old Yammie 1/48 was contoured and more detailed. The DX looks just lazy by comparison. Don't get me wrong though, everything else I really like. Edit: I didn't realize that the DX doors are actually line art accurate. Oh well. I still like the Yammie's better.
  2. I'm not sure about the others, but the individual shoulder missles look removable.
  3. I'm pretty sure it does. In the aforementioned video you can see a subtle movement of the missile pod right at 1:17:47 when the bay is opened.
  4. BDBDBD.
  5. I don't know what it is about all the Hello Kitty crossover stuff, but I love it!
  6. Probably because you can't put it into a pose of your own . Admittedly I feel the same way. If I can't manipulate the figure to how I want it to appear, I can't justify the cost no matter how good the statue may look.
  7. They need to make a "Bill the cat" movie. That would be far more interesting.
  8. New pics of MP Arcee up at https://news.tfw2005.com/2020/11/11/transformers-masterpiece-mp-51-arcee-in-hand-gallery-423881 Um, no.
  9. New pics of MP Tigatron are looking really good. https://news.tfw2005.com/2020/10/29/tfw2005s-masterpiece-tigatron-in-hand-gallery-live-423185
  10. That laugh.
  11. Thx! I didn't see it in any of the promo pics and it wasn't even mentioned in that video.
  12. Dream Star (never heard of them) is making their own "stylized" version of Superion. So far I'm really liking it, but still need to see more pics of the individual bots and their alt modes. Silverbolt has a lot of under-junk. https://news.tfw2005.com/2020/09/30/dream-star-toys-g1-superion-aerialbots-gray-prototype-420916
  13. It took me a while to remember what that fake canopy cover reminded me of. I absolutely hated that massive, ugly swing bar on those cheap Converter "Valks". I had the purple one lol. And the more I look at the new Screamer and read more of the comments here, his alt mode is becoming less and less appealing. I still think it looks pretty good from top down though.
  14. /\/\/\ Seriously. That was the first thing I noticed too. Alt mode inacuracies aside, I like what what I see even though I really don't think we need yet another MP seeker.
  15. /\/\/\/\/\ I don't know who she is, but she looks great!
  16. Great. Another GP-01 FB. I don't understand why the GP-02 gets so little love. Whether it's Gunpla, Fix, Metal Build ect... there's hardly anything GP-02 wise. It's such a great looking and intimidating Gundam (IMO). And if I'm not mistaken, was designed by Kawamori too.
  17. I'm currently watching the original Dragon Ball - no Z, no GT, no Super at the end - just Dragon Ball. I'm only on episode 12 and while it's certainly a lot more light hearted and "kiddie" than Z and Super (never watched GT), I'm still enjoying it and find it pretty cool to see how Goku meets the current cast along the way. Despite the "kiddie" tone I'm really surprised at what was allowed in the animation; kid Goku has a scene where he's naked and all his bits are hanging out, Bulma has a shower scene, and in ep. 11 she gives the finger to Emperor Pilaf!!?? Before this I blasted through DB Super and really liked it. From what I understand, it was the last DB series produced, but the manga is still ongoing. Anybody know if if a new one is in development?
  18. I remember seeing some talk about aircraft rivets in the KitzConcept thread. I just found this YT vid and thought some of you may find it interesting.
  19. I'm not a Barbatos fan, but that looks great!
  20. I don't know why they gave him a Suzuki (looks like a B-King) when it was a Kawasaki GPZ 900 in the original movie. At least they got the volley ball right
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