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Everything posted by mark-1s

  1. Don't know about anybody else, but he looks more like Senor de la Estrelas than Star Lord.
  2. Those poor original Yamatos at the front haven't aged too well. They were pretty nice for the time, but the Arcadia trumps it several times over. I still have my originals....somewhere lol
  3. That was the only part I liked. Hated the rest of it. It was nice to see Short-round again though.
  4. Is there a release date for that Miles Morales? My son would love that for his birthday in May. edit: answered my own question; July https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/230018
  5. I was so stoked for this, but that price took the fire out of that flame. Not happening. Those last few pics tho 😍
  6. I'll never understand using a Porsche for Mirage. If they didn't want to (or couldn't) use a proper F1 car, then they should have used the next best thing: a McLaren F1.
  7. mark-1s

    1/55's revisited

    Those last couple of pages were crazy. I lost count of how many times I said “WTF!” out loud lol. So many weird takes on the old 1/55. At first glance, I thought this one on the left had a Getter Dragon head!
  8. Both of their faces look off, Evangeline's in particular.
  9. Another beautiful build Anubis!
  10. 🤮
  11. /\/\/\ Glad to see I wasn't the only one who was confused by that.
  12. Super, SUPER excited for this! I hope to see the Nikick, and the other mechs soon to follow.
  13. Thx for the shot Lolicon! Size wise they're quite close, but the Infinity looks a lot better IMO
  14. That Gandalf is insane.
  15. Shes got quite the jawline.
  16. /\/\/\ I was thinking the same thing. I’m also curious about the size difference between the two.
  17. Long lost brothers
  18. Ya, I checked after I posted and saw other screen shots like those. Heck, I even found a couple that had no headlights at all lol. Funny how selective my memory has gotten the older I get.
  19. I got excited too and I don't even collect anymore.
  20. mark-1s

    Hi-Metal R

    I think I may actually jump on this one. I haven’t bought a valk since the GBP HMR so I think I’m past due.
  21. I'm really liking what I see except the perforations on the chest piece. Almost ruins it for me.
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