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Everything posted by mark-1s

  1. The 1-S head lasers look like Nimon horns
  2. I really like the updated 2 tone look, but the chest is a little excessive.
  3. Definitely looks geared towards kids with its goofy undertones, but still better than the Bayverse garbage IMO.
  4. I hope they do too. I absolutely hate the windowless boxes. Most of the TF’s at my local stores have the heads missing.
  5. Wait…..is that an actual model of a Borg Cube or just a bunch of leftover Gundam sprues painted black? If so; genius!!
  6. I’m sure it’s not a surprise to anyone here, but still unpainted landing gear. I remember when somebody mentioned it years ago and I was like “meh, no big deal”. But I have to admit, after looking at my old Yammie 1/48’s, white landing gear looks so much better.
  7. I’ve always loved the 262 but every time I see that head I see this……
  8. Looks like a McDonalds apple pie - the original ones that were deep fried. Delicious!
  9. Monday to Friday for me. I occasionally pop my head in on the weekends, but much less frequently.
  10. I don’t care what anyone says, I still like the creative liberties Bandai took with the fast pack armour.
  11. Oooh. I like that box art.
  12. MP Rinox ?! I don’t recall anybody posting this up or even seeing/ hearing anything about it. Almost came out of nowhere Looks good, but pricey https://tfsource.com/masterpiece-transformers/mp-59-rhinox-transformers-masterpiece-beast-wars/
  13. Well, at least we’ll have a lot of time to save up for it lol!
  14. Just in case anybody still wants them, HLJ currently has them on sale: (scroll down) https://www.hlj.com/search/?Word=Macross&itemGroup=FALLSALE2023&Page=2
  15. So far I'm really liking what I'm seeing. Call me crazy, but I even like the liberties taken with the head sculpt even if it doesn't have grey goggles. The backpack however, is my biggest gripe so far. Hopefully its only mis-transformed.
  16. I don’t often venture into the workshop section, but when I do my mind gets blown. Incredible work!
  17. Another knock out of the park, Anubis! Looks amazing!
  18. Jesus. That sounds like it was written by that old John Lovits character on SNL who's a pathological liar. Good luck.
  19. Thought you guys might find this amusing:
  20. Interesting placement of Sideswipe’s shoulder cannon
  21. I'm sure it would be considered blasphemy, but I'd love to see a transforming Super Sylph.
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