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Everything posted by Darknut

  1. I already got the cool car nd a good girlfriend and the only comments I get are "why can't you get a cheaper hobby". Good times are my childhood memories though.
  2. 1/72 = 2 1/60 = 5 1/48 = 4
  3. Had to get one to help my LV v1 feel less lonely. Plus after seeing boeing roll out a few super hornets fresh every few weeks the paint scheme seems kinda right on to me as far as most real world aircraft go. I need to finish my car so I won't be sad and spend money on things.
  4. I was 7 or 8 when my cousins and I would end our outdoor games and rush the tv to see Robotech. It was a happy time in my life except I could never get my parents to get me the toys. Then when I was 10 I got a jet fire for christmas. That thing lasted me about 12 years through repaints and other mahems that I put it through. Many years had passed ant I was in the military and I saw Mac+. Hello childhood! I started looking on the internet and got another jet fire but it wasn't enough... I wanted more! and now I sit here just a week after my b-day wishing I had told someone to preorder me that stealth 1J. I know I have noplace to put it now witha all the other tf and mac goodies but I gotta have it!! Man I am so broke from this hobby but it is just so rewarding to have a second childhood and be able to afford it. So now I have a paradox... go fast goodies for my car or a shinny new valk to zoom the room? Choices.
  5. I have GOT to come in here more. I will miss VE and Kevin. He hooked me up in my happy divorce party. Best $600 bucks I ever dropped and the best homecoming from Iraq. Good luck Kevin and thanks for the memories.
  6. Darknut

    all jm's found!

    Just the J's and the S. And they're robowreck boxes. But as hard as they are to come complete and unbroken, I can live with that. Then again I think toys should be box free. But I still keep the boxes for just in case purposes. Never know If I have to do an emergency sell.
  7. Darknut

    all jm's found!

    Yep that would've been me that won. I'd say altogether the five cost me around $520.00. Plus headaches on bidding, thin patience, and fighting with ex wife and last gf. Women just don't understand the boys and toys theorem.
  8. Darknut

    all jm's found!

    Little history on max 1A. He was my first one. got him when I was 6. So he saw and put up with a lot from me. Hes still as tight as the new 1S in the back. The Hikaru 1A was the last one needed to complete it all.
  9. Darknut

    all jm's found!

    won't let me post more.
  10. Darknut

    all jm's found!

    Sorry. workin on it.
  11. Darknut

    all jm's found!

    Sorry guys. Here are some pics hot off the disk!
  12. Darknut

    all jm's found!

    I have finally gotten all the joke machine valks!! Only took me 4 years . I'm so happy!
  13. I love all my kids...er valks. All three 1/48's stay on a low shelf on display out of the boxes and my 1/60 wing all get thier play. Only the 1/55's stay in the box and I ain't talkin toynami . The addiction is bad but it feels so good.
  14. (looks at meager collection) (starts to sniffle) It's a beautiful collection.
  15. I'm poor. I must wait till the gods of fortune smile and tell me which bills to skip to pay for this. Or just work 2 days of overtime and a drill weekend.
  16. St. Louis Missouri, Missoura, Misery... something like that. One day I'll get to a convention to get some cool things.
  17. Hi. FNG here. I actually have been a lurker here for a long time. I have a 1/48 Max J and a low vis that are having back problems due to my girlfriend. Namely bp8 is broken. I fel sorry for my kids so if anyone can help so I don't have to buy 2 new kids I would be very greatful.
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