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About JohnMc

  • Birthday 01/03/1976

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    Kilkenny, Ireland

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Sometimes you can't help but laugh at the incompetence.
  2. I only looked forward to this series for the same reason many Youtube comic critics looked forward to every issue of Gabby Rivera's America Chavez comic. Too laugh at the inevitable train wreck that was sure to ensue.
  3. Yeah, but Harmony Gold are usually the ones that will send in the lawyers over the least little thing. So its nice to see a reversal of fortune once in awhile
  4. I bet the irony of sue happy lawyers being sent in escapes them.
  5. They're determined to make sure Max and Miriya don't happen for some reason. They've really trashed Max from the get go.
  6. Where did you hear this? Not disputing it. I think they'll keep it on hiatus longer than 2021 though
  7. They were separated if not divorced in Macross 7. The most hated part of that season.
  8. Just because Macross screwed them over doesn't mean that Titan comics can. 2 wrongs don't make a right and all that.
  9. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out while we're waiting for our guilty pleasure to return. Speaking of the Titan Comics Robotech series they're having a 66% sale. Anybody Max/Miriya fans need toilet paper?
  10. I love Soul of Chogokin Vehicle Voltron [ 1 have two] but both Robotech and Voltron are brands that have one foot in the grave and the other on the banana peel because they have been run into the ground by incompetents over the decades.
  11. They always tease doing a sequel series with Vehicle Voltron, but it never happens so teases like at the end of LD just come across as another Middle Finger to Vehicle fans.
  12. I get that the Macross Saga is the most popular, but they need to do something to move on. Or atleast move forward and not keep rehashing the events of the Macross Saga. World Events have the same problem with Voltron. They stuck with the Lions and now they're also fighting to stay relevant.
  13. I have. I would like to see a decent story from them once in a while.
  14. They posted it on their Facebook page as a response to a question on where it is. They claimed the virus and shutdown being the reason, but 5 was meant to be out before the shutdown occurred.
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