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Powered Convoy

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Everything posted by Powered Convoy

  1. When Hikaru saves Misa from Mars, but she wants to go back as the base explodes. When Roy slops over from his wounds (that he didn't get checked) and the guitar makes a noise. Hikaru's response to Roy's death as he drops the model airplane. When Hikaru hangs up on Minmay after she says her life is so tough while Hikaru has lost two of his best friends within a short period of time. Hikaru, Max, and Miria attacking in the first final battle. The final shot of the last episode. Makes me cry. Randy
  2. The Roy is probably my all time favorite, but I love the Hikaru too. I voted for the Hikaru due to its lack of exposure and overall coolness at the end of DYRL. It also resembles Jetfire more than any other Valkyrie. Randy
  3. lol. She did get me the Bandai Reissue VF-1J Max type for my birthday last year, and a couple years ago on Valentine's Day the YF-21! Randy aka Powered Convoy
  4. I like it a lot! Very, very nice job! I would buy him again if they came out with one in these colors. Though there is a black and purple version coming out next year too. Randy aka Powered Convoy
  5. About a year ago I got my GF to watch Macross TV series. Now she liked anime before this, but something so old (she's not old school like me) is hard for her to watch. Despite this, she loved the TV Series, I showed her DYRL, Flashback 2012, Macross Plus OVAs, and Macross Zero ep1. She really liked the original stuff and Plus. She's also looking forward to more Zero. I guess she actually liked Plus enough too that she wants to buy the OVAs. Now I got to show her the Plus Movie. I personally couldn't sit through much of M7 so I won't be showing her that. Randy aka Powered Convoy
  6. I love Flashback 2012! It's so beautifully animated and some of the renditions of at least one of the songs is only on the tape. I don't remember the name of the song, the song that has a very patriotic video. I love the new designs at the end with Angel Paints, also if you watch the special version of DYRL from years ago they have a shorter version of "Angel Paints" with some different sequences. I also like how the scene where Minmay is at a press photo with flowers is followed by the press photo where she looks sad and is going to make some kind of announement, how in the other version the scenes are reversed. A very cool ending to the original Macross. Randy aka Powered Convoy
  7. SWEET! I managed to order a bunch before Hikaru and some of the others sold out! Got some for me and for my bro's BDay and Hikaru and Minmay for my gf! Too bad there weren't any colored hair Hikaru or Ishtar though. Thanks singtao! Randy aka Powered Convoy
  8. Sold out! Anyone else know of anywhere to get these figures? I only saw one of each figure on eBay. Any help is really appreciated! Thanks! Randy aka Powered Convoy
  9. I always wondered about this. I just thought it was a creative decision to switch things around. Though I would have loved to see what Millia's Valkyrie would have looked like in DYRL? Would it have been mostly red like in the TV series or like Hikaru's in DYRL? with a different shade of red? Randy aka Powered Convoy
  10. In the episode where Minmay and Kaifun are kidnapped by Kamjin's forces. Episode thirty-something. There is at least one brown VF-1J. I believe one of the Zentradi power suits kicks it right in the cockpit as the VF-1J runs towards it. Randy aka Powered Convoy
  11. I'd buy them buy the box. I don't like to buy them individually because popular characters (like Minmay) will sell out and only less popular characters will remain. Also I'd try to get a painted hair set and a clear hair set and my best bet to do that would be with buying a box. How many figures are in a box 12? Randy aka Powered Convoy Edit: BTW, really nice pics!
  12. That thing is beautiful! Too bad I'm such a poor schmuck! Randy aka Powered Convoy
  13. I'd like it if it came with Hikaru in his orange jumpsuit and Minmay. They should have done that with the 1/60th. I guess they were going for a more everyday look for it though. Randy aka Powered Convoy
  14. This is my favorite Valkyrie from DYRL? So I want to get it. Whether or not I will do the the hefty price is another issue. Randy aka Powered Convoy
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