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Powered Convoy

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Everything posted by Powered Convoy

  1. That's cool! I just finished rewatching the Animeigo DVDs this past weekend. Never noticed that though! I betcha a lot of Valkyrie pilots want to pilot that valk! It's definetly a pinup though. Imagine if Hikaru had that in his valk! Misa would be so mad! I know I read a lot of the text that went buy by pausing it to see if it ever made any sense. One of my favorites is the store called "ADALT TOY" in episode 34 "Private Time". And then there's "Macross'nald's". But there's also that letter Minmay has about an audition that reads better in English than most letters I could write. Randy
  2. My brother has the DVD and video. I remember the main character specifically saying "I like the girl's TV designs better". I tend to disagree. Randy
  3. So I take it Macross-nald's (from the TV Series) doesn't have the Dollar Menu. Randy
  4. That is so sweet! I love it. If and when you do recasts I'll be down for some. Randy
  5. Really nice job! I'm loving the paint details and the professional look of the custom. Keep up the Great Work! Randy
  6. Those are nice! I'd be down for one for the Animeigo 9 DVDs providing the price was right. Randy
  7. I'm currently rewatching Macross, and they said there was 56,000 Civilians in "Burst Point". Randy
  8. I'd like a set too, if it's not too late. Thank you! Randy
  9. I believe there is one also in episode 31 "Satan's Dolls". Kamjin kicks the cockpit out of one in his powersuit in the episode where Kaifun and Minmay go to a city and over look the concert hall. Then the Zentraedi attack. It's the episode before Kamjin has Minmay and Kaifun hostage and Hikaru has to rescue them. Randy
  10. I'll be getting both...hopefully. They're so expensive, and I want the Hikaru VF-1J too. So hopefully I can afford them, but I only make like $100 a week while at college. Randy
  11. Is Toy-Wave a reliable place? The prices are much better there. Hows the shipping? Thanks. Randy
  12. The Macross TV series is loads better than Robotech! I just started rewatching it for the first time (I've only seen the whole thing once before). I haven't seen it in like two years so it's great watching it again! It just keeps on getting better and better as the series goes on! Randy
  13. I just rewatched that episode last weekend! The funny part is her name is spelt "Minmei" on her door, but literally 30 seconds later on the letter from "OLION RECORDS" that Hikaru reads they spell her name "Lynn Minmay"!! It's clearly visible if you freeze frame it. If you read that letter, you can see that the person responsible for composing the English for that letter has a very good grasp of English. I was quite impressed! Oh, BTW, Macross is like the Best Show Ever! Randy
  14. Thanks for responding. I tried to search first but didn't come up with any results for what I was looking for. Randy
  15. Are there any differences between the 1/48th Fast Packs that come with the Hikaru VF-1J and the ones that are Sold Separately? Is the color different to match the TV and DYRL? Is the VF-1J only a Super Part, and not both Super and Strike Parts? I'm still confused why Yamato packs the Hikaru VF-1J (1/48 and 1/60) with the Fast Packs, since it never had them in any cannon. Though Fast Packs are better than no Fast Packs. Also with the 1/60th release of the Super VF-1J Hikaru, was it suppossed to be from the TV show or was it suppossed to represent the one VF-1J (All Armoured Up) we saw in DYRL because it came with a DYRL Pilot rather than the TV Pilot? Or just a mistake on Yamato's part? When I first saw it ages ago I planned on getting the 1/60 Super VF-1J Hikaru, but the wrong pilot totally soured the deal for me. Thanks! Randy
  16. Well that explains a lot. I'm glad to know now. I figured that they were dubbed by people either in Japan or Hong Kong. But boy was "Clash of the Bionoids" a travesty! I saw that in 1996 before seeing the uncut version and I couldn't believe how much they cut out. All of the cool action scenes, all the singing, like all of the good stuff. After watching "Clash of the Bionoids" I was convinced that Hikaru died in Badolzas chamber. Since we didn't see him escape in the edited version. Horrible, horrible. Now give me DYRL with the Minmay concert credits and followed up by Flashback subtitled on R1 DVD and I'll be a happy boy! Randy
  17. I have the the Best Film and Video Tape. I got it sometime in the late 90s. I ordered it from Rightstuf. You couldn't find it in the stores (at least around here). I ended up finding it at Electronics Boutique eventually. They had repackaged it by then. There aren't scenes edited out of this version. I've seen Clash of the Bionoids and that had like a 1/2 hour cut out. The newer tape (the one I have) has the same dub, but isn't cut at all. The voices are pretty bad, but it's better than nothing if you have a hard time reading subtitles. I recommend this version if that's the case. Otherwise get a subbed version somewhere, the Japanese actors are much, much, much better. This dub sounds like it was dubbed by foreign into English. It's really a poor job by today's standards (which are very low even now in my opinion). It might have been dubbed in Britian or Hong Kong because some of the actors have English accents (Minmay)! It is hard to understand what the actors are saying sometimes, but you should get the gist of it pretty easily. Some lines are a bit different, but aren't really dramatically different. For being the only version of this movie available domestically it's not half bad version of a great movie. Two songs are altered in it though. When Minmay sings when she is caught in the Zentraedi ship she doesn't sing her signature slow song (can't recall the anem right now), but the dubbed actress hums instead. Also there is a karaoke version of "Angel Paints" at the end instead of Mari Iijima singing. Those are the only things altered other than the voices. All of the violence, nudity, and most of the songs are present. You can order the movie uncut from Rightstuf here http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmg...item/2195/4/0/0 (this is the repackaged version). I've attached a pic of the original uncut version released shortly after. I hope that helps! Now if only a company would release this domestically subtitled. Randy Edit: Oh, so many misspellings...
  18. True Max did all of his ass-kicking in the VF-1A. I'd like to see it made. I probably wouldn't get it though. Not as cool as his VF-1J to me. I love the look of his VF-1J especially when coupled with Millia's. It wouldn't be right to release the Max TV 1-A along with Millia's only Valkyrie (in the original Macross) the VF-1J. I'd love it if they released Kakizaki's 1A and Max's 1A right after each other! Randy P.S. I didn't know TFs were so much more popular in Japan than Macross. Go figure!
  19. That whole GF/Marriage thing doesn't always work negatively in regards to buying Macross merchandise. My Ex-GF (was my GF at the time) bought me the original Yamato YF-21 and Bandai Reissue VF-1J Max. So there! Randy
  20. I still don't get why they're so expensive when Takara can make Masterpiece Convoy for about half the price. Any way, I wouldn't want them without the fastpacks. They used the fastpacks on the original last ep for the TV show (before they added more episodes). And since they have customized fast packs to go with their Valkyries, you can't just slap any fast packs on them and be TV accurate. I don't think their fast packs would sell well by themselves like the regular versions. Since their specifically for Max and Miria. So I'm glad we got the version that comes with them rather than without. Though if they were to make ones with out them as well, I'm sure more people would be happy. I want these so bad, so I gotta start saving up! Randy
  21. Best Death in Macross by far. I couldn't believe it when I saw him die in Robotech (watched it in the early 90s, we didn't have cable when it was on). I sat there with my mouth wide open! Just thinking about it now makes me so sad. It is definetly one of the best death scenes I've seen in any TV/Film. It's just so good, and they way he doesn't die in battle but as a result of the battle. And it's even better in the original Macross (as oppossed to Robotech) because you see him on the floor, and the way the guitar strums as he falls. On the other hand I think his death in DYRL is much worse. Though I can see the point of it, I feel he kind of goes out like a chump fighting only one Zentraedi. If Roy were to go out fighting it should be up against a whole bunch of Zentraedi Warriors in an all out blaze of glory. Though I much rather prefer the TV death to one like that too. I also think Kakizaki's death in the TV show is better too. Though I love how Millia blows him away in DYRL, it's even better that in the TV show when the SDF-1 malfunctions destroying many of the pilots. The look of fear on his face, and the sorrow from his comrades that were able to escape. You have to feel bad for Kakizaki, not being as good as a pilot as Hikaru and Max, or as popular with the ladies, killed by the very thing he was trying to protect. Best Deaths Ever! It's so sad and beautiful it makes me want to cry. And the episodes are one after another! *cries* "Don't Look at Me!" And the part where after both Roy and Kakizaki have died and Minmay calls Hikaru and she tells him how rough she's had it lately and she has no idea what he's been through! She has no idea! *cries some more* And then he just stops listening and gently hangs up the phone! Best scene ever! Randy *cries*
  22. Everyone knows a red version of anything is just bad ass! At least since Millia got her wings. I can't believe Yamato is actually making these! These are my favorite Valkyries (besides any VF-1S). I'm already in the hole with my Credit Card, and I just finished my reissue Valkyrie Collection (need one more Gun Clip though). And I wanted the Hikaru VF-1S, Fast Pack VF-1J, and QRau too! I don't know how you guys afford all this. Though it doesn't help that I collect Transformers and G.I. Joes too. Well I'll definetly have to get these (I only got the Roy VF-1S 1/48th so far). How come these Valkyries are so expensive (with very little diecast) while Masterpiece Convoy (who has tons of diecast and is taller) is nearly half the price? I guess so long as people buy them at that price they'll keep selling them at that price. Randy
  23. NICE! I'm digging the second wave just as much as the first. I'm really looking forward to these. But I'm still surprised that we don't have any Macross Plus characters. I'd also like to see a Macross Seven Trash Character before they're done. How bout a Zentraedi too. I'm sure Millia will be done but what about Bretai. Randy
  24. MAN! That is one beautiful custom! Just perfect! Excellent work, if I were rich I'd do that one myself! Really topnotch work! Thanks for sharing! Randy
  25. Powered Convoy


    I really want one of the Stage Dress Minmays. I've been looking for one for a long time and can never find one at a good price. Randy
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