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Powered Convoy

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Everything posted by Powered Convoy

  1. I'm also glad that 'Angel Paint' is on this and remastered. The Flashback 2012 DVD and Blu-ray are rough.
  2. Yeah, I've been very excited about this release for months now. Got my fiance to watch the original TV series and now we're waiting for the film. Granted she didn't like the extra episodes after the original ending (too much drama :D).
  3. Mine arrived last week. Thankfully the tailfins are okay. Beautiful valk. Haven't transformed it to battroid mode yet as I love it in fighter mode.
  4. Store Akihabara / Japan Geek & Games. Never ordered with them before. Chose surface shipping to save money.
  5. Mine is taking it's time getting here. Almost two months so far.
  6. Probably going for the special edition on this. Very excited it's getting a 4K release and with English subtitles no less.
  7. Managed to get a preorder in from Anime Japan Geek. Has anyone used them before?
  8. Tempted by the VF-1S Roy, but having the Hikaru S I may be fine.
  9. Got mine today. It's beautiful.
  10. Yeah, I went to order some at 5:30 AM this morning and they were all gone. I ended up preordering with Anime Export instead. :/
  11. For someone who missed out on the Missile preorder, what would be the best place to try to get it at this point? Thanks in advance.
  12. Got it at NY when it was 25K. Nin nin has it in stock for $257.
  13. Got it at NY when it was 25K.
  14. Overslept. Is everywhere sold out or are there some places that have yet to put theirs up?
  15. So are both web exclusives or just the packs?
  16. Haven't checked the forums since the release of VF-1J and I find out that there's a TV Max VF-1A and a DYRL Hikaru VF-1S coming! Man, I'm going to be broke.
  17. Very nice figure. I like mine. Though it's one of my least favorite of the VF-1's. My only complaint is the legs don't like to stay attached to the swing bar when transformation. The latch keeps coming undone.
  18. Got mine today from Amazon Japan. Looking forward to busting it open.
  19. Mine finally shipped from CD Japan. They got the shipping quote wrong the first time and needed me to verify the adjusted amount.
  20. Managed to get an order in with CDJ three days ago. Shipping is currently processing.
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