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Powered Convoy

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Everything posted by Powered Convoy

  1. Good advice, thank you.
  2. Does anyone think a coating of mat finish spray may help? Glad to hear I'm not the only one to have this problem and that Miria 639 is the worst of the bunch.
  3. I had purchased a Yamato Miria 639 figure set when they were first released. In the 20 or so years since it first came out and moving out of my parents' place to my own home, I have since misplaced my original. In trying to rebuild some of my collection, I started rebuying and buying for the first time some of the PVC figures, including rebuying this Miria set. So I purchased a brand new sealed set from Yahoo Japan, and upon opening it, there was a slimy residue over all three figures. I don't recall this happening with the ones I had 20 or so years ago, but knowing how things can age and potential residue. Has anyone else had a similar experience or know what it is and how to deal with it? I have her soaking in some warm soapy water currently hoping it helps...
  4. She shouldn't understand the language at that point. Does Max speak Zentradi later when he's big, I can't recall other than he has the large echo.
  5. It's there blue rectangles instead of three red.
  6. Watching the hybrid version on Disney+ I noticed an error on Misa's rank designation when she chews out Hikaru in his quarters. I was surprised to see they didn't try to correct this in the 4K, considering some of the other corrections. Guess it's not super noticable.
  7. Started watching DYRL on Disney+. Interesting that they use the version of the film from the hybrid pack. Kind of makes sense chronologically.
  8. https://screenrant.com/new-macross-anime-announcement-mech-anime/ The Abema service is going to stream a live program where they will talk about the new Macross series. I know there is another closed topic about the new series but this seems like the first time we'll get some actual info about it.
  9. Great to see it's doing so well!
  10. Looking at some other cels from the film, the concert definitely gave her more of a greenish blue hair, like my cel, than in later scenes. I personally like the very blue hair in the 4K.
  11. It's nice to see these comparisons. I'm also pleased that so much more of Minmay was illustrated here despite it not being used. Is it possible the cel's color has faded over time? I've only been in possession of this cel since Tuesday, so...
  12. I watched it with my SO last night. Despite being together for 16 years I had her watch the series last Fall and the movie last night. She much prefers the film. She was very anti Minmay in the TV series but pro Minmay in the film, sympathizing with her and turning against Misa, who was her girl in the TV series.
  13. Minmay's hair is way more greenish blue in my cel than in the film.
  14. Okay, yeah, this thing is exceptionally gorgeous. Especially the beginning. It's mind-blowing how bright the colors are and all the lights and stars you see. Plenty of blurry scenes but looks exceptional throughout 98% of the film.
  15. Finally got mine from A-On Store today. Looking forward to watching it tonight. No posters with this version but it does have the script and nice acrylic stand. Also, I know there was discussion of seeing some cels from the film and how they compare to the 4K. Here are scans of my two DYRL cels (one I just got in today).
  16. Same, but I gave up after a few episodes. Looking to right that wrong.
  17. Yup, until I turned this off (granted it was only about 20 minutes) everything looked too dark and vivid. It worked fine for native 4K programming but not HD. Needs to be disabled immediately b
  18. Nah, the shadows and highlights on his face are glitching and inconsistent on the Blu-ray but fixed in the 4K.
  19. 👍 Forbes is doing a lot of coverage on this.
  20. Looks beautiful. I'm waiting for my Evangelion McDonald's set to arrive before I ship mine.
  21. Reminds me of the giant photo of 'Poor Things' that adorned Disney+ when the film hit streaming. 😅
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