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Everything posted by Evanta

  1. Eh, I like the sculpt, but it's not variable. I'll be pretty happy with details of that quality though, even a little less would be ok as long as it's variable and show accurate enough. Sigh... I guess as honneamise says, it's probably priced out of most peoples' wallet even if someone dares to do it. How about scale 1/3000? Guess this will be in the region of $400? I'll readily pay for that, 1/48 ppl just need one less low vis for this...
  2. Well, macross II made me aware there was a decent sequel around the dark ages of no anime in my country (s'pore) in my teens. I still wish there was a full line of Macross II mecha. Would have bought them all. And I think the Destroids were way cooler-looking in Macross II.
  3. Evanta

    Stickers on Toys

    If you don't touch the stickers too much, 10 years should not be a problem. Some of my old Super Ginrai's stickers were still ok after 10years, the ones that I wouldn't have touched. Though they are starting to fade, losing a their lustre compared to the re-issue. Not sure abt Toynami's though
  4. Evanta

    Stickers on Toys

    I think it still would, though it'll not be as bad. Think the best solution would be to get a replacement set of stickers ready in case the first set peels off, should last you till old age I think.
  5. I'm not very impressed with the current versions of the SDF-1 out there and wondering if sculptors here could do a better job. (not to mention they're all sold out ages ago too, have to get from secondary market) I just intend for this thread basically to show to the sculpters out there how many people would be interested in a 1/1700 garage kit SDF-1 (scale is the same as EX series of gundam ships), maybe at worst a little smaller say 1/2000, and is variable. Would it be feasible to create a variable SDF-1? Or at least, parts switching. How much would it cost? After all it's THE MACROSS after all, would be ironic if Macross lovers do not have a SDF-1 in their house. Maybe if there's enough ppl to generate interest, say around 50, some guy would start working on it...
  6. No it`s not cuz Yamato Macross toys are so expensive even as Macross fanl ike me. @Black Valk: Huh? I don't get your logic. @Kensei: ya, I'm gonna have to skip if there's no sign of a VF-1J. BTW I'm also quite hesitant to pre-order it even if there's a VF-1J bundle, due to Yamato's QC issues.
  7. btw, is there an ETA on the Shadow Alpha?
  8. August is good... Gives time for all the poor students to save up...
  9. well there's 2 compromises: 1. 2 Different Types, bundled and non-bundled with VF-1J 2. Non-bundled, but VF-1J is reissued.
  10. Well, the original announcement was that there would be both a bundle and a stand-alone pack, but now I'm not so sure. The info plate makes no mention of a VF-1J set, only a 8000yen GPB pack. Since there are still 1/48`s on shelves here in Japan, maybe they dont want to oversaturate the market with 3 different boxes with the same VF-1J in it? They know full well the dangers of oversaturation. From auctions it seems most of the 1/48s are the supers Max and Miryas mainly. I'm ok if they don't do a bundle but simply reissue the VF-1J.
  11. I hope they reissue the VF-1J together with the GBP if it does come out w/o a packaged valk. I don't happen to have a valk ready for that GBP.
  12. doesn't look quite anime accurate, probably due to the hanging nose cone and seemingly too thin forearms, and I wonder how it looks in actual colors. Any photoshop wiz here?
  13. How about you give us a price first? wishes are limited by my wallet... Give a price range between the cheapest reasonably possible, and the worst case scenario. Your work also needs to be showcased first I guess.
  14. Evanta

    What scale Destroids?

    I'll sell my 1/48s for that dreamland of 'everything is to scale'. EDIT: Seriously, they should save the Banpresto moulds, just scale them up a bit to be 1/100 accurate, use better material, do some minor mould changes to make the FP version look better in plane, and I think they'll have a winner.
  15. Evanta

    Kids and your toys

    I like kids. But no way they're touching my toys... Guess that some of the cheap-excess toys I better keep to use as 'bait'...
  16. Evanta

    Yamato SDF-1

    Best would be a MasterGrade-resque model kit. Will be quite a bit cheaper than a fully assembled toy of the same quality, probably lighter (= less shipping costs) and for ppl who don't have much modelling skills, it'll already be moulded in the correct colors.
  17. Evanta

    Yamato SDF-1

    I think I'd like bandai to make one, @1/1700 scale... That'll teach those Gundam ships who's boss...
  18. BTW, my supplier (Singapore) told me that Yamato WILL re-issue the VB-6 in another 4-6 months with hopefully QC issues fixed, as present stocks are moving fast. The thread is here: http://www.sgcollect.com/forums/index.php?...pic=30124&st=45 More hope for all those who want a decent Monster...
  20. Would have wanted to take a look, but my local store sold out b4 I could take a look at the in-box packaging.
  21. Oddly enough, mine came the same way. And I bought it from BBTS where I have never had a problem with opened packaging. Didn't think anything about it since I removed mine for display. Only checked after your post in this thread. Strange. I wonder if some were reopened after initial packaging to add or inspect anything. Thoughts? A lot of the Predakings that went through Singapore had the same issue. Most of them were due to the fact that Takara neglected to add some accessories. This was detected by QC, and as a result many were opened them up again to insert the missing items in and re-taped. The triple-taped ones were likely a result of custom checks.
  22. A little OT here... Care to elaborate a little on what kind of wild nights were those?
  23. transformed mine finally. all things ok, just a extremely floppy backpack that can't hold fast packs properly for nuts.
  24. Mosepeda (the original jap ver w/ chinese subs) and Robotech: Macross Saga got me as a child. Unfortunately nothing came to Singapore for the next many years, so I was left high and dry. Then I saw Macross II when I was 17 in a laserdisc store. That was like, in heaven when I saw it. resurrected loving. And I still think it's way better than the 'offical' continuation that is Macross 7, though M+ beat out MII by a bit.
  25. mabbe vf-19 FP coming out?
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