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Everything posted by Potato

  1. Awesome! thanks for the replies guys!
  2. I'm thinking of picking up some armored parts, tornado or super parts for my VF renewal series from Mandarake. Question is, how can you tell whether the parts are for the renewal or original DX release? Is it the monotone packaging/boxes? Or did they do that for the original releases as well?
  3. Well...One of CF's black triangle finally broke. As for Alto, one of mine broke...but not the black triangle. RAther the smaller non-removable pin that holds the wing in. Not the one that keeps popping off.
  4. One of my wishest for Arcadia....mass release of the VF-4. I have one, and I love it, but I'd love to get more in different cholor schemes. They don't even have to be anime related. MAke a low viz one, make a recon-dish one and etc.
  5. Would you guys agree that this has been the easiest renewal to purchase? Or would that fall to the 171 CF?
  6. Awesome. Thanks! sooo....what are your guys predictions? Is Bandai done with re-issuing? Or are they gonna re-issue the S and G? I believe they've already re-released Ozma's once, right?
  7. Ditto on this! That's been one the most informative videos! the renewal vs the old. I send my buddies over to that video, whenever they ask me the differences! Love your reviews and transformation how to's!
  8. Hi guys, dumb question....Bandai has never released armored/super parts for the renewals WITH the valkyrie, right? Whenever there are armor/super parts for renewals for sale, its literally just the parts, right?
  9. AAAaaaaawwww.... :( cause they look so cool! I'd def. buy all of them.
  10. anyone with calipers want to verify how different the parts are?
  11. Wait..so hold on...those photoshopped paint variants....are they confirmed, or is the magazine editor/journalist just saying "Look how cool these would look in all these different color schemes!"?
  12. 1) I had the same issue with the leg joints. It was at an awkward "between ratchet points", but surprisngly still stable. It took me a while to figure it out. I was trying to make the superparts flush with the top side. 2) I haven't noticed this metal tab. Will take a look when when I get home.
  13. Oh nice! You wouldn't happen to have any links to these ebay auctions, would you? I wanna get a better copy.
  14. How about Michael?
  15. I wonder if bandai is finally increasing manufacturing little by little (without pulling a Yamato).
  16. Thanks for the tips guys. I keep forgetting how much easier these are to transform vs the 171. The part that threw me off a bit was the leg part in fighter mode with the super pack on. It took me a while to figure out that the knee has to bend a bit and the joints behind the intakes aren't flush like they would be in fighter mode sans super pack.
  17. Any tips we should look out for when tranforming this guy (I don't wanna break anything ala CF 171 EX shoulder pieces)?
  18. Thats probably the same one I got. I got mine on ebay. Was yours a shoddy transfer?
  19. Hi guys, do any of you know how many times Bandai has "re-released" or "re-issued" each variant? I remember having no problems buying Alto's and Ozma's (renewal) the first time they came out...but now....well..you guys know the deal. I have most that have been released (except Michael). Are they planning on re-issuing any of these guys again, or are we crap out luck?
  20. Hi guys, First post here...long time lurker. I've been watching a bootleg copy (DVD) of Macross F and have been enjoying it tremendously. Subs are "ok"..unfortunately, the transfer is just TERRIBLE. I see that this box set is region free...does this mean I'll be able to watch it on my PS3? Would you guys recommend this set or should I hold off on preoprdering? Will it run the risk of selling out? Sorry for all the questions. PS. One more question..anyone have any leads for good quality transfers with subtitles?
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