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Seto Kaiba

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Everything posted by Seto Kaiba

  1. I'll send you a little code snippet I've been using for that later tonight. It works wonders.
  2. The type of menu you selected, the scrolling menu, is extremely difficult to navigate with. Maybe try a dropdown menu or something that you can use to get at all the options at once?
  3. Will this suffice? It's not the largest one I have but it's the highest overall quality. Sized at about 250x250. It's the version that appears on the DYRL Skull Squadron.
  4. Actually, since the VF-2SS is a space superiority fighter, the black paint scheme is the actualy low-vis version... Very COOL! 349751[/snapback] Yeah, that was what I was thinking when I made the black-on-black cobra paint scheme. Followed the principle that since grey is used to make a fighter blend in with the clouds, and space tends to be a flat, black, empty expanse, the most logical low-vis paint scheme would as much black as possible. I've got a low-vis paint scheme set for the other Macross II fighters I'll be posting in this post later once my network drive is online again.
  5. I do somewhere, lemme dig 'em up and I'll edit this post when I do.
  6. Wow. That looks even better than I thought it would. You sir, are the king. I can't wait to show that to the rest of the Cobras back on Macross2.net and see what they think.
  7. 1. Quedalun Rau 2. Gilgamesh (Mac II) 3. Defender 4. Tomahawk 5. Spartan 346971[/snapback] Gotcha covered there Zinjo. I sent'cha a PM detailing what I can provide you with.
  8. Hikaru, keep up the good work man! Nice VF-2SS there. Very nice indeed.
  9. Yeah, I scored both. My volume 1 is in english print, from US Renditions, and volume 2 is printed in Japanese. Still, both are excellently done albums, and I by some happy accident, I have two copies of each one. Some tracks are on both, and there are some tracks that I swear never appeared in the DVD edition on there as well. And a lot of the tracks include more than was shown (heard) in the movie. Star, the new comp is courtesy of a few wonderful friends of mine who helped me slap that thing together in such a short span of time. It's amazing what you can find when you shop at computer parts stores in college towns. We decided to pick a URL that everyone could remember this time. There's just no graceful way to spell the old url without someone dropping the dash in there. As to getting the site running, I'm installing my website design tools (Dreamweaver 8, Adobe Creative Suite 2, Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 and my dummy MySQL server) now, so expect to see some progress showing up on the new site sometime around Monday at the earliest, and possibly Wednesday at the latest, in the form of the avatar galleries, and mecha info pages.
  10. Stargazer, my most profound apologies for the delay. My computer committed hardware suicide, so I'm replacing the entire machine, then pulling the 3 500gb storage drives from the old machine and adding them to the new one. Should be doing that this upcoming weekend. I gotta tell ya, it was cheaper to buy a new one, when my motherboard and almost everything plugged into it died all at once. Anyways, the title of the song you're looking for is "Only My Friend" sung in three variants. Instrumental (which is pretty much obligatory), Ishtar's humming version, and Wendy Rider's vocal during the U.N. Spacy Moon Festival. Two variants are included on volumes one and two of the Macross II soundtrack CDs. Version 3, the humming, is only on the DVD. I should have something thrown back together as soon as I finish migrating to my new computer. Also Star, I have a new e-mail address and website. We've decided that since interest in the site is up, to move to a new domain, and get that running, and expand our public collections of Macross II art, screencaps, and reference materials. The new website's gonna be pretty easy to remember, since it's URL is www.Macross2.net. However, I will warn you we're REALLY threadbare right now while I migrate between computers. The discussion boards are available right now, but the avatar gallery is misbehaving in some of the styles. It can be accessed at www.Macross2.net/boards/index.php. My new e-mail is Webmaster@Macross2.net. I'll post a download in the forums for that song. I'm not sure how I'll define the permissions for the download, so you might have to register to get the file. After that, it'll be put into the Compendium database. (The new computer's substantially more powerful than the one I was using. Athlon FX-57 processor, nForce4 SLI motherboard, 2gb Ultra Low Latency DDR 400, 2 GeForce 7800 GTX KO video cards, and the boot drive is a pair of 10000rpm Raptors in RAID 0)
  11. Yeah, I've actually been working on errumating the Macross II RPG book stats in an attempt to make them somewhat closer to the sizes that are seen on screen (by comparison to nearby known classes, like the Nupetiet Vergnitz classes, etc). Buddy, there's no way in hell the Macross Cannon is only 480m long. it's carrying the front halves of FOUR Nupetiet Vergnitz cruisers around. That thing's a good 4000m and counting. (Effectively ranged between about 3500 and 4400m by my maths.) If you'd like, I can send you my calculations for the proper sizes.
  12. You mean the kind of uniforms that the bridge bunnies use?
  13. gah... we are hamstrung by technical difficulties at the moment, if you want, feel free to blame the state government, since it's their budget cuts which are the root of this ridiculous problem. They've capped my weekly bandwidth at 3gb total transfer, consisting of up to 3gb downloaded or 1gb uploaded before I'm cut off for the week. Naturally with the amount of data I send and recieve while working on both my site and my paying projects exceeds 3gb by a ridiculous level, so making updates to my site is a little iffy without trips to the diagnostics lab (where the bandwidth cap is not in effect) or to my brother's apartment. Ideally, you'll all have your download within the next week or so, barring power outages, etc. Again, my sincerest apologies for the utterly unreasonable wait. If any of you would like a more detailed update on the progress of the fixes to the Macross II Reference Guide, you can find me at webmaster@svfa-88.org ~S.K.~
  14. I am SO sorry for the delay, and I really do appreciate your patience. Our PHPNUKE webportal went down (server bug) and we're reinstalling the software now. The download will be available through there.
  15. Beautiful piece of work on that VF-2SS, mon ami. Expect an e-mail from me later.
  16. On SDF-1 during the regular series, a few times you see some solid-black and solid-white VF-1 Valkyies, and more than once you see the Angelbird squadron paintjob (the red white and blue getup from the first episode's demo team)
  17. (Harp on me somewhere else for this) I like the thunder-clap sounding gunpods on the VF-2SS.
  18. I'm not so sure about the F-4 Phantom being missed. I've talked to a lot of pilots who were more than happy to see the damn thing go. (Something about the cockpit being claustrophobically small)
  19. You can only upgrade the ol' clunkers so many times before they're unable to be upgraded anymore, and the F-14 has more or less reached that limit. They really do need to trade them in, but I'd rather see them trading the Tomcats for Raptors (F/A-22) instead of the Super Hornet. I hear they're also being re-designated as VFA-103.
  20. The problem with that rationale is if you're buying the Robotech DVDs and trying to call them Macross you've got another thing coming. The RT fans are idiots. They've bought the same poorly dubbed, poorly edited crap again and again, first on VHS, then DVD, and now a remastered DVD to "the director's cut" which is just adding half the stuff they cut to make it fit before. As a former RT fan, I can safely tell you that the quality of each successive "remastering" of Robotech, the quality of the product gets lower and lower. RT Remastered is plagued by some problems as fundamental as disc formatting and errors on disc. Sure, TMS and Macross share animation, but there's a whole world of difference between the dubbing, the editing and the overall quality of the work. This, to me, reeks of a Harmony Gold attempt to remove potential competition for their new Robotech series, which the guys on my website dubbed Shadow Farce before they changed the title from Shadow Force to Shadow Chronicles. Mind you they'll probably whore the liscence to ADV once Shadow Farce goes under (and there is no doubt in my mind that it will flop abysmally and drag Harmony Gold into the red on project budget once more), or maybe if we're extremely lucky, give it back to Animeigo at a bargain price. Either way we lose.
  21. I'm suprised, I've gotten about a dozen PM's asking for the song. I'll be making a temporary DL of it instead of sending it via email, since it'll be easier. I am however, currently hampered by server-based complications, which will be resolved in the next few days, and the looming personal deadline for the completion of SVFA-88.org so hopefully the download will be prepared along with the site, which is, by the way, entirely devoted to Macross II (and a few different RPGs) and open to guests. I'll let all those who requested it know when it's ready. I appreciate your patience.
  22. Will do, as soon as I get home to my PC with the song on it.
  23. Damnation...
  24. I'll see to it as soon as I finish chasing down a hack attempt on my website's forums.
  25. I have a copy extracted from the DVD and was digitally cleaned up by a buddy of mine with Sony Soundforge.
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