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Seto Kaiba

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Everything posted by Seto Kaiba

  1. Well, the ultracompact hologram tech goes all the way back to DYRL? and Macross II: Lovers Again... but this is exactly what I didn't want to see in Macross Delta. It's pure fanservice of the most shameless variety. Like Makina, you can tell this was done pretty much entirely for the professional cosplayers and h-dojinshi artists to exploit.
  2. Oh, I'm sure someone... most likely several someones... got read the riot act. We know the Venus Sound Factory and Macross Consortium took one on the chin as a result, what with Sharon Apple's music being legislated off the shelves for a few years and a ban being instituted on sentient/responsive virtuoids. Indications are, via Macross Frontier, that the dome is protected by some kind of low-level energy shield most of the time to compensate for it being less tough than the rest of the hull. I can certainly understand the RPG implications... my usual players treated the anti-ship cannons on the Strike Valkyrie and Super Valkyrie II as a "portable hole". This tendency found its fullest expression in an experimental MOSPEADA game late last year, where they seemed to be a bigger threat to brick or masonry walls than the Kool-Aid man. Considering there only appear to be a few hundred Aerial Knights at most... that would end badly for them without Heinz being able to Var everyone before the fight really begins. Windermere's military seems to be about the size of the typical emigrant fleet military thirty years ago. Even a medium-sized fleet like Macross-7 would outnumber them four or five to one. All told, it looks like Windermere's plan is to avoid doing anything that might lead to a direct confrontation with the Federal New UN Forces... they wanna mind-control the entire galaxy before the big guns can show up on their doorstep and demand an explanation. Let's be honest... having the Federal New UN Spacy wade in would make this show over.
  3. You buy your tickets through the Ticketleap website and print 'em off... then present the printout at the door. Couldn't be simpler. The different ticket levels only really affect the convention swag you get when you show up.
  4. On the perimeter security front... limited access points aren't necessarily limited. We've got plenty of examples of weapons on Valkyries and other things that are perfectly capable of making a new impromptu "access point". (I think our earliest example of this was Hikaru and Minmay reboarding the Macross via a hull breach...)
  5. They inherited their VF tech from humans, sure as sure... There's a lot I could say about the awful things large groups of gullible people can do when they believe they're "the chosen" of some higher authority... but the specifics of some of those examples would be stepping over a line, rules-wise. Windermere's a small provincial world with a population who are smarting from a war 7 years ago and probably an economic downturn resulting from same are being whipped into a fury by demagogues who are pushing a war of manifest destiny as the galactic "master race"... they're a little bit Space Germany circa 1939.
  6. Apparently it's no worse than today's... but then, based on my day job experience as a network security expert I have to say I don't find it anywhere near as unreasonable as the "Hollywood hacking" on Voldor. That virus that Reina apparently cooked up was distributed through a civilian netcom infrastructure, and that kind of thing is distressingly common in this day in age. How many tens of thousands of smartphones ended up as part of a botnet because their owners downloaded Pokemon GO from an untrusted source? There are MILLIONS of infected smart phones in Asia with rootkits that are driving porn ad clicks that were accidentally installed because of unsafe web browsing habits. If the virus has the ability to jump from network to network as some modern polymorphics do, then someone connecting their smartphone to the "office" WiFi on a military base could conceivably spread the virus to a lightly defended military system (and from there it could conceivably propagate into more sensitive systems). You would be surprised and depressed by just how plausible what happened in the last episode really is... people can be dumb as hell sometimes. That's not information security though... that's a physical intrusion into an emigrant ship, and it's DAMNED hard to secure something that size in two dimensions today, where the emigrant fleet needs to worry about three. Sharon doesn't count, because some dumb cluck decided it was A-OK to plug her into the Macross's main computer systems... giving her direct or indirect access to not just the city-wide holographic systems, but everything else the New UN Forces Command had access to. That's almost a social engineering attack rather than a netcom security breach. The Var thing... well... tracking that down may have been a bit more difficult since it sounds like it was somewhat difficult to secure live Var syndrome sufferers, and there were plenty of incidents where Windermere applies and ruins water were not directly connected (because those incidents were caused by biological fold wave transmissions instead).
  7. Looking down the barrel of the big 3-1... probably starting to look a little crusty around the edges by that point.
  8. Sorry chaps, I meant to reply much earlier... but this has been a week of unpleasant surprises. As a brief aside, "watered down" is something of a relative matter here. The VF-25s used by the Macross Frontier fleet NUNS in the 2060s are weak tea compared to the full spec YF-24 Evolution or VF-24A, but they're operating at the peak of the aircraft's designed capabilities. Their export version, like export versions of other Valkyries and most real-world fighters, are reduced capability versions "watered down" from the full-spec VF-25. (It's not clear if Macross Olympia, as a codevelopment partner on the YF-25, received the full-spec VF-25 or a reduced capability export model. I would assume their VF-25s are full spec as well.) Performance-wise, the YF-30 Chronos sits between the VF-27 and YF-29. It has the same engines as the YF-29's main engines, VERY slightly uptuned (seriously, just +5kN) and a mass more in line with a VF-25 or similar... so its thrust-to-weight ratio is 53.085, almost exactly equidistant between the VF-27's 46.493 and YF-29's 61.164. No data has yet been provided to explain how the YF-30 spec was disseminated and used to build the VF-31. I would assume, based on known facts from the development of other programs, that Shinsei, LAI, and SMS Uroboros weren't able to keep it on YF status forever and were forced to give the government the specs under galaxy law. Given the available art, the YF-24/VF-24 appears to an arrangement similar to the VF-25. The original YF-24 and YF-24 Evolution were both testbeds for Inertia Store Converter technology, so that's a resounding "Yes". Any 5th Generation Valkyrie uses at least some fold quartz (because that's what's the core of an inertia store converter). Whether it has a fold wave system of some description... it's certainly possible. The YF-30's fold dimensional resonance system was entirely internal, and apparently so too was the YF-29's fold wave system (the fold quartz on the exterior is for fold wave amplification), so not seeing big chunks of fold quartz on the exterior is no guarantee of the system's absence. They don't compare favorably, to say the least. The lowest performance of the 5th Generation VFs, the VF-25, has 2.85x the thrust-to-weight ratio of the VF-22 and 2.13x the thrust-to-weight ratio of the best mass-production VF-19 variant to date. They also have better armor, more efficient and powerful engines, significantly increased generator output, etc. etc. Really it's a "no contest" thing for the most part. Well, to a certain extent the detuning seems to be enforced by legally-mandated limiters that must be present in a fighter's components and software... as with the VF-19P Excalibur or VF-19EF Caliburn export models. In the YF-24's case, the limitation seems to be partly a case of refusing to disclose the essential technologies to achieve that level of performance. There are, obviously, cases like fold wave systems where the scarcity of materials and the cost involved are the chief obstacles to implementation. The VF-31 is no slouch... performance-wise, it sits between the VF-25 and VF-27. It should outclass the VF-19 or VF-22 by at least 3x. I've never seen anything to suggest that the YF-24 was only a speculative production unit. Official sources mention that plans to adopt the YF-24 Evolution as the next main fighter of the Earth/Federal NUNS were approved in 2057. Master File also makes repeated reference to a pre-mass production manufacturing verification model. Exactly why the YF-24-3 was employed in repelling the Vajra attack on Eden is unclear, other than that perhaps New Edwards test flight center threw everything they had sitting around at the enemy for want of a sufficiently large body of 5th Generation fighters. It was, of course, only two years on from the decision to adopt the VF-24, so Eden may not have adopted it yet. Masses are missing, but we have engine spec. Pretty much everything tops out at or near Mach 5 at 10km these days, simply because that's where the friction heating of air resistance starts to damage the airframe. If the masses haven't changed much, the Sv-52 is in the same general thrust-to-weight ratio class as a VF-11C and the VF-19ACTIVE should be around that of the YF-19 No.2. It's using a FF-2550E, which several other fighters in the series also use... those are rated at 660kN, which is pretty much the same output as the YF-19 No.2's engines. The VF-19 Custom was pretty much the most overtuned VF-19 out there, with a thrust-to-weight ratio around 5% higher than the VF-19S.
  9. Master Dex is essentially correct.The reason that Strategic Military Services had the VF-25s in the first place was that the Frontier fleet government had contracted their services to carry out the operational evaluation on the VF-25 prior to its adoption as the next main fighter of the fleet's local New UN Forces. Whether they would have been allowed to keep them after is unclear, but they were military spec. VFs built as part of the low rate initial production blocks. Variable Fighter Master File: VF-25 Messiah gives a slightly different view of the state of the low rate initial production VF-25s given over to SMS for field testing, however. The version Master File puts forward is that some of those OPEVAL units were built with slightly different specs from the final production intent design. For instance, it contends the VF-25A was a limited-production variant whose initial (SMS-used) units had some of its parts (such as the wings) built with inferior-grade armor from the VF-171 due to a supply issue, and that its back seat was removed and replaced with analysis gear for performance testing. The variants used by Skull Platoon had been built to the full military spec, though it also suggests the VF-25A and VF-25F variants of the VF-25 were used mainly by SMS and that the military has its own variants for the fleet defense and strengthened attack roles (the VF-25C and VF-25E) which have some slight performance improvements to thinks like the data links and engine stability. There's also an allusion in the VF-25C writeup to VF-25 export models sold to other fleets for NUNS service being reduced-capability versions. (It isn't clear if this extends to the VF-25's development partner, Macross Olympia, from whose perspective the book is written.) The VF-25s seen in New UN Forces livery in the VF-25 Master File are fighters belonging to the Olympia NUNS rather than the federal forces. Per Great Mechanics.DX 9, the YF-24 specs that were shared out to the various emigrant fleets and worlds did not disclose all of the technological advances that went into the fighter's design. Earth withheld some stuff from the specs that were shared with the emigrant forces to ensure federal New UN Forces troops would have a technological leg-up on the emigrants (and ensure that its own influence in the New UN Government would go undiminished).
  10. No kidding. I'd settle for a detailed set of specs on the thing, but a story would be even better. So far they've avoided doing anything but mention what kind of beast the YF-24 was, and how the YF-29 was the result of the Macross Frontier fleet's efforts to make a fighter that one-upped the YF-24. Not the production model... the YF-29 was an effort to build a fighter that exceeded the YF-24. The prototype whose monkey model spec they built the YF-25 from. That thing must be a legit MONSTER. It certainly puts the politicial difficulty of sending the federal NUNS to put a stop to regional conflicts in perspective... sending them in to sort out the forces of two bickering emigrant worlds would be like using a sledgehammer for shelling walnuts. When a fight is just plain wrong, we all sing the curbstomp song... And how!
  11. Based on what was said near the beginning of the series when Windermere first moved openly to oppose the New UN Government, the troops getting Var'd or massacred all over the place belong to the local New UN Forces raised and maintained by the emigrant world governments which make up the Brisingr Alliance. As Arad and Mirage put it, the federal forces were unlikely to take any direct action in the conflict with Windermere because it was politically difficult to get them off the dime. The official web site and magazine coverage of the mecha also points to the khaki VF-171s in the series being a local "frontier region" specification... not a federal forces version. It would, on that basis, be replaced by an emigrant-developed fighter like the VF-25 Messiah or VF-31 Kairos, not the federal forces main fighter. (Unless they sprang for a monkey model of the VF-24 or something). It would be extremely unusual for the military to go in for a second main fighter inside of one generation... and, remember, the emigrant forces 5th Generation VFs are all derivatives from a monkey model of the 5th Generation federal forces VF. The few tidbits dropped on the subject of the YF/VF-24's performance point to its closest emigrant-built performance rival being the too-expensive-to-mass-produce YF-29. That would already put it at or above what a YF-30 could do. That would imply a much greater production/development rate on the part of the federal forces than the emigrant fleets... and that ship kind of already sailed with the YF-26 attributed to the Macross Olympia fleet's rival to the YF-25 and YF-27, and Ride and the Macross 30 game putting YF-28 and YF-30 on the heads of emigrant fleets as well.
  12. All indications are that most of the dogfights occur in the subsonic regime... considering one of Kawamori's favorite aesthetic touches in choreography is to have one fighter try to break away and "floor it", which leads to both of them having a straightline or curved chase with a pair of supersonic vapor rings to show they've jumped to supersonic speeds. The explanation given in Macross Chronicle's Technology and Mechanic sheets gives the following points: Storm Attacker mode greatly increases the ship's maneuverability. Enables the ship to resort to giant-size fisticuffs if the situation calls for it (such as the loss of the gunship). Enables all armaments to be brought to bear, including ones normally kept stowed to preserve stealthiness. Modular design decentralizes vital systems like thermonuclear reaction furnaces, gravity control, fold systems, etc. and allows individual limbs to operate as separate ships in a pinch.
  13. Sort of. What I understand from the plot summations that've been published in magazines and so on, it wasn't so much the absence of that military-industrial complex that ruined Macross-29's economy as it was the socio-political fallout of the fleet government's unarmed neutrality policy. They made themselves into a nation that could be bullied pretty darn easily by other fleets or planetary governments and had few, if any, allies. Basically, their economy went to hell because they had no way to protect their interests. That's a little different... the Anti-Unification Alliance was PO'd because it saw the uneven distribution of overtechnology as a sign that the UN Government was a NATO old boy's club. That kind of problem is (mostly) solved by the New UN Government's mandated technology sharing. Kawamori has compared the New UN Government to the European Union in a couple interviews, so I'd assume on that basis that the member states all honor some common, centrally-mandated intellectual property laws (and possibly a central copyright, patent, and trademark agency for registering it all). We know that Nyan-Nyan is a popular interstellar restaurant chain, so Chuck's family's restaurant is probably just a local Nyan-Nyan franchise like the one Ranka worked at on Island-1. The Macross-11 fleet's unauthorized Fire Bomber cover band is probably is one that's less clear. One of the few things that's said about it is that it's an utterly unauthorized cover band run by Lynn Kaifun that's despised everywhere that isn't Macross-11. As to why Fire Bomber doesn't sue... that could be the result of Basara just being stoked about people liking his music, or it could be because Fire Bomber American is hopelessly unpopular outside of its native emigrant fleet. No sense suing someone who's too broke to pay out, right? Maybe... the emigrant fleets don't fold on short notice unless there's been an emergency situation, but fold systems have gotten progressively better as time has gone on. There are often YEARS between long-distance fold jumps, so unless someone is abroad for a really long time it probably won't be an issue. Longer trips may call for the larger, more cruise ship-like transports instead of the smaller, jet airliner-style commercial spacecraft... especially if the trip is likely to take multiple fold jumps and require days (experienced time) of fold travel. It seems like most jumps of a couple hundred light years aren't any worse than a long-ish international flight.
  14. Sort of... the dominance General Galaxy suddenly gained after the NUNS scrubbed plans for the VF-19 to be the next main fighter seems like it's destined to be an all-too-fleeting triumph. The painful irony (for General Galaxy) is that while they were resting on their laurels with the contract for the last standard main variable fighter of the New UN Forces, Shinsei's top designers achieved a design coup of even greater scope. They went back to the formerly-joint development YF-24 program that General Galaxy had abandoned and finished it... and thanks to the technology-sharing mandates of the New UN Government and the newfound autonomy that many emigrant fleets found in arming their forces under the reorganized government, Shinsei's new prototype became the basis for every locally-developed 5th Generation fighter we've yet seen in Macross. Talk about a coup and a black eye for General Galaxy... not only did Shinsei comprehensively recapture the main variable fighter role, they did it in such a way that even the new VF the General Galaxy flying laboratory (Macross Galaxy) produced was based on a Shinsei design. Macross Chronicle unhelpfully says almost nothing on the matter... noting the emigrant fleets launched in the aftermath of the First Space War made use of cloned personnel due to a shortage of people with the essential skills. (Of course, as a good percentage of the Earth's population was made up of cloned humans during that period, it means very little.) In practice, it seems like the only real requirement to join an emigrant fleet is to have a level of mental stability such that you can handle being locked in an overlarge bottle cast adrift in space for an unspecified period of time. That most of the fleets seem to be quite nice places to live (Macross Galaxy being the exception) seems to help a fair bit. The city ships seem to be just like any other municipality... if you don't count the hypercarbon and herculite walls, and the way it's hurtling through space on a plume of fusion plasma. Fleet authorities probably try to keep a balanced economy going, so we likely won't see any ships setting sail with 10 million telemarketers aboard (unless they're en route to the nearest star).
  15. I've been a little disappointed by how the love triangle has turned out... in spite of all that was said about how Macross Delta was going to mix it up and do things differently, the love story aspect of the series has been by the numbers rote repetition of the original series' romance for the most part. Hermann's had him pegged as a closet Freyja fanboy ever since they noticed that Walkure had a Windermerean member. All indications are that the dome ship was a functioning part of Barette City right up to the point where it was forced to make an emergency liftoff. Smart money says it was probably "the human district" of the city for most purposes and probably saw a fair bit of foot traffic before it was launched again. Its stores may also have benefitted from all of the Ragnan houseboat/shops it had taken aboard prior to fleeting the planet. The ship's apparent dilapidated state is said to be the result of asking the ship's systems to suddenly run at full power after being tamped down for 2-3 decades. The fold reactors in particular apparently didn't like a cold start after decades of inactivity.
  16. Generally speaking, the rules of this forum prohibit requesting and/or linking to downloads or streams of pirated material... and, as noted in one of your other topics, the community also has a sort of informal agreement to particularly avoid the sharing of material that is still in circulation. What you're asking for is technically both, so it's a double-helping of "No". (Possibly three bad categories if you count its relation to The Show That Must Not Be Named.) Anyhoo, there are no less than three different legitimate home video releases by ADV Films that contain the media you're looking for. Two different releases of You-Know-What and the terribad 2006 ADV Films dub of Super Dimension Fortress Macross... which can be had for about six bucks a volume on eBay from top-rated sellers. It's an extra in the first volume of ADV's Macross release.
  17. All right! I've recovered from a wedding reception-induced hangover, so let's vicariously attend Freyja's birthday party shall we?
  18. OK... so, you'll see a LOT of the YF-29B in the game. Its pilot, Rod Baltemar, is The Rival so he shows up here and there to drop exposition or a vague hint as the plot develops. (Actually, you've already fought him once... he was the supposed-to-lose fight at the beginning after you defeat the Ghosts he sicced on you.) As to why Havamal felt the need to equip its top ace with an improved version of the YF-29... you could say it's a "sorting algorithm of evil" affair. That was, and by in large still is, the most over-the-top powerful Valkyrie on the market in the 5th Generation. In terms of its flight performance, the already over-the-top VF-27 needed a Super Pack and elite pilot just to keep up. Rod's Havamal's ace (in the hole), so with a fighter that overpowered he can expect to curbstomp pretty much anyone in a fair fight... which would be key to keep the Hunter's Guild, Bandits, etc. from getting underfoot. Only the YF-30 is a match for it... which is why Rod is the 2nd to last boss fight. How the NUNS Special Forces got their hands on the blueprints... sharing isn't just caring, it's mandatory. Under galaxy law, newly-developed weapons have to be disclosed to the New UN Government. It's part of how the central NUNS keeps tabs on the military capabilities of the emigrant forces, and ensures that its forces always have the biggest stick. (To a certain extent this also works the other way 'round, since the central NUNS shared the YF-24 Evolution specs with the emigrant fleets, which became the basis for the VF-25, VF-27, YF-29, etc.) Exactly what the difference between the YF-29 Durandal and YF-29B Percival is remains to be given... all we know is that the YF-29B is an improved version. Unlike the YF-30, it didn't get a full set of specs or a decent selection of art published, so we're kind of unable to cover it properly on M3 at present. The only outward difference seems to be more guns on the monitor turret and a bayonet on the gun pod. The 30th Anniversary YF-29 is just a special redeco of the YF-29 toy, but the Isamu and Ozma ones do figure into the plot. Isamu's, in particular, even has its own cutscene introduction. Essentially... the YF-29B is all business. It's a proven design and its one job is to find things and make those things dead, and it's very good at it. The YF-30 is a still-in-testing technology demonstrator/evaluator for the fold dimensional resonance system and, to a lesser extent, the ordinance container system.
  19. Mostly, that's discussed right in the Macross Frontier series itself... though it's also covered in Macross Chronicle Technology Sheet 08A: Overtechnology: Space Folds. (The bit about time passing at different rates in realspace and aboard a folding ship goes waaay back to the original series... where Misa indicated that, based on the current human understanding of fold travel, an hour's travel by space fold could see as much as ten days pass back in realspace. Chronicle indicates this was a crude, somewhat imprecise guess and indicates that under ideal conditions the time differential isn't much... but if there's a strong gravitational field nearby or a fold fault on the route, the time differential can quickly become large. For instance, Leon mentions in Frontier that if it weren't for the fold faults between the Frontier fleet and Gallia IV, they could've sent Sheryl there almost instantly... but because the fold faults increased the time loss, the difference in experienced time aboard the ship and the passage of time in realspace was 172.25 hours, or approximately 7 days, 4 hours, and 15 minutes. With the Super Fold Booster to cut out the effects of fold faults, Michel Blanc was able to make the trip in an extremely short, but unspecified, amount of time.)
  20. Macross Chronicle indicates that most of the QF-4000 Ghosts are operated in a semi-autonomous mode where a "ground" station designates the general areas of operation, permissible targets, and gives authorization to attack and the AI handles the rest. It would appear that, in the series, the Ghosts were lost in the first battle as a result of having that control fatally disrupted before an attack order could be issued (and possibly just ECM so strong it scrambled the onboard electronics). The Judas system is basically the same autonomous air combat program that was used in the Ghost X-9, but without the unstable hardware. Essentially, it's a Ghost tactical program with no limiters. Nope... unless it's a 100% artificial body being operated remotely as Grace did sometimes, they still have their brain meats... so they're still vulnerable to Var syndrome.
  21. Technically, even the wealthy planets and expeditionary fleets are can't get their hands on the very best military hardware. The government tightened the restrictions on the export and sale of weapons to the emigrant fleets and to the regional governments of emigrant worlds thanks, in part, to the YF-19 #2 and YF-21 #2 prototypes breaching Earth's defenses in 2040. Even the new fighters developed independently by the wealthy emigrant fleets like Macross Frontier and Macross Galaxy are derivatives of the monkey model version of the YF-24 Evolution spec... and there's some evidence to indicate the VF-31 Kairos/Siegfried itself is an "economized" model with some reduced performance compared to the prototype. It's not that simple, really... In Macross Frontier, the forces of SMS in the Macross Frontier fleet do have the latest fighter... but one of the very first things we're told by Ozma is that SMS only has the VF-25 because the government hired them to test it in conditions as close to live combat as possible before they start equipping the fleet's military with them. Ozma indicates it's civilians doing the testing in live combat because if one of them dies, it's legally considered an accidental death instead of a combat fatality... so the fleet's government won't have the legal consequences of a real soldier dying. In Macross Delta, Xaos's VF-31's seem to be reduced capability versions with lower performance than the YF-30 prototype they were based on... and they only seem to have maybe two dozen of them in total. Small numbers and reduced capabilities would make the price tag a little less ruinous for Xaos. Now, on the Aerial Knights side, we don't know the full story yet but it's likely the Windermerean government spared no expense because they didn't have to acquire many fighters to fully equip their forces and they needed a fighter that could oppose whatever the central New UN Spacy is using. As noted above, in Macross Frontier the Frontier fleet's military was going to adopt the VF-25 as their next fighter once it was done with testing, and some of the unofficial works like Variable Fighter Master File do indicate that not only did they switch to the VF-25 in the 2060's, they also sold VF-25's to their allies as well. (Macross Olympia also adopted the VF-25 as its next main fighter, and Variable Fighter Episode Archive had the VF-25 being adopted by emigrant planets like Sewell too.) The NUNS forces in the Brisingr cluster seem to be kind of under-funded thanks to being in a backwater part of the galaxy...
  22. Black Rainbow may have been an anti-government group, but it was a puppet organization that was being manipulated by Latence and supplied covertly by Critical Path. I doubt it... the conspicuously spherical dimensional fault that perfectly surrounds and also isolates Windermere IV smacks of design intent. The last time we saw something like this, the ancient Protoculture had gone to some frankly considerable difficulty to keep a dangerous toy out of the hands of literally everyone. It hasn't been said officially if it's an artificial or natural dimensional fault, but the presentation strongly suggests it's artificial.
  23. LAI's "Super Fold Booster" was a fold system built using fold quartz instead of fold carbon, which enabled it to create a "zero-time fold" instead... which can cross fold faults and has no discrepency between the passage of time for the folding ship and the passage of time back in realspace. (When folding with an ordinary fold system, time passes somewhat slower for the folding ship than it does in realspace... a problem exacerbated by distance and any fold faults that they have to pass through.)
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