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Seto Kaiba

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Everything posted by Seto Kaiba

  1. Not honestly sure which generation that is... I'm slightly younger than that other show we don't talk about here. In a timely save, IT manifested themselves in my office with a reminder of exactly why it'd slipped the net about 20 minutes after I'd posted that. Bloody hard to stay on top your fun time task list when you've had eight separate laptops in the last calendar quarter. Gonna be nine over the long weekend, and hopefully call and end to the game once and for all. Found my translation and the scans on the network drive after a few minutes of looking. Definitely need to get back on that one. The YF-19-3 described in the booklet for the toy is described as a structural test unit, while the one in Master File is an avionics test unit. The weird bit is that YF-19-3 is mentioned in passing in connection with the VF-19EF/A Excalibur Isamu Special... but as an avionics testbed plane like Master File's. Officially, YF-19-3 is the highest-numbered prototype, but Model Graphix included descriptions for numbers up to 6 and Master File bumped it to 8. The VF-19A was such a gorgeous plane, it's a shame they had to come up with a simplified version for Macross 7's animation budget.
  2. That was from the Blue Moon Showcase, right? I'm guessing you were looking at the left two monitors, which were showing the opening of Super Dimension Fortress Macross II: Lovers Again (specifically, its main character Hibiki Kanzaki) and a excerpt from Macross FB7. That was my introduction to the music of Daft Punk, courtesy of a fellow Macross fan from Oz.
  3. ... wut? Those screens are all playing excerpts from existing Macross titles. Where are you getting this "a new Basara" and VF-19 stuff?
  4. No problemo... despite its obscurity in Macross proper, the VF-4 seems to be a favorite of most of the people who've worked with me on various Macross projects, so we're always happy to dig into it. (Enough so that I keep an Arcadia VF-4G done up to look like Hikaru's VF-4A-0 on my desk at work.) Weirdly, while the VF-4 has had a few high-profile appearances, I don't think it's ever had a canon appearance where it was actually using its pylons for something. The VF-4A-0 in Flash Back 2012 was running in the "naked" configuration, so was Mahara Fabrio's VF-4G in Macross 7 Trash, and Maximilian Jenius's VF-4G in Macross M3. We've seen the beam cannon-less version in the Macross R materials though, and one with a colossal Zeta Gundam-esque beam gunpod in Macross: Eternal Love Song... (... and I've just realized I still have to finish that translation of the YF-19-3 manual for cypherzero. I dunno WTF is wrong with me these days, I've become so forgetful...)
  5. Pretty much, yeah... that's why they probably won't bother with a cameo or anything like that, with the compression of Macross Delta's already weak story into a two-hour film while leaving time for a dozen Walkure music videos is going to leave a barely-there plot with no time to develop the many characters already present in the series (who were already underdeveloped in the series format). To those who want to properly calibrate their expectations for Macross Delta: Passionate Walkure, I would suggest watching Leiji Matsumoto's Interstella 5555: the 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem. It's essentially a 60 minute long music video for Daft Punk's album Discovery and probably similar to the content balance we can expect from Macross Delta: Passionate Walkure. Of course, it may give you false hope for Passionate Walkure... as Interstella 5555 is actually good.
  6. Yeah, sorry... I ended up a little distracted last night. Had to clean the lizard terrarium, and that's not a task for the faint of heart. So this is the image I was talking about. The pairs of circles are the attachment points for the pylons, at least according to Master File. The positioning of the inboard pylon attachment points are more or less in line with the model kits WRT the placement of the pylons dead-center between the center body and nacelles. There's some variation in how far forward they're depicted as being, I'm inclined to suspect the two pairs of attachment points shown here are another Master File attempt to rationalize most versions. In the art in Master File itself and the few kits that actually support pylon attachments, the most commonly used position is either the forward pair shown in the art here or one that's directly between the two positions shown (on top of the cover plate for the hip joint actuator). Six pylons is the official number, but I confess I rather like this eight pylon configuration idea. It wouldn't work with large ordnance on the inboard pylons, but something smaller like triple racks of AMM-1s or Mk-82 bombs would work fine.
  7. Oy vey... it was awful nice of them to remind me right off the bat why I decided this series wasn't even worth pirating. Saves me a lot of trouble down the road. This just feels like they've admitted that casual viewership can keep the show afloat but that they'll need the support of the die-hard fanbase once its gritty, substance-less, action-centric writing starts to get old and are trying to draw them back by pandering to that demographic with one of the standard Star Trek episode plots. Having Frakes direct it was a cheap ploy to get their attention. By that point in history, they'd already built their own.
  8. Essentially, each of the VF-4's three main propulsion systems is suited for a particular job: Its FF-2011 thermonuclear reaction turbine engines are the all-purpose main engines meant to operate at all altitudes and in space. As their output isn't much improved over the FF-2009s in the VF-1, their ideal operating conditions are in traditional atmospheric service where they can leverage the monstrous fuel efficiency of the gravitationally-moderated fusion reactor. The wing-integral ramjet engines exist to supplement or stand in for the VF-4's thermonuclear reaction turbine engines in atmospheric service to achieve higher speeds or operate at higher altitudes where the ramjets are more efficient and capable of achieving greater thrust than a conventional turbofan jet engine and with significantly greater endurance than a rocket. The rocket boosters in the engine nacelles are for use in space and fulfill much the same role that the rockets in the VF-1's FAST packs did. Thermonuclear reaction turbines consume fuel orders of magnitude faster in space because they're using plasma siphoned off the reactor for propellant in the absence of the air they'd be flash-heating in atmosphere. Those rockets are there principally to extend the fighter's maximum operating time by reducing thrust demands on the thermonuclear reaction turbines and thus reducing fuel consumption. Left without the rockets, a VF-4 could eat through its onboard fuel stores at maximum thrust in under half an hour. Basically, the VF-4 has such variety in its engine systems because it's trying to be as fuel-efficient and versatile as possible.
  9. This image from the old Musasiya 1/72 VF-4A Lightning III kit is accurate for the placement of the outer wing pylons. The pylon stations inboard of the wings are a little different from what's shown there in more recent works, which show one pylon inboard of the nacelle instead of two, positioned centrally between the centerline and nacelle just in front of the thrust-vectoring nozzle for the in-wing ramjet. Variable Fighter Master File: VF-4 Lightning III shows that placement appropriately (will grab a pic when I get home) but also has an unofficial extra pair of pylon stations directly fore of that official one.
  10. Watched the first episode of New Mobile Report Gundam Wing over lunch today... I'd quite forgotten how weird the space colony designs in the After Colony era are. What's up with that weird double-Stanford torus thing they've got going? (Every time I hear that opening narration I can't help but mentally replace it with "IN AFTER COLONY ONE NINE FIVE, WAR WAS BEGINNING".) I'm also so used to the gags about Heero being an emotionally-vacant stoic that it came as a bit of a shock to see that evil laugh he does when he finds he has the opportunity to attack an Earth Sphere Alliance military transport on the way down. Almost as jarring is his reaction to Relina having taken off his helmet... he's genuinely pissed, but his dialog is something more like what you'd expect from an angry standard anime girl-next-door when her crush accidentally saw up her skirt. What was that explosive packet on his chest meant to actually do anyway? (Come to that, who are the other four talking to when they're doing these dramatic self-introductions?) Gotta hand it to OZ and the Romefeller foundation... their dedication to dressing up their soldiers like they've got a sideline modeling for the decorative art on cigar boxes is truly inspiring. Also Treize's subtle burn on that other foundation member for valuing war machines more than the men who're piloting them. (And you know Treize is wicked cultured right off the bat, the man owns his own pair of opera glasses.) Relina's a girl with strange tastes... she's reintroduced to the strange man who she found laying half dead on the beach, who blew up part of his spacesuit and then mugged half a dozen paramedics for their ambulance, and her first impulse is "gee he's dreamy, I'll invite him to my birthday party". There's the famous "I'll kill you" at the end too, the line that launched a thousand snarky responses to her constant shouting for him to come and kill her...
  11. For me, the constant shifting in animation quality for the Gundams themselves was the most jarring point... they made the designs so complicated that they could only be properly animated when standing still, so there's a noticeable animation bump every time we see a static shot of a Gundam. Apart from the fact that he's an indecisive extreme doormat, habitual whiner, and dirty coward who gets a bunch of people killed because he doesn't want to accept that he can't just go back to his life like nothing happened after being arrested on suspicion of being a Katharon operative, sent to a forced labor camp, rescued by Celestial Being during a massacre at said camp, and then sheltered by Katharon on Earth? If he could dial the self-righteousness up a bit I'd be calling him Man-Relina. I know in season one he was supposed to be "This loser is you" to the audience, but in season two he graduated from that to being simply insufferable until near the end when his testicles finally dropped. (I suppose one of the ways Gundam 00 improved on the Gundam Wing basic plot was that its annoying pacifist princess spends basically the entire series being rather brutally shown that peace is something you have to WORK for, and that it's not as simple as telling everyone to join hands and sing Rainbow Connection. She's just sort of there, and she's useless... except as Setsuna's morality pet... which was a lot more believable than what happened to Relina.)
  12. Others have explained this, but there are a few points I want to clarify. Namely, that fully internalized weaponry offers improved aerodynamic performance and improved passive stealth performance... but, in the tradeoff, the aircraft sacrifices some of its operational payload versatility, capacity for ammunition or internal stores may be reduced, and some weapons may experience reduced field of fire or become unavailable or difficult to use in one or more modes. Whether this tradeoff is worth it or not is one of the persistent back-and-forths that, like whether to have one all-regime VF or several regime-optimized VF designs, seems to come and go between fighter generations. The VF-31's not actually a fully-internalized weapons type though... it has underwing pylons meant for carrying medium- or long-ranged ordnance, and some ordnance containers are set up in such a way that the gunpod has to be mounted separately. They just don't use the pylons because Xaos is deliberately sending its VF-31s into combat under-equipped in an attempt to minimize the potential for collateral damage and civilian injury. The 4th Generation's keystone VF designs, the VF-19, VF-22, and VF-171, prioritized internally-mounted missiles and bombs because, at the time the first designs in the generation were drafted, active stealth technology had not caught up to the latest advances in detection systems, making the airframe's passive stealthiness more important. With the VF-19's 2nd mass production type and the VF-171's Block II upgrade, the latest active stealth systems had caught up to the detection systems and passive stealth was no longer as important, making carrying more ordnance externally a more attractive option again. Not un-aerodynamic, but rather deliberately unstable... increasing the available angle of attack for maneuvering. It's that increase in maneuverability stemming from the deliberate sacrifice of stability that the FSW VFs are after, and which also proved to be the achilles heel of the VF-19, making it a barely-controllable mess due to the high g-forces it could impose on the pilot.
  13. Well, if you enjoyed my slow descent into near-madness as a result of Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny, stay tuned for me coming completely unglued because next up in my and @BlackRose's queue on Crunchyroll is the high definition transfer of New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, followed by Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096. Then, hopefully, I'll be moving on to something more enjoyable than unanesthetized oral surgery. That's an awful lot of effort for a series that was marginally less preferable to the Off button on the TV.
  14. Apparently significantly so, since the VF-31's beam gunpod also seems to lack the "beam grenade" charged shot mode.
  15. I've just finished the final episode of the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remastered Edition, and I have to say that I'm glad it's over and - machine god willing - I will never clap eyes on it again. That sh*t was awful! It's a really, really bad sign when you watch a series and you can only sympathize with the villains because they're the only ones in the story who seem to realize what a bunch of pillocks the protagonists are. I know Gundam's favorite theme is "war is hell" and it strives to end on a high note of fostering peace but this was a mess. Just like in the Universal Century, and like Durandal told Kira to his face, they have solved NOTHING and they'll be at war again in a heartbeat. All they've done is kill the latest round of would-be despots who deposed and killed the previous generation of painfully native morons running the governments of the few major power blocs. Their endgame? Install the painfully naive moronic children of those painfully naive morons as new heads of state for those very same power blocs. That's what started this mess! Borderline autocratic rule by the most naive and incompetent is pretty much a surefire recepie to ensure that peace won't last very long. I mean come on... the only put Cagalli in charge of Orb in the first place because her dear old dad whose hypocrisy caused a holocaust was so beloved of the people before he died, and in short order her administration was a powerless joke and the nation was really being run by the Seirans. Who'd put her in charge of Orb AGAIN knowing that she hasn't learned her lesson yet? Kind of weird how the end that Gundam SEED's protagonists fought so bitterly to avoid - having genetically engineered supermen making all the decisions - was the good end in Destiny with genetically engineered superman Kira deciding what's best for all of humanity. Badly written, stuffed to the gills with flashbacks, and so full of hypocrisy that it's squirting out of every pore like a firehose, this show was absolute trash. I didn't think it was possible to find a Gundam character I'd dislike more than Relina Peacecraft or Saji Crossroad... boy was I wrong! Kira Yamato, Cagalli Yula Athha, and Lacus Cline have grabbed the top three spots on the List of Loathing. (If you've ever seen Red Dwarf and remember that one early episode where the ship recovered a pod and Rimmer thought it was an alien spacecraft for most of the episode, only to have the credits pause twice so he could shout "IT'S A GARBAGE POD! IT'S A SMEGGING GARBAGE POD!" at the end? That's pretty much how I reacted to the last two episodes of Gundam SEED Destiny.)
  16. While I could answer all of these individually with a great deal of wasted verbiage, the honest answer is that all three have the same answer: "it varies significantly depending on the model, variant, warhead filler, and intended use of the micromissile in question". In practice, they're as flexible and modular as the larger missiles. That said, most micromissiles seem to average around 1-2m long, with most hovering between 20cm and 50cm in diameter. Very little information exists on yield for micromissiles. Range-wise, Macross Chronicle describes them as being predominently meant for use on targets within visual range. Old sources like the Sky Angels book put maximum ranges of 5-12km on most models that were meant for use on the VF-1. Presumably with time and improvements in engine technology, range and acceleration have both improved. Yield is a sticky question since some micromissiles, like the VF-19's, seem to be little more than medium-range missile designs with a smaller modular motor bolted on while others are much smaller. Most seem to be a fraction of the strength of the medium-range missiles, something presumably compensated for by quantity. Of course, if you stick a thermonuclear reaction or MDE warhead in there, all bets are off. The YF-30 Chronos's multipurpose ordnance container has 36 micromissile launch ports... that doesn't necessarily mean that it has just 36 missiles. Usually, you can count on a micromissile launcher port having somewhere between 3 and 6 missiles in the bay feeding it1, which conservatively speaking would suggest 108 micromissiles in a container that is essentially about the size that the YF-29's external launchers are, combined. The YF-29's twelve launchers hold an average of 8 missiles apiece. 1. e.g. the VF-1's FAST packs, YF-19's FAST packs, YF-21's internal launchers, the VF-31's internal launchers, etc.
  17. Two episodes left to go in the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster dumpster fire... and I'm honestly left wondering if the Cosmic Era has a lot lead paint in its buildings. Durandal has come out on top in the "which faction has the most blatantly evil leader" contest between the Atlantic Federation, Orb, and ZAFT. Djibril's dead, having had his entire body vaporized by a DRAGOON from the Legend Gundam. Yuna Roma Seiran's dead, having been beaten up by his own troops several times and then completely accidentally getting squashed like a bug by a GOUF his forces shot down. I'm guessing Star Wars has been forgotten in the Cosmic Era, because nobody seems to come down with any ill presentiments when he shows up to announce that he is large and in charge from a throne in a room that looks suspiciously like he and Sheev Palpatine hired the same architect. To complete the Death Star II comparison it's even got a GENESIS gamma ray laser cannon. I keep waiting for him to start using "forseen" every other sentence and calling Rey his "Young apprentice". When Patrick Zala build one of those damn things and tried to actually USE it on Earth that was the point where his own troops up and turned on him. How does Gilbert Durandal manage to authorize building ANOTHER ONE just a year or two later and nobody in ZAFT sees that as any kind of a red flag? Moreover, this one wasn't hidden by a mirage colloid, so how did nobody know that he'd been building it? Come to that, why didn't it send up any red flags when he had ZAFT seize control of the Requiem and asks them to repair the sodding thing so it can be used again. This series has enough "I was just following orders" idiots to keep Nuremberg busy for the better part of a century. (They still should've shot Orb first, then done the Atlantic Federation's moonbase.) Meer's dead. Whoop-de-doo... it's the biggest anticlimax of the series. A character we've barely seen and who is generally kind of annoying gets whacked and everybody's supposed to be really broken up about it, except she's batsh*t crazy and started to really believe she WAS Lacus Clyne before she died. Little drama queen did an incredibly phony looking pirouette after she was shot...
  18. Micro Dimension Eater, the term is given only katakana or spelled out in English in most Macross publications that mention it. The difference between a Dimension Eater weapon and a Micro Dimension Eater is purely a matter of scale. You could call it the difference between a Strategic weapon and a Tactical one. They're both essentially fold bombs that use the super heavy quanta produced by fold quartz to create a short-lived pseudo-black hole that crushes nearby matter and pulls it into fold space. That's what the YF-30 was armed with during the final battle with Havamal and the Fold Evil... a MDE beam gunpod that fired a particle beam made up of microsingularities.
  19. It is, and it isn't. The Virgin Road VF-1 Valkyrie was supposed to be a VF-1D specially repainted in Max's signature colors for the occasion, and is actually referred to as such in Macross Chronicle. However, an animation error put a VF-1A monitor turret on it. This is still very much a thing that can happen, since the VF-1's cockpit block and monitor turret are modular.
  20. Probably not the Master File prototype version cannon that was just a variant of the VF-1's coaxial laser... but yeah, the official charged particle beam cannon and Master File heavy quantum reaction beam cannon both probably had a bit more stopping power than the GU-11, though that didn't stop the VF-4 from having the option to carry the GU-11. (Disappointingly, Master File also ignored the other, official mounting for the forearm gun... a 30mm rotary cannon.)
  21. Just because Yoda could commune with him doesn't mean Yoda would. Being a spectacular troll is apparently a trait common to many Jedi masters, Luke included. Obi-Wan only seemed to show up when he bloody well felt like it in the original trilogy. For instance, Luke wasn't able to call Obi-Wan forth to explain his "Anakin Skywalker is dead" whopper during the flight from Cloud City in Empire Strikes Back. Kenobi only showed up to explain himself a full movie later in Return of the Jedi. One thing I remember from the few Star Wars novels I read was that, the more time passes since a Jedi's death, the harder it is for their force ghost to manifest itself. It might vary depending on how powerful the force user was in life or how in tune with the light side they were, but by the Thrawn Trilogy, Obi-Wan's ability to reach Luke faded until he could only communicate in dreams, and then not at all. Maybe since Anakin was a Johnny-Come-Lately to the light side, he wasn't able to haunt Luke for very long... or maybe the more a force ghost manifests the faster they "burn out"?
  22. One thing I'll say for the Cosmic Era as a whole... among villains, it's a World of Ham. Were it not for current events, I'd have been completely thrown out of the series by a critical failure to suspend disbelief that anyone could mistake Patrick Zala, Muruta Azrael, or Lord Djibril for a sane leader. (Then again, with that purple lipstick and terrible dress sense, maybe the OMNI troops were convinced that Djibril was actually Boy George on tour...) Durandal's putting up a pretty convincing facade of sanity so far, without descending into either the territory of the smug snake or the magnificent bastard. His villainous "oh crap" after seeing the real Lacus Clyne shut down his Lacus impersonator was the first sign of him not actually being in complete control of the situation. (That said, Meer seems to actually be behaving more rationally than Lacus in terms of the content of her speech. The only person in this whole Orb invasion more sensible than her seems to be that one Orb general who points out that ZAFT is still attacking after Yuna's statement that Djibril isn't there is because they know he's lying.
  23. If you think that's bad, you should see the VF-1 book's gallery of all the different versions of the AMM-1... long range versions, short-range versions, high-maneuverability versions, versions for special warheads, versions that your VF-1 only wears to fancy dress parties... The section in the VF-4 book about its equipment is pretty sparse outside of the coverage of the AMM-3, and for good reason... as most of the VF-4's equipment is shared with the VF-1.
  24. Yes and No, in that order. The book describes the semi-conformal missiles as the AMM-3 Flechette1, an all-purpose2 medium-range3 missile design descended from the AMM-1 Arrow4 that was the VF-1 Valkyrie's multipurpose modular missile. It follows the actual physical models in that it says the fighter can take twelve of them, where some official coverage is inexplicably wooly on the actual number. Like pretty much every other source, Variable Fighter Master File: VF-4 Lightning III dodges the question of the bore on the VF-4's beam cannons... the closest it gets to giving an answer is the claim that the VF-X-4 and other prototypes were outfitted with a variant of the VF-1's laser guns there instead (the Mauler ROV-20K laser cannon). It takes a turn for the weird when the book's description turns to the production version though, as the production unit is described as having mounted an OTEC XX-1 heavy quantum reaction beam cannon5 there instead of the official spec charged particle beam cannon. Well, more like four variants of the same missile... IIRC in high explosive, incendiary, high-maneuver, and thermonuclear reaction flavors. No word on when seasonal variants armed with pumpkin spice or peppermint warheads will be available. 1. "Flechette" is its name, it is not a flechette warhead. It borders on a punny name, as the AMM-3 is slightly smaller than the AMM-1 Arrow, the French word "flechette" meaning "little arrow". 2. Air-to-air, air-to-surface, air-to-ground... really, more an "air-to-anything-that-looks-at-me-funny" missile at this point thanks to the integrated multiple guidance system and OTMat high explosive warhead. 3. The term "medium range" was used rather loosely for the AMM-1 Arrow, since it was so heavily modularized you'd swear they contracted it out to LEGO and could have an engagement range of anywhere from 50km to several hundred km depending on how it was equipped. 4. The standard all-purpose medium-range missile the VF-1 Valkyrie was depicted using in the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross series... the ones on the pylon triple-rack. 5. Described as derived from Zentradi overtechnology, and apparently meant to be a predecessor to the OTEC XX-2 heavy quantum reaction beam cannon mounted on the VF-22's monitor turret.
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