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Seto Kaiba

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Everything posted by Seto Kaiba

  1. Bingo. This was the stupidest possible move they could've made. Let's hope it comes to naught, as Big West slowly gains ground in the trademark area worldwide. For lessons, I think appropriate ones might be that we shouldn't condone Macross fans supporting and promoting Robotech's toy lines, since they helped put the money in HG's pocket to pay for this travesty, and we shouldn't support any future works from the clown college at Tatsunoko either.
  2. Ugh... Harmony Gold is claiming they've secured a renewal of their license agreement with Tatsunoko Production. What a waste.
  3. Seems like almost every enemy in the second half of Stardust Crusaders gets a two-parter. The Oingo Boingo brothers are, in their own way, bizarrely compelling as possibly the most incompetent, and therefore most sympathetic, antagonists in the story thus far... and they actually survive their two-parter.
  4. Hiring a professional vocalist for the lead role would seem a strange choice otherwise, given that her filmography is almost exclusively "choir member" in various films.
  5. What I was hoping for was someone who knew if it was or wasn't a case of specifically picking those letters as an abbreviation for a relevant term... in the same fashion that the VF-1J in the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross was given the out-of-sequence J designation to denote its country of origin (Japan). I've read most of Complete Art Works and I haven't come across anything like the info I'm looking for in it. I have a number of other publications yet untranslated, but currently lack the time to peruse them all, so I was hoping someone might've already found the answer. Normally, with variant letters, you expect them to progress through the alphabet sequentially unless there's some special reason for an out-of-sequence letter. Zeta, Eta, and Iota are the sixth, seventh, and ninth letters of the Greek alphabet... or seventh, eighth, and tenth if you go old-school and count digamma. An odd starting point for the first transformable fighter's first production variants... hence my suspicion that they might be abbreviations of something like "Leader" (Ηγέτης) and "Trooper" (Ιππέας) for the Eta and Iota types. I'm at a loss as to what Zeta might be... unless it derives from the unit being produced at Jupiter Base (Ζεύς "Zeus" being the Greek equivalent of the Latin "Jupiter").
  6. Here's a random question for those learned in the details of MOSPEADA... Has anyone ever given an explanation of the variant letters chosen for the Legioss armo-fighter? Eta, Iota, and Zeta are pretty odd choices for humanity's first variants of the first transformable fighter. Are they using deliberately out-of-sequence letters for symbolic purposes the way Macross's creators did with the VF-1J and VF-1S?
  7. I don't think that's the case for anyone here, but the internet being the internet there is almost certainly some toxic collection of twits in their native habitat of Twitter ranting and raving about that precise subject. Mostly, I think it's just uncertainty in the midst of Remake Madness. Like Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid was one of the most celebrated installments in Disney's animated canon, so the announcement of a live action remake is naturally going to garner skepticism from almost every angle despite the reception the previous remakes receiving a generally favorable response from audiences. You'd see similar reactions to, say, whomever was cast in a remake of My Fair Lady because whoever is cast, no matter how competent, will never be Audrey Hepburn... unless some serious strides are made in cloning in the next couple years. There is, I suspect, an element of wary caution to it as well. Over the last few years, fans have learned that when studios start promoting a film or series on the basis of the diversity of its cast it's the studio/network preparing to weaponize social media against the critics. The critics are stuck with a Sophie's Choice of praising the film/series even if it's bad, or risk the inevitable accusations of [racism/sexism/LGBTQ+phobia, check all that apply] and the harassment that inevitably follows. We've seen this with Star Trek: Discovery, Star Wars: the Last Jedi, Doctor Who season 11, Captain Marvel, and so on (where critics sing their praises and general audiences react with "meh" or worse). While @BlackRose and I will likely end up taking my niece to go see it, I would expect a lot of folks to go see if for its own sake. Disney films have always had pretty strong all-ages appeal, the "animation is only for kids" thing is this weird cultural preconception that is constantly subverted but refuses to just crawl under a rock and die. I'd probably still go see the film even if I weren't taking my niece, simply because Disney consistently sets the bar astonishingly high for music in its films. Even when the films themselves aren't the best, the music is still flat amazing (e.g. The Hunchback of Notre Dame). (It's not for nothing that The Lion King is in its 22nd consecutive year as a stage musical, with OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAND performances under its belt and a firm hold on the title of highest all-time box office earner, highest grossing broadway show, and third longest-running broadway show behind Chicago and The Phantom of the Opera.)
  8. Granted, but the story was also set over 182 years ago even in the bowdlerized adaptation Disney is remaking... I think that's the reason a lot of people are going to have issues with this casting decision. As @BlackRose noted, to call attitudes towards people of color 182 years ago "less than enlightened" would be a monstrous understatement. I'd be more concerned about Disney's execution, to be honest. I haven't seen the remake of Aladdin yet, since for me nobody will be able to replace Robin Williams as the Genie, but from previous films Disney's handling of "ethnic" character roles has been fraught with issues. We've come a long way from 1967's The Jungle Book with its implicitly black swing-dancing orangutan who wants to be a person (and was originally meant to be played by Louis Armstrong), but even semi-recent efforts like 2009's The Princess and the Frog tried to get away with stuffing the cast with racist caricatures because they had a minority main character. (Besides, we all know if Disney wants to make a fortune all they have to do is remake Treasure Planet and cast Zoe Saldana as Captain Ameila... the two highest grossing films to date have her painted funny colors, so why not try for a hat trick?)
  9. Mother nature decided to rain on our cookout, so @BlackRose and I started Domestic Girlfriend today. I'm not sure I'm sold on it. It definitely feels different from the usual fanservice-heavy step-sibling love story nonsense that's been done to death in the anime industry, but not by all that much. Mostly it's a gender flip so the one doing the lusting-after is the step-brother rather than the step-sister and the cold, aloof one is the step-sister. If this were Punch Out!, this poor kid's up against Mr. Dream in round one and not doing so hot. EDIT: Ok, yeah... pretty different. This is starting to feel like an overlong setup for a tragic murder-suicide sort of love story.
  10. Well c'mon, Disney's peddling these movies to kids. Watership Down was traumatic enough for the children in the audience, never mind what childhood traumas that could be inflicted by faithful adaptations of some of the stories Disney used for their animated feature films. These old stories are NOT kid-friendly. Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid has its protagonist subjected to constant torturous pain as part of her human guise and the story ends with the prince marrying someone else followed almost immediately by a NTR-induced attempted first degree murder, the protagonist's body horror death-by-magic, and a minimum sentence of 300 years community service for the crime of not having a soul (extended every time a child cries). That'd still be one of the Lighter and Softer ones too... imagine a faithful version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame where the lead is a mentally ill, violent, deaf man who is sent to kidnap a gypsy girl, publicly flogged for it, and then commits suicide by starvation to be with her after she's executed by hanging on a trumped up attempted murder charge because the two guys who were into her are both complete bastards. Or Mulan, where the Khan successfully invades China, summons Mulan to be his concubine, and she kills herself. Or The Jungle Book, complete with the part of Mowgli's story where he learns the villagers are planning to execute his adopted family because they think he's a witch and uses his command of animals to murder the entire village. Or Snow White, in which the evil queen is made to dance on hot coals until she dies of exhaustion. Real kid stuff, y'know? It's a bit different to randomly have, say, a black Danish prince in the 18th century... (Though feel bad for Belle and the prince from Beauty and the Beast, becuase they're young French nobles living less than fifty years from the French Revolution...)
  11. EDIT: Wrong Halle, lol. Not sure a R&B singer is the right move for The Little Mermaid.
  12. Since my work computer decided to crap out on me for a few hours today, I got to do a little extra discretionary viewing while I waited to fix it and started Magical Sempai and To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts. Magical Sempai is another one of those 13 minute short shows, the type I'm increasingly convinced are the anime industry's way of disposing of ideas forced on it by flavor of the week manga publishers. A high school freshman in a school where after-school club participation is mandatory is looking for a club to join and is dragooned into joining the magic club, the only other member of which is a buxom upperclassman girl who suffers from stage fright and seems to be desperately terrible at magic. The series so far has one episode and exactly one joke: she sucks at magic so any attempt at a magic trick devolves into her screwing up while he plays the straight man. The ED kind of leaves the feeling that it's going to lean on fanservice pretty heavily like Ao-chan Can't Study! did, but I'll give it a few more episodes before I pass judgement. To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, however, has my full attention. On a continent called Patria war was beginning a civil war is raging between a heavily industrialized north and a man-labor intensive south, fought with approximately American Civil War levels of tech. The South had the North on the run with its superior manpower until the North introduced a new breed of supersoldier called the Incarnates, who can morph into giant mythological beasts like werewolves, harpies, snakemen, and what have you. The North's Incarnate unit quickly turns the tide and the South surrenders, and orders come down for the Incarnates to be exterminated because they pose too great a threat to the new peace. Incarnate soldiers have started losing control over their powers and devolving into dangerous, violent beasts who kill indiscriminately. The Incarnate unit's second in command, who was tapped to help the authorities put the Incarnates down, guns down the doctor responsible for the unit and sends the remaining Incarnate troops into hiding except for the unit's leader, Hank Henriette, who'd already been shot by the doctor. Cue a timeskip, and the newly reunified Patrian government is dispatching Hank Henriette to deal with the now out-of-control Incarnates as they slowly devolve into beasthood with a personal goal of taking revenge on his former second in command Cain Madhouse (because Obvious McBadguy wasn't available?). It's an odd premise, but I have to admit the first episode is extremely promising and has kind of a Fullmetal Alchemist vibe to it. I'm looking forward to seeing where this one goes. I've also shot through a few more episodes of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. These two-parters feel unnecessarily stretched out. Especially Death 13's. It's still a highly enjoyable show, but it feels like it's dragging a bit now that Jotaro and company are practically on Egypt's doorstep.
  13. Macross's creators were complaining about it back in '82... it's part of why Tatsunoko ended up involved in production. Big West wasn't confident in Macross's prospects due to it being their first foray in animation sponsorship and gave it a really tiny budget that wasn't even adequate to produce the planned 27 episode run they'd cut it down to (from 49), so they had to get Tatsunoko involved in it and pay them with part of the rights to the show to get it completed. Tomino was complaining about it back in '79 when he had people working monstrous amounts of overtime to get Mobile Suit Gundam done on time, for very little pay, with staff being forced to double or triple up on roles. Tomino himself ended up drawing key animation for at least one episode because of it. I'm sure Matsumoto was grumbling loudly about it in '74 when they were working on Space Battleship Yamato, and many creators before that for as long as anime has been a thing. The very art style comes out of decisions made to keep production costs as low as possible.
  14. Anime News Network has had a number of articles about that particular topic over the years... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-05-15/study-animators-earned-usd28000-on-average-in-japan-in-2013/.87762 The sad reality of the situation is that anime isn't actually a profitable medium to work in. Studios operate on razor thin margins, entirely dependent on the profits from merchandising to have any realistic hope of turning a profit on the shows they produce. It can take studios months or years to break even on the majority shows they produce that don't become hits via reruns, streaming, back catalog home video sales, merchandise, and foreign licensing for all of the above. Many poorly-performing properties never manage to break even. Those studios stay afloat on the profits from the occasional hit series while they wait for the rest of their body of work to start turning a profit (if it ever does). The long hours and low wages for production staff are one of the ways studios try to keep production costs down to avoid pricing themselves out of the market. Outsourcing the more labor-intensive parts of their production process to studios in South Korea is another method. Your typical TV anime's per-episode budget is about on par with an American deep cable show's, despite the MUCH larger manpower and man-hour requirement to produce an episode. That anime is gradually gaining a foothold in markets outside of Japan may start to help the wage situation, but it'll probably be quite a few years yet before it becomes mainstream enough to effect meaningful change in the industry... if ever.
  15. That's the beauty of this kind of epic corporate f*ckup... if the case is solid enough, there are no shortage of lawyers willing to take a case like that on contingency for the possibility of a multi-million dollar payday if they win.
  16. Oh, that behavior is going to come back to bite CBS in the arse when they finally exhaust their attempts at summary dismissal and the case goes to trial. The consequences of not cooperating with a court-ordered discovery process can include heavy fines, their own evidence not being admitted in court, and even summary judgement against them if they get really obstructive... which it sounds like they're doing. Refusing to cooperate with a request for discovery is generally a good way to show the jury and/or the judge (in a bench trial) that you're trying to hide incriminating evidence. It's like pleading the fifth, but unlike pleading the fifth it's actually illegal. (That they've admitted access and copying from Mr. Abdin's work is a pretty clear indication of what they're hiding... that plagiarism really did occur and was widespread.) CBS's lawyers are clearly counting on winning this case by outspending opposing counsel. They seem to be counting on the corporate coffers to tank the fines the court will impose due to their refusal to cooperate with the discovery process, and are hoping to secure a dismissal before the case can go to trial. My guess would be that, should their efforts to get the case dismissed continue failing to bear fruit, CBS will attempt to make the problem go away and preserve Star Trek: Discovery by offering Mr. Abdin a confidential settlement including a significant payout in exchange for an unlimited license to the contested material and dismissal of the case with prejudice. They don't want this case going to trial before a jury or even a bench trial, because they know they've been caught red-handed and the potential consequences of failing to defend a lawsuit like that could leave CBS hundreds of millions of dollars in the red between damages and unamortized costs from a now-un-continuable series. That's a pretty standard legal tactic, actually. You'd think lawyers would be too mature and professional for "NO U"-level shenanigans... but you'd be wrong. Variations on "it's at the frame shop" are also popular legal standbys for not producing documents when ordered. So many of modern legal stratagems these days are breathtaking pettiness thinly disguised by logorrhea. FASA actually tried it in their copyright infringement beef with Harmony Gold USA back in the 90's. They were actually stupid enough to follow through on it, though... and filed a lawsuit against Harmony Gold for using the Macross designs in merchandise when Harmony Gold refused to stop sending them cease-and-desists. It backfired hilariously in court, resulting in the infamous not-so-confidential-anymore confidential settlement that made the designs Unseen and barred their franchise from using non-original designs in FASA's desperation to avoid the now-inevitable ruling against them on charges of serial copyright infringement. (Part of their defense was actually based entirely on the "it's at the frame shop" strategy when they failed to produce their alleged license agreement with TCI, which predictably didn't work.)
  17. Granted, though Netflix seems to dispute that particular claim as well as CBS's claim that Netflix should be responsible for sunk costs if the show doesn't last seven seasons...
  18. The Star Trek franchise's litigious little tantrum over fan productions probably had a lot less to do with protecting the IP than it did with CBS and Paramount feeling threatened by high quality fan productions like Star Trek: Axanar that were better received by fans than official productions like the Star Trek reboot films. The fans were stealing their thunder, so they put a stop to it.
  19. No chance. They knew, they were just hoping they wouldn't get called on it... same as CBS, who admitted access and copying but want to claim that a bear-sized blue tardigrade that can teleport interstellar distances is too generic for Mr. Abdin to claim it was copied. That would depend very much on which portions of Star Trek: Discovery are found to have been illegally taken from, or based on, Mr. Anas Abdin's game Tardigrades. Mr. Abdin's allegation is that a nontrivial portion of the Star Trek: Discovery season one plot is stolen from his game, as well as much of the cast, and the core mechanics of the "spore drive" that is the USS Discovery's main gimmick. The real sticking point isn't going to be the tardigrade... it's going to be the cast. If the court only finds that CBS plagiarized the bear-sized blue tardigrade that travels instantaneously through time, space, and dimensions, bare minimum they're stuck with a huge payout for damages to Mr. Abdin because the payout would be a percentage of all profits earned from the infringing material (season one). They would also likely lose the ability to distribute season one on home video or stream unless they paid royalties to Mr. Abdin for the use of his intellectual property. The tardigrade isn't coming back, and the spore drive was already being de-emphasized at the end of season one, so the damage would be severe but containable. Should the courts find in Mr. Abdin's favor on the subject of CBS having allegedly plagiarized the cast from Mr. Abdin's game Tardigrades as well... well, that's the end of the Star Trek: Discovery series because they would have to pay damages against profits from the entire run of the show and all related character merchandise, as well as being unable to use those characters anymore unless they got Mr. Abdin's permission and paid royalties to him for their use. In the past, the Star Trek franchise has avoided even minor royalty payouts to the authors who wrote past episodes when they wanted to reuse one-shot characters, so I think having to pay royalties against most of the cast would still be a show-killer. (The previous example character Nick Locarno, Wesley Crusher's squad leader in Star Trek: the Next Generation, who was rewritten into Tom Paris when they decided they wanted to reuse the character but didn't want to pay royalties to the writer of that old episode.) CBS claims to be upside-down on Star Trek: Discovery to the tune of $200 million from development costs planned to be amortized over a seven season run, so any significant monetary damages awarded to Anas Abdin are potential show-killers when they already can't afford to produce Star Trek: Discovery's third season.
  20. Pushing Michael Burnham into traffic would also be acceptable. Really, anything would have been better than what we got. Even a performance of Star Trek music done entirely with dollar store kazoos and autotuned flatulence. (I'm not saying that Discovery was the worst Star Trek title ever made... just that it's the worst Star Trek title made thus far.) It's not really an update, just a reiteration of the progress that's been made up to now... which has mostly been Anas Abdin's lawyer successfully arguing against CBS's motions to dismiss on various grounds that border from unreasonable to ridiculous such as the infamous claim that bear-sized, bright blue tartigrades capable of instantaneous interdimensional teleportation across time, space, and multiple alternate realities are a commonplace thing in science fiction. (Then again, ridiculous motions to dismiss are often par for the course in copyright infringement suits... mostly being attempts to put off the inevitable as long as possible, like the ones FASA filed when they were sued for illegally using Macross designs in theier games.)
  21. But whose bright idea was it to retranslate and redub the series in the first place? I suspect Netflix wanted to put their stamp on Neon Genesis Evangelion rather than just running with the existing translation, and I doubt Studio Khara had the kind of leverage in the licensing agreement to actually force Netflix to have a new translation made to their exacting specifications. My guess is that Netflix obligingly followed Studio Khara's guidance because they thought that they were going to one-up the original with a more authentic version. Nah, there's at least some circumstantial evidence that the ADV Films Macross dub was deliberately sabotaged by Harmony Gold. Netflix's f*ckup was a result of inexperience and, if the theory is true, following Studio Khara's guidance.
  22. Decided to give Ao-chan Can't Study! a go over lunch today... and all in all I'd rate it as eminently skippable. Long story short, Ao-chan Can't Study! is essentially a less interesting and less well-developed version of B Gata H Kei. Ao is more or less the same character as Yamada (a teenage girl with an incredibly filthy mind) but the opposite motivation, and Kijima is the same character as Tsuda but less introverted and intimidated by her. Since it's one of those shows that does 12 minute episodes only, there's no real character development and it's just one dirty joke setup after another. Yamada in B Gata H Kei was just a curious teenager, but Ao in Ao-chan Can't Study! has a REASON for her filthy imagination that is played for laughs in the show but is horrifying if you stop to think about it. Her dirty thoughts come from having been exposed to pornography by her own father (an erotic novelist), and the first thing we see of her home life is him sexually harassing her while someone from his publisher pleads with her to just put up with it so he'll meet his deadline. He even swaps one of her textbooks for pornography at one point. It's supposed to be a comedy, but it's intensely f*cking creepy if you stop to think about it.
  23. For my money, that's actually a point in its favor. Stardust Crusaders jumps straight into the action instead of bogging down in the standard issue shonen anime expository/training arc. We get maybe five minutes of exposition about Stands and their origin that gets spread across two episodes that occurs alongside the action instead of prior to it. The best part, IMO, is how Jotaro receives the news that he's got a psychic superpower because his family's ancestral enemy, an incredibly flamboyant vampire, is on the loose again after a century, bodyjacked his great-grandfather's corpse. He's not shocked, or panicking, or jumping at the call like a regular shonen anime hero. He tells Joseph to his face that this doesn't make sense and almost immediately adopts the view that this crazy bullsh*t is just part of his life now with a weary "yare yare". He just rolls with it and accepts that this is his new normal, so the plot can get underway immediately instead of wasting a dozen or so episodes pissing and moaning about his lot in life like other shonen heroes.
  24. The Ostrich Class races the Vanquish League holds are technically open to GERWALK mode VFs too. SMS's parent company, Bilra Transport, fields a VF-4SL Lightning III that's a popular contender in those races.
  25. Ugh... as long as the Star Trek: Discovery cast is involved, I'd rather just bury it like evidence of the dreadful crime that Discovery is. Bad Robot's whole take on the Star Trek franchise just needs to go away. It'll never be real Star Trek. If they're gonna do a TOS-era Star Trek series, I'd rather they pick something unrelated to the characters we've become familiar with.
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