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Seto Kaiba

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Everything posted by Seto Kaiba

  1. Frankly, my bet is on CBS trying to brazen it out and pushing Star Trek: Picard as-is rather than reversing course and either tactly or explicitly admitting that the entire direction they set for the Star Trek franchise five years ago was a massive mistake. They've got Amazon's money already, so they're not going to want to give it back and take a second substantial loss on development costs for a Star Trek show. (Rumor has it they're upside-down $200M on Discovery right now.) I think there's something to the idea that was used to poke fun at a bunch of the rejected Star Trek series pitches in the DTI novels... treat it as a bad alternate timeline that was created by hostile powers in the Temporal Cold War and retroactively prevented by the intervention of temporal agents from the Temporal Integrity Commission and/or Federation Temporal Agency. (The DTI novels attributed a few bombed Trek pitches, like the 25th century cartoon proposal about a galaxy where omega particle weapons destroyed subspace and left most of the galaxy un-navigateable, to the work of Future Guy from Enterprise... listed when FTA agents read the charges against him during his arrest.)
  2. Well, that is what happens when you let Jar-Jar Abrams and his hangers-on run your franchise... but Hollywood never learns. Now that Kurtzman and Bad Robot are apparently out of Star Trek, I wonder what'll happen to Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Discovery. Netflix seems content to let Discovery languish in de facto cancellation without a budget, but CBS is in a weird spot with Star Trek: Picard thanks to audiences hating it in test screenings, a distributor who's suffering buyer's remorse, and a lot of cash sunk into ongoing production. I'm wondering if they're going to plow ahead with the Kelvin-esque aesthetic or they'll try to rework it now that they're free of Bad Robot and Kurtzman.
  3. A loose partnership of fan translators, collaborating on the creation of a comprehensive Macross official setting reference. Our goal is to do full translations of a lot of the books that've only been tackled in a piecemeal fashion and host the translations directly alongside the articles referencing them. We're keeping the group name under wraps until we've got the domain registrations sorted out. Not yet. Our site's still under development. When it launches, we'll create a thread in the Homepages section of the forums here.
  4. Nope. It's on my group's to-do list but it'll likely be a while yet before we get to it.
  5. There might be a hinge at the base, but what you're seeing in that picture is a T-tail similar to the ones on the Gloster Javelin or F-104 Starfighter. Though, from the line art, it seems to differ from the F-104's in one crucial regard: the tail appears to have a conventional horizontal stabilizer and elevator configuration instead of stabilators like the F-101 Voodoo or the F-104 Starfighter (where the whole horizontal stabilizer itself moved as a control surface). As a whole, the design is inspired by the F-104. That's probably where the two legs join to form the engine nacelle.
  6. Heavy quantum beam weapons draw a LOT of power... so much so that a dedicated reactor or the 3rd Gen Stage II thermonuclear reaction turbine engines (or in one case, both) seem to be necessary to operate one. My guess would be that it's probably a stealth rotary cannon like the VF-171's GU-14B or MC-17C. The Sv-154 Svard's allegedly a little better than the VF-171 in atmospheric combat, but as it's a mass production export model being built for the local planetary defense force of a relatively poor New UN Government member world with a low level of technological development I'd expect a design that focuses on being simple but effective without a lot of frills or unnecessary sophistication. Sorry for the crap quality of the picture, devices with photographic capabilities aren't allowed in my workplace (forward model development, y'know?) so I had to make do with a picture someone posted on a Yahoo! Japan blog. From what I've read, the Svard was designed to exploit the superior physical abilities of the Windermerean pilots flying it, like the Sv-262 was.
  7. If that's how it is, do I have to call you Commissioner? Yeah, someone on the art/writing staff for Master File seems to have failed a knowledge check... 「全長: 515m」 Failed it REAL hard. The CVN-99 Asuka II is, as you've indicated, officially 276m long. On page 079 of Variable Fighter Master File: VF-0 Phoenix they have it incorrectly listed as 515m long... which would explain its magical ability to fit four VF-0s in the space between the island and the catapults in the art from page 097. They've got her drawn almost twice her actual size, closer to the scale of the CVS-101 Prometheus.
  8. Presumably it works the same way the Sv-262'd dual nozzle does. Incidentally, I am a blind idiot as I apparently never noticed until I bothered to look at the uncolored line art... its gunpod is fit flush to the ventral hull, in much the same way that the SV-262's is flush to the dorsal hull. There is that, but the conformal packs on the Draken III look to be much higher capacity and we know they're disposable, whereas these launchers are built directly into the wing and would be more difficult to service.
  9. Considering who developed it, the Svard's gunpod is probably internally stored similar to the VF-14's or VF-17's. We know almost nothing about it, except: It was developed by General Galaxy's SV Works team, who were sold off to the Epsilon Foundation subsidiary Dian Cecht.,, as such, it technically is a descendant of the design lineage of the SV-51 and SV-52 from the Unification Wars, since the SV Works were founded by a defector from the SV-51's design team who later cofounded General Galaxy. It was Windermere IV's main variable fighter throughout the 2050s and into the early 2060s. Its facing competition was the VF-171-II Nightmare Plus, which almost certainly makes it a 4th Generation VF (with all that entails). Its design, like so many Kawamori designs, is an updated reuse of a concept Kawamori created for an earlier project. In this case, Air Cavalry Chronicles... the series concept which was developed into his fantasy series The Vision of Escaflowne. Its original name was the LV-7 Valorous Rapier, one of three models of transformable fighter operated by Fanelia (the home nation of Escaflowne's protagonist Prince Van Fanel). Given Windermere IV's demonstrated tactical priorities, it seems a safe bet the Svard was probably an atmospheric VF with less than stellar endurance in space like its replacement, the 5th Generation Sv-262 Draken III. That would've been to its advantage during Windermere IV's 2060 war of independence, when it was facing off against the largely space-optimized VF-171-IIs of the Brisingr Alliance New UN Forces. (Entertainingly, the LV-7 design had a big freaking sword just like the Draken III does in Macross Delta's final episode.)
  10. More than the lack of someone with lasting power in Hollywood, anime adaptations have repeatedly proven to not be profitable... that's a pretty big barrier to entry too. Alita: Battle Angel took Cameron years and, as the best-performing anime adaptation thus far, it's not even clear if it actually turned a profit or not once the marketing expenses for it were factored in. The Robotech license is just a case of studios buying up similar stories to a successful property, to deny them to rivals. They've only been noticed thanks to Michael Bay's Transformers movies making bank for Paramount, due to the happy accident of being a contemporary of the G1 Transformers show. We tried that... it was called Astro Plan, and it was so hilariously bad that we successfully trolled Robotech fans into thinking HG had licensed it. Bingo. Banky is Harmony Gold's version of Baghdad Bob... his job is to tell the Robotech faithful that everything is fine, that Robotech will triumph over the Macross infidels, and that they totally needn't worry about the crumbling sounds from behind the curtain that absolutely are not the franchise collapsing like a biscuit raft in a gale.
  11. So it's more an unofficial live action adaptation for Gate: Thus the Japanese Self-Defense Force Fought There?
  12. Granted, but the plot of the original Transformers series was pretty thin on the ground and largely episodic... so they could easily get away with porting over the iconic characters and a few set pieces in vaguely familiar guises, because the franchise had a large and devoted fandom. That franchise was always merchandise-driven rather than story-driven. Its fans were not expecting anything particularly deep or sophisticated from its story... they came for giant robots beating the tar out of each other, and that is precisely what the movies delivered. Yes, that is pretty much exactly what I'm saying. If you remove the fundamental characteristics of a Macross story from a Macross project - the aliens/space war, the love story, the power of song/music as communication, and the fundamentally optimistic/idealistic outlook - then it's not really a Macross story anymore. You can put the Macross title on it and try to fit it into Macross's timeline, but that will not make it a Macross story. (Essentially, I'm distinguishing between "a story with the word Macross in the title" and "a story that's thematically consistent with Macross".) If you look at the Macross franchise's history, you'll see the underperforming installments are all ones that tried to remove one or more of those characteristics of a Macross story. IMO, it's more like we're splitting hairs over what it'll take for a theoretical Macross movie to come out and make a lasting impact, build the fandom, etc. rather than coming out and being the Flavor of the Week that's immediately forgotten when a new sci-fi/action movie comes out. *cough* MOSPEADA and Southern Cross what? They don't seem to have actually gotten monetary damages on many of the occasions they've sued or threatened to sue... their stake in it is more a steady trickle of income from its merchandise and home video releases since all production costs were paid off ages ago. HG reps, including the famously deceptive McKeever himself, were quite open about their bosses only really caring about the profits from the official website store. For now, their plan seems to be selling or giving away licenses to indie toy makers and toy bootleggers to get something with their name on it out there... they've had a number of high profile crash-and-burns lately, so they're looking to put one in the wins column after Palladium Books and their own Kickstarter misadventure left them with more egg on their face than an industrial chicken farm could furnish in a year. It's Banky... it'll be BS. They wouldn't send Kevin the Coffee Boy if they were going to be imparting news of actual import.
  13. There's a bit of a difference between leaving out the core set pieces of an entire franchise and not adapting events from the first 8 minutes of the first episode of the first TV series that had at-most negligible plot relevance until they were revisited by a sequel TV series made over a decade later. Kawamori did try to get the basic Macross original series plot adapted in that cancelled project Macross: Final Outpost: Earth... so he found at least one producer in Hollywood willing to take a whack at a largely faithful Macross film before they shelved it. Really, I don't think Macross is a setting or story suited to a western live action adaptation... and I'm not at all put out that there's no plans for such an adaptation. If you take the music, the romance, and the optimism - the heart and soul of Macross - out of Macross, what you've got left when it's all done is flat and lifeless... we call that Robotech. That's why Macross Zero and Macross Plus weren't as well received in Japan as other Macross titles. They lacked that upbeat Macross love-conquers-all spirit. If you want a more grounded conflict without most of the SF elements between a world government and an anti-government force, you're basically just remaking Mobile Suit Gundam: MS IGLOO. You don't keep long-term fans by sacrificing the story's spirit. That's why the J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies were a string of flops... they sacrificed the optimistic spirit of exporation in the original Star Trek for a darker, grittier, more conflict-heavy setting that got a lot of one-time casual views but failed to attract a following because it was ONLY mildly entertaining... there was no depth to it at all, no feeling, and no real sense of attachment to anything.
  14. Some LGBTQ aspects are more accepted in the west now than compared to 3 decades ago. In fact, that'd probably be why they'd dump Yellow's crossdressing. Apart from his bio implying he was a bit of a Japanophile1, Yellow Belmont's crossdressing was for purely pragmatic purposes of disguise as a Mars Base soldier and resistance fighter. That could very easily turn into something the trans community would get up in arms about and cause some internet outrage. Rey's reaction to learning Yellow's real identity was played for laughs in the anime, but play it for laughs or play it straight you can bet it'll garner cries of "transphobic!" if they were to do it in a live-action series or movie. Then there's the inevitable backlash from the demographics who, for whatever reason, condemn that kind of thing and all of their fussing. I'd expect studios to be rather gunshy about that kind of thing after the way the accusations of whitewashing hurt Ghost in the Shell (2017) both before and after release and the brouhaha over Star Trek's first gay couple on Star Trek: Discovery where the writers could do no right. Then there's all the markets where LGBTQ stuff isn't as accepted as it is in the US... No, five'll get you twenty they'd play it safe, axe the crossdressing, and potentially make Yellow a woman. 1. [...] with an avowed interest in kabuki theater, where young men traditionally played the female roles.
  15. Not sure about an uptick, it's always had a pretty steady cult following. It'd probably be more live action-friendly than Macross since there are fewer fantastic aspects to the story like the Power of Music. (That said, it'd probably take a lot of work to make the Inbit look like a threat that could actually conquer Earth since they went down easy to light anti-armor rockets in the anime. I'd also expect them to dump the part of Yellow Belmont's story where he disguises himself as a woman.)
  16. Mobile Suit Gundam: the Origin: Advent of the Red Comet episode 8 was, if anything, slightly more of an audience punch than the OVA version was. Origin's version of the One Week Battle was, if anything, worse than any previous description of it in books or manga. Even MS IGLOO never actually showed the Principality of Zeon's assault on Side 2, and in this version instead of gassing colonies we see the Dozle fleet bombarding them with mega particle cannons until they either break up or totally decompress. The added punch comes from that little side arc about the inhabitants of Iffish that was in OVA ep5. They split it in the middle so the episode ends on a falsely optimistic note for Yuki and his girlfriend, which feels a lot more cruel than the OVA's take of going straight into the gas attack and Iffish being used in the attempted colony drop on Jaburo. (It is a bit annoying that the translator doing the subs hasn't figured out that "bunch" is a word... they keep romanizing it "banchi".)
  17. That's kinda what people expect when you adapt a property to a live action movie... that you start at the beginning. Macross Zero was pretty to look at but wasn't received all that well. The plot with the music and aliens is pretty much THE iconic Macross story. You wouldn't make a Transformers movie and leave out the Autobots and Decepticons.
  18. Animation is literal orders of magnitude cheaper than CG- and special effects-heavy live action production. The problem with animation is that, in many western markets, animation is still seen as a medium that's almost exclusively for children's entertainment. (Anime grappled with the same stigma in Japan in the 70's and early 80's and never entirely overcame it.) That'd be nice, especially since we've had Gundam: the Origin released in the US in multiple formats already... hardback editions of the manga, the OVA series, and now the Gundam: the Origin: Advent of the Red Comet TV edit. You remember correctly. Harmony Gold went to some pretty substantial lengths to get rid of anything overtly Macross or Macross-related when they were developing Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles for fear of litigation from Big West. They used the tie-in prequel comic book to summarily dispose of almost all of the remaining Macross holdover characters. "Rick" got an all-new design which resembled Hideo Kuze from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig and looked nothing like any previous incarnation of the character. Both "Lisa" and Minmei were sidelined to eternally-offscreen positions. Max and "Miriya" were Sir and Lady Not-Appearing-In-This-Comic, and all other Zentradi characters were summarily killed off panel. The comic even redid panels from the Waltrip Robotech II: the Sentinels comic it was tying into to remove the VF-1 Valkyries and Spartas hover tanks and replace them with Legiosses or Ride Armors. They even, yes, went so far as to forbid the dialog from using the word "Zentradi" in the OVA episode itself (and using Macross designs was already off the table so its sepia-tone flashback was all generic scenes.
  19. If true, this is fantastic news for Star Trek... one of the principal architects of the stupidly gritty, action-ized, "new Trek" is gone. If CBS wants to double down on this by cancelling Star Trek: Discovery or go for a hat trick by also sinking Star Trek: Picard, I'll be prepared to call them very fine people.
  20. My educated guess would be that they're not. Adapting popular anime properties into live-action films in the West has historically been an almost foolproof recipe for an embarrassing box office flop. Even the relatively mainstream anime properties like Dragon Ball Z or Ghost in the Shell either failed to break even or went out as box office bombs. Alita: Battle Angel is the closest anime adaptations have come to a true box office success and even then industry analysts and studio insiders suggest the film was only marginally profitable and may have only just managed to break even. I would assume that studios will still only be looking at anime properties with the best levels of name recognition in the US. Titles like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Gundam, etc. If Macross's do-over debut in 2021 produces some serious public awareness for the brand then they might start considering it for a live action adaptation. I suspect it'll still not happen, since it has some aspects that just don't translate well to live action... like the role of music in the story.
  21. Normally, a studio adapting an existing work wants to have at least some visual connection to the original if at all possible... which just isn't possible with Robotech, and is likely a large part of why nobody's willing to touch it. That and not being able to actually adapt the story of the TV series.
  22. Nah, all that's actually happened with it in over eleven years is that they paid out of pocket for a handful of Hollywood writers to do rough story treatments for a movie so they could misrepresent those writers as actually involved in production (and to have some fake tangible "proof" that it was actually being worked on). Like Warner Bros before them, Sony Pictures has zero inclination to actually make a Robotech movie. They only picked up the rights because it was a contemporary series to the Transformers series that Paramount is still making bank on. Considering virtually none of the IP from the animation is usable for such a film, no studio was ever going to even seriously consider making it.
  23. Yeah, it was pretty much dead on arrival if we're being honest. Ratings-wise, Robotech was an unremarkable middle-of-the-pack performer in its original broadcast run and its merchandise line was nothing to write home about either. Most companies would probably not have tried for a sequel series or a feature film with that kind of performance, but Harmony Gold did and once both efforts ended in failure they more or less abandoned it until 1999 and their ill-conceived attempt to revive the brand with Robotech 3000. Well, yeah... Carl Macek mistook the borrowed quality of the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, and Genesis Climber MOSPEADA for his own cleverness, and spent the rest of his life trying to take credit for the work of the original creators while simultaneously badmouthing them. He didn't have a freaking clue what Robotech's audience wanted or even who they were which, combined with his arrogant belief that he knew better than the industry professionals who created the material he was taking credit for, led him to fly three Robotech sequel projects into the ground. They never had much money for development because Robotech was never all that successful. Quality costs money. They had assistance from several extremely talented people early on, but Macek succeeded in driving them away during the development of Robotech II: the Sentinels. Without Tatsunoko to foot the bill for talent, they were on their own and the budget wouldn't stretch enough to allow them to engage the services of talented creators (not that Macek would've allowed it) or to produce high-quality animation. By the time they finally got rid of Macek and were trying to reinvent Robotech as a mainstream anime title, all of the damage Macek had done was too much for them to get a proper budget so they had to make Shadow Chronicles on a budget of less than $1 million provided by HG itself... which had to stretch REALLY far to cover development and production, especially in light of hiring big-name voice talent for bit parts like Mark Hamill. I know for a fact that Tom Bateman cared about the quality of the work they were doing, and I'm pretty sure Tommy Yune did too. There are limits to what you can do with such a limited budget when you're also splurging on voice actors who demand to be paid SAG rates. Pretty much, but it's the only Hail Mary that's really left open to them after Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles didn't deliver on all the promises Tommy made to his bosses and Robotech Academy became an embarrassing public failure. Yeah, it really was a poorly conceived attempt to make the franchise relevant. Shadow Chronicles was supposed to appeal to anime fans who'd never heard of Robotech, but the only way they could seem to think of to make it appeal was... well... drawing every woman to look like Shay Laren in a neoprene body stocking. Fanservice sells... but it was a rather cynical attempt to make Robotech marketable that didn't really draw anyone's attention. It did attract some hilarious comments when Harmony Gold made it available on Hulu Plus though.
  24. Robotech was stagnating for well upwards of a decade before it ever got to that point. It's been a stagnant property ever since the plans for a sequel series (Robotech II: the Sentinels) and a movie (Robotech: the Untold Story) fell through in '86-87. The old comic books and novels were cheap, lazy, quick-and-dirty attempts to shake a nostalgic fanbase down for a quick buck with nothing like an orchestrating intent or creative direction. (I still maintain that the novels were Luceno and Daley C.S. Goto-ing them by swapping proper nouns out in rejected Star Wars manuscripts.) New material isn't forthcoming because every attempt to create new material is a failure... and it's happened so often that nobody wants to put their money in Robotech anymore. After Robotech 3000 spun in so badly that it bankrupted its principal sponsor and animation studio Netter Digital, nobody outside Harmony Gold was willing to finance a Robotech production. After Shadow Chronicles failed to achieve its promised revival of the franchise's fortunes and attract external sponsorship,, Harmony Gold's own management was no longer willing to finance its new developments. Then came Robotech Academy, where the hilarious mixture of naive incompetence, monumental arrogance, and good old fashioned crap quality combined to ensure that even the fans were unwilling to finance new Robotech development. They are playing a waiting game, but it's not THAT waiting game. They're waiting, and wishing, and hoping, and praying for some Hollywood studio to decide to actually make a Robotech movie, so they can simply sit back and collect royalty checks instead of developing material themselves. That was, by their own admission, the Plan B after Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles met such a negative reception. They wanted to use the movie to attract new sponsors to the animated series, and even that was eventually abandoned. What did ExoSquad do to deserve such a horrible fate? Hiring mechanical designers, talented or otherwise, takes money... at this point NOBODY wants to put money into Robotech. I don't think they'll bother. Virtually all Robotech merchandising is built on Macross. If they can't renew the Macross license, they'll fold rather than trying to continue on in vain because there's only a minimal market for imitation-brand MOSPEADA merchandise and virtually no market for Southern Cross. But Pinhead!McKeever has such sights to show you...
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