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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. I see... I guess it's another one of my friend's 'mostly true' stories. that, and he's not really a fan of polymer frame guns... The local armed forces have a couple of polymer guns here & there, hell, I've even seen a FA-MAS G2 being carried by the police! but MOSTLY surplus M16's / AR15's. I guess in the end, 2nd hand guns are much more economical, maybe that's why they just dismissed the P90. what a shame... Then again, dumping 50 rounds is hazardous (on both ends of the gun)
  2. I was told the P90 couldn't operate too well in hot climates. The story goes... It was presented to the local law enforcement brass (asian country) as a 'potential replacement gun'. they went over to a firing range on a very hot day, & the general at the camp emptied the 50 round mag in 1 pull. after 50 rounds, the receiver had overheated & caused the gun to lock up. This was told by a friend who's got roots in the military, so it's 'pretty much' credible. then again... this is the same guy that said the local air force pilots use barrel rolls to shut non-working landing gear on certain planes...
  3. 1/6 scale mospeada? that'd be cool... if somebody else built it. too big for toynami not to mess up IMO. then again... they could be building... er.. cloning the SDf 1 THE HORROR !!! THE HORROR !!!
  4. I got another piece of hardware in mind... Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) !! with that awesome "rain of steel" , they'll only need about 4 for the whole island, parked near the shoreline. no way ANY dino's gonna live through that ...on the down side, anybody that doesn't get out of the fire zone's hamburger meat.
  5. OH NO !!!!!!!!!! I see doves all over the screen...
  6. The only thing I'm touchin' this thing with, is a NUKE Seriously, how many east-to-west adaptations have we seen that WEREN'T total disasters? I'm stayin' clear of this one. And the one after. And the next....
  7. that's funny gotta try that google thing sometime
  8. *ROFLMAO* I would've believed that if I wasn't LIVING there !!!!! man... that post made my day
  9. zentrandude, it's PHILIPPINES sorry about that
  10. Realistically speaking, if mecha were to be produced, they're only going to compliment the existing equipment. the main battle group will still likely be composed of tanks, infantry, artillery, aircraft & choppers. to assume that a whole mechanized unit will consist primarilly of mecha is... silly. also, if the military were to consider mecha, they wouldn't build 'em 40 feet tall. something about 10 feet tall would be what they'd want to build. if they were going to build something 40 feet tall, I'd assume that would be the 'new' artillery, and you'd never see one in a close-up firefight. and... with all these new drones being developed, i'd factor out a piloted mecha. they're more likely going to be small (think the size of a mini) drones with legs. remotely operated a thousand miles away. so... with what we have today, I'd say tanks will still definitely beat out mecha, and definitely no arguments about the 'RPG vs anyhting' , 'cuz 'RPG beats anything' BUT you can't ignore the potential usefulness of mecha. them's my 2 cents
  11. that's pretty horrible for a custom... and he wants HOW MUCH for it ? ! ? ! ? the Megatron so much better than that! ...except for the non-transforming thing
  12. I'm all for Voltes ! I mean, VOLTES BAZOOKA !!! the super robot packs some serious heat it goes waaay above pointing your finger at somebody & going "BANG" plus there was an episode where voltes kicks ass without his lower half! THAT was cool !
  13. well.. this is what I got right now CRAPPY CAMERA !!!!!!!!!!! can't see anything 6 inches away err... large pic
  14. funny thing about the blueprint.... THAT's it !! any other from of "math", I'm still working on and yeah, I'm not building the backpacks, we got 'em already
  15. well... people willing to spend for the TH GBP isn't the problem... it's building the TH GBP that's the problem so far, it looks good. ON PAPER
  16. THOSE ARE GREAT !!!! I'm hoping i can do a "decent" job with mine
  17. thanks guys pics? DEFINITELY !!!! I just have to get out of "development hell"
  18. hmm... good point, zentrandude. now the question, does anybody know how i can contact the TH GBP creator? (assuming I'm going to mass produce. but highly unlikely) If i just build 1, it'll simply count as a custom job, right?
  19. It's not official yet anyway, it's still on paper... and i'm definitely gonna make a couple of changes for "artistic license" & durability... I want it "playable" not "displayable"
  20. yup, that's the THUNDER HUMMER GBP man, i got a lot do before I get this project off the ground
  21. Right now, it's in logistic & engineering hell... I thought I'd let you guys have a look at it ....the "blueprint"
  22. the good/bad ending happens when you deicde to shoot or not shoot gilliam after the "base raid" mission. it's a short decision time, after you exit the base, he parks right in front of you & talks you down. shoot gilliam, you head straight for space. don't shoot him, you make a detour to the macross, fight the red VF 1 (again) & a bunch of ghosts, then fight that tohma guy (yeah, he was a bad egg all along ). ...at least that's what i remember
  23. unbelievably, that's an 80's bandai non-variable super valkyrie i have 2 of 'em. i bought 'em for the fast packs and the legioss beside it is definitely an ARII
  24. oh yeah... and just in case anybody's curious, the BB minigun is made by 'Piper Prescision Products" and retails for around 3000? USD & there's a waiting list (last i heard) they don't have 'em in stock. they build 'em after you place your order & pay the 50% down payment ! even as a replica it's a mean piece o' hardware if only i could afford one... or if it was legal to buy one from where i live...
  25. ah... there's just nothin' like seeing a minigun in action... ...and if anybody noticed, bits of the video came from "Monster Garage" i love that episode ...too bad they lit up an RX 7 it's a pretty good reminder NOT to mess with the guys behind these guns
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