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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. AWESOME !!! Now where'd I hide My flying saucer & 'COMA-TIZER' I don't see any big threat here, i'ts just like when they announced that the planet's gonna get sucked into the sun back in the '80s... people were hysterical about it, then you realize it wasn't gonna happen 'til what? about 2000 years later? 2000 years? the average person doesn't even live past 100 these days... and let's not forget that millennium thing... ...i've said too much
  2. As long as it comes with the trailer, I'm SOLD !!!
  3. It's basically a mini super robot wars in 3rd person. (how much fun is SRW? really?) The 1st couple of missions are annoying, since they give you a useless machine. then, you get the Hyaku-Shiki & it gets fun for a while.... Until you realize there's like 40+ missions, & about half of 'em have the dreaded "MISSION FAILED IF..." and you can get STUCK! forcing you to start a new game !!!! There's something like cash, & you use it to fix up your machines after every mission. YOU CAN'T FLY WITH A BROKEN MACHINE! & you won't get more until you reach the 'checkpoint' at least in Armored Core, you can earn new cash by going to the arena. It's cool and all, but nothing that will win "game of the year" We'll have to wait & see what the next one can offer...
  4. that's great ! thanks are always fun , even more if they're rolling over an enemy toy
  5. that's cool ! I actually have one of those 1/24 taiwan-made BB shooting Leopard A2's. I had to replace the barrel to get it to shoot better, but it's still mostly 'child-safe' I'd get a one of these robosapien things to shoot at, but they're pretty expensive over here, & for just target practice an old beat-up model is still a better & cheaper target
  6. and what's the deal with watching EVERY new show that comes out? do they NEED to? will they DIE if they can't keep watching? ...or is the 'alpha geek' gonna kick their asses (with his black belt kendo) if they don't ? one time, I was actually told "why don't you know any new shows?" and it was in a "sinner ! you will burn in the fires of hell ! " tone oh the humanity...
  7. over at this side of the world, you can actually identify 'Super otakus' even if they're not ranting about anything. how they move or dress is already a dead giveaway ...I've said too much
  8. And then, there were 4 yeah. stuff I like. that's it. it doesn't even go as far as knowing EVERY terminology in a show. I just watch it, & it's done. I hardly ever watch anything more than twice. unless I have no choice. Hell, i'm not even a serious gamer, I get bored of 'em real easy. And I don't have the 'drive' to play RPG's either.
  9. well.... here's something I put together at my office ....hope the pic shows up 4 inches tall w/ 17 pts of articulation EDIT: please forgive the pic, MY CAMERA IS CRAP
  10. how about checking if it's BB proof ? anybody got an RC tank that can shoot 'em ?
  11. I was lucky enough to have seen both of 'em at roughly the same time. 1 channel aired robotech, and another aired Macross. although back then, I couldn't keep up with Macross 'cause of the time slot, & GI joe was much more interesting back then... (*ducks*) Eventually, I saw DYRL? & PLUS. I did some "soul searching" & realized that robotech was...... (*INSERT WORD*) Yes, I hate robotech out of principle. there was a nice analogy posted a while back, something like.... "what if You created some kind of masterpiece, & I borrowed it from you. I chop it up, & add little bits to it & call it my own 'original' work. Then, it becomes famous. Now You, the original creator, obvioiusly has rights to it, but, i slap some court order (or something to that effect) saying You have no such claim to it & now, You have to ask Me for permission to use it in any way." That's what robotech & HG is. well, mostly Inetersting stuff, huh ?
  12. check out the box, it's a "Cy Girls" line of 12" figs. I'll bet it really IS a 'super realistic' head behind those shades. BAD
  13. Meh. If I had to spend on a robot toy, it'd have to be one of those $500 mini fighting robots at least they can DO kung fu
  14. 1S Strike It's probably the most heavily armed VF out there except... now it's also the shortest
  15. I was actually a little disappointed with the $110 price tag to think, if I had the cash a lot sooner, it could've been around $90.... That price increase happened in a month ...then again, at that time, the low-vis was already going for $180 I suppose the Hikaru's just gone low-vis all of a sudden
  16. I'd have to say I'm one of the lucky ones too, 110 (kind-of shipped)
  17. TC on DVD ? ? ? Dear God !!! I see it on a regular basis over at this corner of the world! They show it on Cartoon Network at around 9pm or something... HELL ! even Centurions & Swatkats all I'm wondering now is when they're gonna show the other stuff... DISCLAIMER: I thought TC was cool when I was a kid (we even used to rent the videos!). NOW, I ask myself "what the hell was I smoking?" and i can say the same for every other show back in the '80's Oh yeah, that karate cat show isn't a myth... it's REAL !!! I used to watch it after coming home from school THE HORROR... THE HORROR...
  18. HWR MKII, Nice work! Great job on the details I did something like it a while back, except... at 2 inches short After seeing your posts, I'm thinking about picking up the little guy & go make some improvements...
  19. They're using their version of the 'Cornershot' . It's nice to know FMP is up-to-date with its equipment nifty little things http://www.golangroup.com/products-cornershot.shtml
  20. Fact: The Strike valkyrie & its descendants (VF-19, etc.) are a part of ROBOTECH Source: Wishful thinking from ROBOTECH fans (maybe even HG *ahem*) Truth: ROBOTECH never graduated past the "regular" FAST packs. some people might argue that "clash o' the bionoids" sez otherwise.... well in that case, the list starts from the VF-4
  21. here's a good one... FACT: Hikaru & Roy are related SOURCE: you guessed it... ROBOTECH !!!!
  22. You could give it the MARPAT treatment... say... urban !
  23. Now & then, we need to be reminded that they are as strange & dorky to us, as we are to them... It's just that there are certain degrees of 'lameness' I'm an Airsofter, by the way
  24. I'd like to see Sentinel animated too, it would be nice to see the S / Ex-S animated in all its glory. up to now, i've only seen it animated in SD form, which was fun for a while, but... personally, i think they should go with a UC story, back to Gundam's roots
  25. don't forget 'DARKMAN'
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