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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. are we those pics right? are those FP's finally molded in the correct color? and... now that we have proof of FP's, i'm a little concerned about the backpack now. -can the new backpack lock be used in gerwalk? you know, fighter + FP's. it needs some kind of lock, right? -how sturdy would the whole backpack section be with the FP's attached? we get stand alone & deluxe FP sets! woooo! my wallet will hate me now possible deluxe GBP set ?
  2. one more question... is the backpack heat shield really smooth/featureless, or is it just assembled backwards? not that i really mind, but it's the kind of thing that keeps certain people here awake at night PS: no more questions from me! I FEAR THE BAN
  3. wooo... I'm sold. but the backpack's kinda off... they could have tapered the top a bit, so it doesn't look like squashed lunchbox, and i'm not too sure that new backpack clip's gonna stay in place. is there a reason they put it there instead of the back collar thingy? plus the "horse shoes" look weird. 2 out of 10, not bad. considering the 1/48 has its weak points too HAIL TO THE NEW 1/60, BABY!
  4. but what about when their friends & family start becoming gundam fans trying to convert us too? ...more 'nam jokes. ok, ok. i'll stop now back to topic... i guess Macross F 'shocked' a whole bunch of the new guys. they probably never heard of 'macross' before, then suddely F shows up. so the new guys are like... "sweet jebus! macross F? what's macross? macrossworld? pics? what pics? ...and toys?!?! MUST... REGISTER!!!" then... we wait for the flood of Q&A threads
  5. i'm guessin' the new guys are all named 'chuck' & they're sneaking around in all the macross forums, and you never know when they're right next to you. then *BAM!* instant conversion to gundam! yeah... chuck's everywhere man! he's in the bushes, in the trees, maybe even the terminal beside yours! 'nam joke...
  6. Usually on slow days. how many slow days i have in a week shall remain a mystery
  7. indeed it does. contradictory, paradoxical, incoherent and all that other stuff... i too, shall throw my hands up in the air. ...unless somebody goes back in time to prevent me from doing so, and allows me to do so, but will not create a paradox & screw up the whole event, and keep things logical in the first place. why couldn't it have ended with 2 movies?
  8. that was the RV scene, on their way to the CRS base, Kate asks Arnie why he's only following her orders. i think that's everybody's question but i think the 1st movie & novels mention that the whole process was totally new & incredibly hard to do, plus skynet was the only thing that knew how to do it right, but it was destroyed by that time. i guess nobody thought they could actually do it?
  9. the whole "same model terminator kills Connor" is retarded. did he suddenly become senile or something? considering all of the future "terminator-mail" events (supposedly) happened in 1 day Connor getting killed doesn't make sense. they just beat skynet, sent Reese and the guardian T800 in the same day, & knowing the only friendly terminator that looked like Arnie was the one they just sent back, why would Connor suddenly go "hey... that's my old buddy!"-*dead* ? that Arnie they sent back destroyed itself, and he was there to see it happen. the "childhood memories" should have kept him paranoid & not dead i say they should go with this new movie, but forget everything in T3. more importantly, they could forget Connor being killed in T3.
  10. but will they? based on BanDai's macross history, they're just likely to produce a kit the likes of the cheap, low-detail 1/60 Gundams & call it a day. their reissues pretty much show their enthusiasm to Macross. meh. TakaraTomy actually did better. they actually re-engineered some of their molds. too bad they don't do Macross
  11. maybe it has better clearance between the hips & wings in battroid? maybe gundam poseability? offhand, i'm guessing the new stuff's gonna be little things in the VF-0 that the 1/48 doesn't have, retracting backpack nozzles, (better) extending antenna, & a POM/diecast BP8 part? the CAD looks like it does have double-jointed knees too. and what looks like proof of the retracting nose section. look at the collar under the chin. last time i checked, only Hasegawa battroids had collars. awesome!
  12. i figured i can finally send my old 1/60 on a tour of duty. my office! with the new 1/60's i can have a 'stunt' VF-1 that i can take anywhere! ...maybe not. with the advent of 'instant classic/instant junk' , turning the old 1/60 into a 'stunt' toy might need some careful thought.
  13. Idolmaster? that's kinda odd... with them having certain licenses, you'd think they would do the more obvious characters ...Minmay, Misa, Yoko, Misato, Saber, Revy , etc.
  14. VF-1 no contest. the Beam Cannon & Nukes say so.
  15. fair enough. i'd forgotten about the LED's but still, the possibility of $60+ for FP's almost half the size of the 1/48's & without electronics? that's madness!!! ...and that's why i want these packaged with the FP's, so i'll forget how much the extra parts really cost
  16. yeah, the new FP set might be cheaper, but remember the fold booster set. that's about the same amount of plastic we're gonna see with the new FP's, and yamato priced them at about 6k Yen. on average, they've charged 6k Yen on accessory sets regardless of size, so that's what worries me. (possibly) less plastic, same disproportionate hefty price tag. as for box art... they could do what Marui does. clean & classy
  17. i'm hoping they'll package 'em with the FP's. it would make more sense to just include FP's with the ones that should have 'em. just like the Max & Milla. everybody knows DYRL 1S' come with strike packs, so just sell 'em as Strike Valks. right? imagine if they sold the FP's separate, would you really shell out the 'traditional' 6000 yen on a box of parts half the size of the original FP set? ...box size debatable
  18. WOW. i haven't been excited about a new show since FMP. Alto seems ok, but not enough to tell his character from 1 episode. maybe he'll lighten up later in the show. if he starts acting like a Shinji, then i'll be lighting up a pitchfork actually.. it's the other characters that bug me a little. are the rest of Alto's class a bunch of pansies? though the other guy might be their reincarnated Max, so... ok. then there's Sheryl, i kinda got a split personality vibe from her. at first, she seemed like a likable, mellow character. then you get the high-strung, snobby vibe. pop idols and... was that a guy from Gundam Seed in the president's office? pyramid-coconut haircut. they're still cool?
  19. i'd start with step 3, then jump to step 11. then step 12, but slightly different. (dammit! now i'm gonna need MORE!)
  20. -Starship Troopers. done right and then some! something that would bury the movies & make the 3DCG show a footnote. -Animated Evil Dead/Army of Darkness saga? -some kind of action/sci-fi adventure with lots of bullets & explosions! with a "gun/doomsday device of the day" each episode.
  21. it's a great show. excellent character development, & it fills in a lot of the missing stuff in the game. though there are distinct differences between the series' story & the video game story. the down side might be that the action sort of takes a back seat to character development, & is really different from the game. it's a real shock if you've played the game before watching the series.
  22. here's a couple of 'ancient' fan works threads http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...9&hl=custom http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...9&hl=custom
  23. Strike Valks first. preferrably, Roy's first, then Hikaru, and then the Max. then they could bury us in the 2-seaters right away i'm thinking they could dish out all the missing ones from the previous 1/60's so we can roughly have all the variants. not the same class, but you'd have all of the VF-1's ever animated
  24. yeah, that pose needs work. it's do-able, but you have to pull the legs out of the socket a bit, bend the joint further up, & push the leg back in. plus bend the chest forward. it should balance right & won't need the arms for support i got mine from a local importer, they can get stuff within a week of the release date
  25. i'm definitely getting these my concerns right now are... -price tag (can i finally buy a whole bunch of 'em without breaking the bank?) -FAST packs (are they gonna package them with the VF1 ?) -colors! (i want a 1S Hikaru ASAP ) and... anybody think they're gonna resurrect Low-Vis 1 in this scale ?
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