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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. I just found a fracture on my YF 19 !!! back of the hip. top intake part on fighter mode, where the gray hip joint inserts into. it's also happening on the other hip too. so far, it's just a stress mark... you guys might want to check yours too. mine's the 1st ed. w/o FP's and i thought i had a problem-free run with my yamatos... i just felt the suck. oh well, it gives me an excuse to panel line it.
  2. so... what's next? "Silverhawks" ? "Mask" ? "Inhumanoids" ? "Karate Cat" ? "Tigersharks" ? "Camp Minimon" ? the horror... the horror...
  3. not sure if anybody's seen these yet link gerwalk & fighter pics somewhere at the middle of the page, just before the iron man stuff not to mention a bucketload of other stuff
  4. are those available panel-lined & weathered?
  5. super secret gimmick ? is it... -detachable cockpit? -landing hooks? -collapsible cockpit ladders? -articulated backpack nozzles? -extending toe? -bigger, better built-in side covers? -non-removable, movable intake covers ? -spinning fan blades? -pivoting front landing gear? -battroid chest/torso joint? -secure(er) heatshield? -better wing/hip clearance? -individual, detachable micro missiles? -minmay figure? was i even close?
  6. I've used the stuff before, it's not as useful as it might sound. i found it frustrating to use, & it's not good for long-time use. the problem i saw with the stuff is that you need to use hot water with it, while it "activates" the material, it can also stay in the material as you're trying to knead/sculpt it. not to mention bubbles that might have formed during the process, weakening the piece you're working on. and fishing for the stuff in hot water is not as romantic as it sounds you can get pretty good results, but it's very tricky. i've had a piece that i could throw, drop, & step on & it wouldn't break. but i also had a couple of pieces that simply crumbled apart. in my experience, the stuff's about 50/50 on practical application. there's also the surface finish. it hardens like nylon & it doesn't smooth out pretty well. it's not glue, sanding or paint friendly either. you could probably use it as "reinforced" parts or something. and you wouldn't want to use it for surface detail because of how the material "acts"
  7. i was under the impression they'd have all that ironed out before setting a date. then again, i'm basing my assumptions on Kaiyodo's release dates. if they're making improvements to the molds & etc., then that's good enough reason to wait 'til May
  8. well that's disappointing... kinda makes you wonder why they even bothered to say "April release". oh well, that means i have room for extra spending on other stuff
  9. The 30th ?!?! what bastardry and here i thought i'd be be able to get one on the weekend. boo... one of the local shops here even has them listed for May release. seems like they could be right i like Kaiyodo's release dates better.
  10. Yawn indeed. "new" new stuff please. for me, it's Super/Strike sets or bust. they don't really stand a chance against the new 1/60, but i want 'em 'cuz they're damn near indestructible
  11. wow. that spoiler tag has got to be one of the greatest thing so far. i was expecting them to do it in Zero, i'm overjoyed they did it here. and right after the DYRL/Miss Macross from the last chapter, it's just... wow. i can't wait to see those in animated form
  12. RT. there's no way Protoculture = batteries here's a couple more shows to add to the list of shame: -Ninja Robots did that show really suck, or was it the dialog change that changed the alien crew into a bunch of cowering pansies? every attack on the mothership leads to the crew going "what do we do? we can't fight... save us!" -Saber Rider not exactly embarrassing, but i know there's something wrong somewhere -Starfleet Shiro is not pronounced "Shy-row"
  13. i was introduced to both versions of the show at more or less the same time. one station aired SDF:M, another aired RT. for some genius reason, those stations would air the shows in the most absurd time slots, ie: during school, after school, but just before the school bus could get you home, & primetime! so i only got to watch the show in brief intervals from either station. being in grade school, there didn't seem to be any difference. the defining moment was just before high school when another station held a sort of super robot movie marathon, & i got to see DYRL in its "clash of the bionoids" form, along with other greats like Ideon, Getter, & Mazinger a few years after that, they re-aired RT at a more convenient time, & that's how i got to follow the story. unfortunately. then 'Plus came along, which lead to "Macross history homework" & I've had a sore spot for RT & HG from that point on. even then, i had a very hard time believing that the SDF-1 would turn into a radioactive pile of rubble (according RT's southern cross tie-in).

    Thunder Hammer

    BY CROM!!! that's awesome!
  15. indeed it would rule! as long as he's as tall as the fraulein figs. it'd be funny seeing pics of revy Ash hitting on giant revy girls
  16. it's possible that these terminators were set to "autonomous mode" before they were sent through time. they explained it in the deleted "chip reset scene" in T2. ol' 101 becomes 'sociable' after the reset. so the ones that act like zombies are probably still set on "read-only mode". ...if that makes sense
  17. there you have it, they're all T-800's. officially designated as: so Cromartie would be "Cyberdyne Systems Series 800 Model 888 Version ?" (possibly version 2.4 too, assuming Skynet sent out terminators at the same time or in large groups.) we can blame the confusion with the names on T3, which didn't know what the hell it was talking about which brings me to this question... was there enough of a significant development in tech that Skynet was able to manufacture "odd" terminator prototypes like Cameron? logically, after the 800 series, there had to be a 900 series before the T-1000. is Cameron a T-900 ? plus it's weird that 888 couldn't identify Cameron, while good ol' 101 knew all about the T-1000. gweschuns... gweschuns...
  18. i was under the impression that the chassis model number was 800, and the skin was 101. ie: "the 600 series had rubber skin, easy to spot..." so it's T-800 series, using a 101 pattern face. in the Governator's case, which means, Cromarite (was) using an 888 pattern face. maybe. does any of that make sense?
  19. Gungrave figs! i want them to make a Gungrave OD line of figs. imagine the awesomeness of a semi-sorta-transforming super coffin! not to mention the Grave fig that would go with it. it would outclass their 1st Grave fig in poseability & gimmicks.
  20. i'm cool with the 50Gig game, as long as they didn't go overboard with the cutscenes & the end credits better be skippable. hopefully there won't be any more of that 64 frog crap either i had to assassinate those bastards 2 times! once for MGS3, another for SUBSISTENCE. i do not want to do that all over again! i think i know where the other 20+ gigs are gonna go to: EXTRAS->VIDEOS->PAST MISSIONS "Snake: the ass-kickermentary" plus the tutorials & extra-extra stuff, probably camo, VR missions, boss battle, monkey hunt the revenge... i think that about covers the mystery 40gigs the 7.1 audio's interesting, hmm... i'm gonna need a new surround sound system for it EDIT: Edited for smartassery
  21. maybe because more than half of their operation is Gundam? woulda been triple, even quadruple redundant if they had SOC Gundam. but that's a pretty good question. with them "Gundamizing" their factories, it's kinda weird that they didn't do SOC Gundam. at the time, yes. fair enough. but for me, the key word here is reissues. they were willing to put out the toys, but there was no effort to engineer new ones(retooled heads don't count). that's what's disappointing. don't get me wrong, i love Bandai. i have a whole bunch of their stuff. it's just that none of them are Macross.
  22. wait... 50 gigs worth of game? on an 80 gig console? kinda makes you wonder why they didn't just market a dedicated "MGS4 only" PS3. then they wouldn't have to worry about losing features or compressing files just to fit the disc. and are they even planning to make an MGS4 expansion? that would be madness! 1-game-$500-console joking aside, 50 gigs for a game is mind-boggling. i suppose it's for all of the physics in the game? and it could be a really long & complex one.
  23. here's another thought-provoking question: why aren't there any Bandai Macross Plus toys from 1994-95 ? kinda reinforces the "Bandai no like Macross 'til Yamato showed up" debate. at least for me. hell, i was hoping Bandai would do MG Macross kits when they started doing the MG's then the "15th" came around & all we got was even more high-end Gundam & reissue Macross. boo i say. they probably wouldn't have cared about it at all if Yamato hadn't saturated the market with their stuff.
  24. thanks for the tips HWR MKII i based it off the Bandai 1/35 kit's drawings yeah, it's still missing some details like the support struts for the flaps (i don't know how i forgot those )
  25. here's a little something for the Batman fans scratchbuildery during slow days at work. it's not 100% accurate, but very close. it's got spinning wheels too
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