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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. oh my god... the casters are final production ?!?!?!? and the downward sloping nosecone! if anybody needed proof of the DX being 80's style chunky, that's pretty much it. behold! 80's era limp nosecone! kinda makes me wish they'd just go full chunky on the thing with just 1 set of blocky hands with weapon slots. it's not like they were trying to compete with some other company that does Valks in 1/60 scale, right? i still think i'm gonna buy one for the hell of it. i'm going for "near indestructible" toys this season i'll get accuracy with the V2.0 & Tomahawk anyway.
  2. with determination & practice, you too can draw like this! it took me a while to get to draw like this too, mostly all the years in school when you were told not to draw in class then i took a course in college that demanded lots drawing, and so the bad habits continued and here we are.
  3. Thanks for the kind words so i've recently brought myself up to speed on the Lamborghini Reventon reference, and i'm speechless. that... is a very very pretty car Fighter perspective and extras i had a really big piece of paper lying around. sure thing, give it a shot! just remember to point back to this thread when you're done
  4. touche' sqidd, touche'. admittedly, i wasn't paying attention to the VF-25 anything up until recently. i don't mind the chunkiness as much as i do the price tag. for the price tag close to a 1/48, the chunkyness just feels out of place & i feel they should've just gone all out with it. since i've warmed up to the 25, i think i'll grab one of these. afterall, all my "top of the list" favorite Valks have been/are being done by Yamato anyway now i'm just i hoping these are near indestructible as they're supposed to be.
  5. it's the switch left/right over the shoulder button that gets to me. usually gets me killed in MGO when i'm aiming. half a second earlier i woulda been shooting at somebody, then CLICK! switch to left/right side shoulder & i stop shooting. he lives, & i get BOOM! HEADSHOT! it's my manly meat thumbs... too heavy on the (analog)stick i wish i had less muscular thumbs...
  6. FIGHTER MODE !!! with new gunpod
  7. that's kind of the point right here. they've proven that they can actually do it right. but it seems like they intentionally dropped the ball or stopped caring with the 1/60 DX. considering the price tag on the DX, the "it's not a collector product, it's a kid's toy, that's why it's chunky" argument doesn't make sense. if they priced it at about 2/3 or half, then it wouldn't be such a big deal. for the +/- 12k yen tag, you bet they should have made something better. for the same reason, the question here is... why didn't they just scale & toughen up the 1/72? from all the reviews, it seems like the 1/72 is already half-toy.
  8. that Inferno looks great. and hopefully indestructible. i'm definitely getting one! when's the release date on this thing? i want it now! i guess they could swap the water cannon with a ladder or crane arm if they wanted to. maybe they already designed it like the Sideswipe/Sunstreaker? who knows, there could be parts for the other guys already.
  9. cool! good luck with the build!
  10. yup. i'm currently in the same country 1/100 ? good size
  11. thanks well, we've thought "i wish it was part of Macross canon" at one point. this is my version of it why not? it'd be pretty cool to see it in real life. give it your best! on one condition! i wanna see it in person when it's all done i'd do it too, if i only had a 1/60 to fool around with
  12. i experienced some kind of lag during one of the missions. i still think it's under the "1st run glitch" category. i haven't seen it happen again yet. maybe it's the particle effects? there's so much "particle math", when you start moving around or shooting things, all you see is your machine & dust/water. smoke, dust, water, electricity, & exhaust effects. there's so much of it, it'll blow your mind!
  13. drone detail
  14. i just got a copy yesterday. and it's fun to play again! i can now look forward to rubbing out my thumbs with all the flying & dodging the controls are still pretty unfriendly, but a whole lot better compared to earlier AC's. with a bit of fiddling, it's possible to have a button setup that works better than the default. a couple of things i miss though are the in-game maps & the option to re-configure the HUD. i kinda liked having the old semi-useful altimeter EDIT: spelllllling
  15. thanks! yup. it has that VF-2ss feel. i designed the FP's so they would be SAPpy & Strikey. i guess i can think up a new gunpod like Impreszive suggested. we shall see what i can come up with!
  16. it's looking at an invisible cookie or the gigantic watermark, it depends on how much you tilt your head & squint. ...would you believe it's a deliberate attempt at "Badass" & "Comical" ?
  17. i built 'em from scratch
  18. they're pretty much just a pair of swing bars w/ a swiveling panel. i glued the parts to the base of the dino ribcages.
  19. it's kinda stop-gappy for now. it does what i wanted it to do, but it ain't so pretty (yet) i'm hoping to have it all done by the weekend
  20. do the 300/500-round machineguns/chainguns still go "1,2,3,4,5-20-*click*" ? and is the excessive/exaggerated heat still there? these are the 2 things that made me drop the series. after Silent Line, it just wasn't fun to play AC games anymore.
  21. i just bought an animated Grimlock last weekend. all i can say is... "Grimlock KING!" but the gigantic gap on the chest in dino mode was really annoying. so i fixed it. with transformy parts. all it needs now is some paint. no surprise, this one had sub-par QC & engineering. i'm pretty sure i woulda broken something if i wasn't careful. good thing i got the heads-up on the arms problem, thanks to this thread
  22. yes indeed, it has a SW-XA1 feel the big difference in the design is the tailfins. i kept mine on the backpack. the SW-XA1 has its tailfins on the legs. i can only do so much before it starts looking like a different plane. it's pretty much the combination of Valks throughout the years i thought the VF-1 could be if it was updated. so we have VF-0/SW-XA1 + VF-2ss + VF-11 + YF-19 and VF-25 all in one retro package and... GERWALK MODE!!!
  23. wow. that's a lot of feedback oki dokie for now, i just wanted the gunpod to look MEAN! the new proportions i cooked up allows the new "Brutepod" to have 6 or 7 barrels. in theory, it's now capable of M+/Frontier rates of fire. wooo! i guess there could be other versions of the gunpod that incorporate other tech. yup, the thing w/ the SMS logo on the leg packs are the drones, the big yellow thing is the camera assembly! the drones add new offensive/ELINT capability to the Valk, pretty much like Luca's Ghosts. or they can be swapped out for 'splosive stuff instead. more nukes! more guns! then the nose... i guess i have been drawing them on the stubby side, but it's mostly because of the transformy magic thing. i'm still looking for the right balance of super sleek & pointy in F mode vs the low-riding groin in B mode. and finally... top view w/ a classic VF-1 for reference it's... kinda dirty & out of proportion 'cuz i drew it really really instant fast
  24. thanks guys ...did anybody notice the drone parts on the leg packs? i figured it needed to look faster & strike-y-er. the FP's handle the strikey-ness while the new-ish airframe handles the speedyness. i put some parts in places that are in the more modern designs too, like the hip vernier thingies. they're part of the main hull now & they're lasers/machineguns instead and the LERX (?) at the back are gone, but the spots where they used to be are now the logical hardpoints for the FP's the backpack is also flatter, to make room for the shield. and did i mention the drones?
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