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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. thanks, Graham. see? didn't i say there was no need for panic? it's unfortunate that we won't get the 2ft tall one, but at least we know there's hope for a smaller, more affordable one. if the V2.0 VF-1 is any indication of what they could do to the SDF-1 if they shrunk it, then i'm all for the smaller SDF-1.
  2. if i were Cameron, i'd buy the franchise back & invalidate the last 2 movies right away.
  3. *gasp* is that a revoltech powered suit?! i'm sold.
  4. i'm probably getting one out of curiosity as well, and it's a decent price range for an "expendable" Macross toy. at first, i thought the nubs were some kind of mounting point for fastpacks, but the newer pics show what they really are. they're the ends of the double-revoltech joints for the arms & chest/back plate. that's kind of a downer... woulda been nice if they could use the non-transformable version's fastpacks.
  5. i suppose HG helped in getting Mospeada & Southern Cross recognized, but i'm not convinced they would've disappeared into obscurity if HG wasn't involved. well...maybe Southern Cross, but Mospeada actually did well enough for itself that it has gotten attention from CM's, Megahouse & Beagle. i think we would be giving too much credit to HG by saying they had any influence in getting those companies to produce those toys. and of course, they were only repackaged so the companies could sell them in the western market. on the other hand, it was the other way around with the Toynami Legioss toys, which may have started the new interest in Mospeada.
  6. i just got a Universe Powerglide! it's pretty friggin' cool, but i think i got a bad instructions sheet...
  7. i'm staying optimistic about all this until i'm proven wrong. so far, the 2 sets of differently colored & painted Macross(es) are telling me that there might possibly be a cheaper, pre-assembled, painted toy in the works. my scientific, wild-ass guess is that the final retail version is the one showing up in the trade shows. plus, the quick & dirty translation of the product description seems to say something related to "modelers" & "garage kits" but yeah, i could be wrong.
  8. not exactly. it's pretty much an industrial grade resin kit of their prototype. the material they're using for it & the "early prototype design" is what makes it so expensive. i'm pretty sure they won't use the same material for mass-production & we'll see a significant difference in price. i guess they just want to make the prototype design available, even if it's extremely limited.
  9. if i'm interpreting the text correctly, this is a colored Polyurethane Resin Prototype (model kit), thus the ridiculous 210k, 200k yen price tag. no need to panic, if i read it right. edited for missing words
  10. i took another look at the design & compared it to the Beagle... that's gonna be one hell of a mod! the differences are huge, i wouldn't be surprised if somebody started from scratch. i wish i had another Mospeada to mess with...
  11. i figure, the only thing that would stay intact for a Bartley mod would be the engine block, tires & swing bars. you'd have to make everything else from scratch & perform major surgery to the rider figure. keep us posted on your mod/s
  12. ideally, a reboot/re-imagining would be beneficial for everybody. unfortunately, we have a few things keeping that from happening. -HG is utterly devoid of original, creative thought, and heavily relies on pre-existing material for its shows. -all the RT fans remember & want is the Macross part of RT, and they want to keep the Macross designs. -HG will not let go of the only thing that keeps them afloat: the Macross part of RT & all the associated trademarks & merch rights. le sigh...
  13. you too? we're in for it now, aren't we? anybody planning on modding an updated Mospeada like the one in the art book cover?
  14. they're not kidding. the model is very back-heavy, and the hip joint assembly doesn't hold its position tight enough. i've had mine fall over backwards/make splits, then fall over. overall, it's an impressive kit. but unfortunately, it was engineered too early for its time. how i wish that it would've been engineered around the time the PG Strike was made. i actually prefer the MG v2.0 engineering, especially the "swing bars" for the wing armor.
  15. yes. it is insulting is HG/Robotech and to an extent, its fanbase completely devoid of original, creative thought that they have to resort to "borrowing" material from the original just to get by/promote itself? you know the feeling of making something yourself, and then somebody takes it without permission & passes it off as his own? that's what this is, and it's disrespectful to the original creator.
  16. thanks, spedfish i stopped trying to take it apart as soon as i gave it a nasty scratch. i don't want to give it serious damage, even if i got it relatively cheap. on the other hand, i salute you for going with that Blowsuperior mod! are you going to post progress pics?
  17. i don't mind the screw covers so much, but them apparently being glued in is ridiculous. plus the fact that you virtually have no leverage to pry them out is really annoying. i tried it out on the cover at the tail end & all i got was a nasty scrape & dent on the plastic.
  18. thanks i was compelled to do it after the gauntlet parts started flopping around in bike mode. i thought about chroming the gray parts too, but the way the whole thing's put together keeps it from being disassembled the plugs that cover the screws are either jammed in really tight, or they're glued in. there are actually a lot more areas that can be improved if i could just get to the screws. but for now, the parts covering them don't want to budge.
  19. i just got this thing & i noticed a few things that needed improvement. so i went & improved them. here's how. DISCLAIMER: these repairs/mods need a fairly high amount of precision & patience. results may vary, and/or probably be disastrous. proceed at your own risk. be very very careful. TOOLS: 1 tube of CA glue, preferably with a very small nozzle. 1 Gundam Marker, Red GM07/200 here we go... the operation is pretty straightforward & doesn't require any extreme dis-assembly. 1.Paint: i used the Gundam marker to cover up the white spots & peeled sections. the color matches up pretty well, i'm not sure if there's an equivalent color for the Ley type. before after 2.CA glue: i used the CA glue to tighten parts that were loose, don't lock together properly or pop off. the black arrows show where i applied the glue & the red spots show the parts that needed to be built-up/thickened w/ glue. the end result is a positive lock for the parts that snap into place & overall tightening of floppy parts & the ones that lock together w/ pegs. Chest armor/Bike hood the peg on the right side wasn't holding the left side tight enough, so i widened the peg's diameter by a fraction of a hair. then i built-up/extended the pegs to the scope storage covers. Armor gauntlets/forearm the peg & sockets needed to be raised by about 0.1-0.2mm. each side had a different gap, i applied the glue little by little until the peg & sockets locked together properly. i built-up a peg so the part that goes on top now snaps into place & doesn't come off when you remove the armor. Side armor these kept popping off a little too easily for my taste, so i thickened the tabs for extra "grip" Hip armor one side was really loose. i thickened the socket/clips 1 at a time & adjusted to the tightness i wanted. Windshield assembly this area was ridiculously floppy, i put a little glue between the gray swing bar & the pivot point, and i thickened the pegs that hold the windshield. the trick is to apply the glue, then keep rotating the part until the glue hardens. you'll feel the area tighten as the glue sets, but don't stop until it does or the parts will bind together. i also put tiny beads of glue on the tabs that lock w/ the hood. really tiny beads, about 0.1-0.2mm in diameter & height. Scope pretty much the same kind of operation as the windshield assembly, plus a tiny bead of glue to hold the pin in place. i would've done something about the loose tail section too, but i couldn't get the plug on top to budge. that's about it. i hope this post has been helpful PS: i thought it needed a thread of its own. please relocate/merge if necessary.
  20. actually, yes. i for one would like to understand why some people prefer Robotech over the original shows. subjective, yes. but it would be enlightening if the "why" was explained instead of "just because". is there something you find more preferable in the repackaged version over the original? take the Beagle Ride armor for example. there's the Robotech version & the Mospeada version. what makes somebody prefer one over the other? it's not a question on which is better or has less value. no doubt, the respect is there. it just gets distorted by a few bad eggs. thankfully, the majority of people here are rational & level-headed. though i have to say that "ITS A CARTOON!!!" doesn't make the discussion less valid. "it's (just) a cartoon" is how we ended up with the bad GI Joe & Transformers movies.
  21. absolutely. i started this thing thinking "it couldn't be that bad..." then it went to "it is bad!"
  22. i vote VF2SS it needs some PT loving
  23. yup here's a couple more angles !
  24. i just finished this guy by Crom, all the inconsistencies in the line art & CG models almost drove me nuts! i think i can call it a reasonable compromise.
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