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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. i believe we need to define what kibble means, instead of just making things up as we go along. kibble As stated by definition, VF design doesn't qualify for kibble since the parts on question integrate flawlessly into the aesthetic. Some of us don't see things on an "aesthetic only" point of view. Some of us actually consider the engineering involved; and so far, the ROTF line just seems consistent in making all the wrong decisions. And don't get me started on the packaging. It's also easy & low to counter-bash with "psh! Geewunners". But anyway... I agree, the ROTF toys are pushing the technology envelope forward, but the designs don't seem to compliment the advance in technology particularly well. Out of the dozen or so new designs released, I've only been impressed by a couple of them, and only bought one. Compared to the Animated line, I've been impressed and bought a lot of them. That pretty much speaks for itself. Have you seen the Binaltech/Alternators and Alternity lines? They're not G1 or Bay, but they have everything that "was". Those are 2 lines that speak for themselves. edited
  2. Oh you bet that's right! You and your McRoss... What were you thinking following a show that isn't written, created, produced and blessed by Carl Macek? edit: damn... i forgot to use [capslockconniption/]. oh well...
  3. So essentially, the REF's failure/ineptitude for colonizing is symbolic of HG's failure/ineptitude at keeping the franchise alive? Fascinating...
  4. And here we have people saying the SDF-1 can't possibly be 1200 meters long. But Tommy's so talented, why couldn't he have both?
  5. I suppose that's true for kids. But 25 years later? That's just ridiculous. Well that's lame... "I was there for 5 minutes. I'm the most important person ever!" I find it stupid that the mere mention of the name is enough for fans to go nuts. He never does anything! It's not like he redefined the Phlebotinum for the show. Even his promotion to Admiral has no merit. He doesn't even come close to "the guy that saved the Protoculture Matrix and the Universe from (insert plot device here)".
  6. I don't understand this "Rick Hunter" thing. Why in the blue blazes are RT fans so hung up on the guy? (in Robotech) He never did anything particularly noteworthy, he was kind of a dumb whiny kid & his girlfriend (Lisa) was as dull as a brick. Did being mentioned as "Admiral" Rick hunter suddenly make him special? I don't get it.
  7. Datz good Dakka! Except these things actually work, only shoot a single round/missile per barrel & they're mounted on portable roads. Oh well... the laws of physics are too difficult to follow anyway.
  8. More specifically, this is hack comic book industry science fiction. These people have never been able to make logical, feasible or practical mechanical anything. Hardly any of them do the research, they just draw something that "looks mechanical". I've seen so many renditions of guns w/ eleventy gun barrels, guns w/o sights, w/ rear sights, but no front sight, magazines that go nowhere, limb joints w/ eleventy different joint designs fighting for the same space... the list goes on. The biggest offender is when somebody writes down numbers for the mech/weapon & it looks like this: 8 meter tall bi-pedal mech w/ 6-barrel 100mm gatling gun(2000 rds). Can anybody tell what's wrong w/ these numbers? While it's fun to make fun of Tommy's copy-pasta transformy jeep, unfortunately it's just a statistic. As well as Tommy being an uncreative hack.
  9. Don't forget the part where HG will be offended by your "rude & illegitimate criticism" and they "suspend" your posting privileges for "inappropriately badmouthing" their product. HG, such a fun company...
  10. I love this idea! When i saw those i was kind of amused, but then i went "Robotech? really, Jollibee? Robotech? shameful..." This is a company run by people/their kids who are most likely big anime fans. Oh the tragedy... Then again, they had Voltron & Power Rangers toys before, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise. "Big Corporation Ignorance for Profit" is standard practice I suppose. These things are roughly $2 a piece (w/ free food & drink) over here. Not a bad deal I guess. The VF-1s might be the best looking one, but it's extremely hollow. People could probably make it look respectable w/ a lot of workbench time. ...assuming one is too poor to afford real Macross merchandise of the same size.
  11. Roboteching: 25 years of taking credit for somebody else's work & keeping the fans ignorant about it.
  12. I knew i forgot something I suppose it should be expected of them. I just hadn't given it much thought until recently.
  13. My thoughts exactly. Apparently, every HG/Robotech/Yune/Macek interview out there has been done by an interviewer who's drinking the HG/RT kool aid, while wearing the nostalgia glasses, high on protoculture & blinded by celebrity light. There doesn't seem to be an interview where the interviewer is actually knowledgeable about the whole Macross thing. I'm thinking it's either HG only accepts interviews from people completely in the dark about "Robotech's dirty little secret" or HG is bribing/paying for those "Robotech is bestest & Carl Macek is genius" interviews. You'd think that the very people that host a web show/podcast would know more about these things I guess they have their ignorance switch set to high.
  14. They should add a new character! He'd be flying a special VF-1 w/ dark brown accents & has 3 head lasers. Although... an animated version of "Macross the First" would be nice.
  15. I've tried it & the results are pretty good. i scanned a sticker sheet in 500DPI, then cleaned it up in Photoshop. the high-res scan lets you re-size the image with minimal pixellation. A vector-traced image is much better, if you're working with simple designs. the big factor would be your printer. you'll want to test the quality of the image w/ the decal film you're using before committing to a whole sheet. an inch from the lengthwise edge of the sheet should do. remember to make sure the printer can still feed the decal sheet before & after you trim the edge. (i screwed that part up) aside from the decal film, you'll need liquid decal film. it protects the image & makes it semi-elastic. it works best when sprayed, but you can use a brush too. all you need is a thin coat, too much will wrinkle/stretch/ruin the image. with a decent printer, you can make them as close to the original as possible. these test prints are about a half inch wide. the images are a scanned 1/72 VF-25 decal sheet & a 1/55 VF-1A sticker sheet. that's where i sorta stopped. my printer crapped out on me & i'm still looking for a suitable replacement. Edit: Close-up shot. the images would've turned out better if i didn't screw up applying the liquid decal film. The Minmays turned out pretty decent.
  16. "There was no system core. It's software, and it's everywhere."
  17. Thanks
  18. 1 more suggestion... -Complete Caution & Modex sticker/decal sheet. exactly like the ones on page 68-72 of the Variable Fighter Master File book. I would love to see my VF-1 littered w/ all those warning labels and i bet they'd look drop-dead-gorgeous on a "Snow White" VF-1 as well.
  19. Would you believe it's all done freehand? i started with one side, while counting the rivets i draw, then try to match the other side. Other times, i drew the rivets from opposite sides of a particular panel one at a time until i reached the middle. If i worked fast enough, i could erase the rivets & start over. other times, i ran out of time/space & the rivet would be ridiculously close to the edge of the panel. The straight lines though, were drawn in w/ the help of an erasing shield. i thought about using drilling the rivets in too, but it would've gotten tedious real fast & can't be undone. The marker approach on the other hand, was quick & painless.
  20. I just found out that the Play Arts FF7 figures are roughly 1/10 scale, and... then, i ended up with this. the boots do make a difference!
  21. Thanks
  22. I finally decided to do some panel lining & got carried away. the Hasegawa kit was great reference material, especially for the sticker placement. it was all done with this: *not recommended for the v2.0 1/60, there are reports of the plastic reacting unpleasantly w/ the marker ink. (can anybody confirm/debunk this?)
  23. -Arrestor hooks inside the leg landing gear. (clip-ons would be fine, if possible) -Those internal, arm-mounted mini arms. -Detailed backpack heatshield. -UUM-7 Micro missile pods w/ removable panel & interior detail. -high-detail missiles just like the Hasegawa kits. panel lines & rivets for the reaction missiles. -clip-on backpack antenna ? -complete decal set (TV+DYRL?). more like the Hasegawa decals, minus the engrish. -adjustable gunpod strap, just like the ones in 1/6 scale guns. -replacement ,reinforced shoulder parts -replacement nose-hip locking part? -more decals! (if people want rivets, this might actually be the cheaper alternative)
  24. The "true" length of the SDF-1 is subjective. it depends on how much Protoculture the viewer/fan has smoked. Afterall, in Robotech, Protoculture is a reality-bending substance. nobody will ever know how long it really is.
  25. this one's a classic: kids, don't try this at home! and of course... Groovy!
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